rise of empire total war

Chapter 245 Lu Wenling and Mengbaling

Chapter 245 Lu Wenling and Mengbaling

"Your Majesty Caesar, welcome to your loyal Lu Wenling, and hope that you and Her Majesty the Queen will have a wonderful experience here."

Looking at the respectful Maximilian and the nobles in front of him, Richard nodded casually, gestured to the guards to bring his horse, and said: "My dear Maximilian, I My wife and I have been traveling here, hoping that Lu Wenling under your rule can give us a surprise."

"It is my honor, Your Majesty." Maximilian said, and at this time Richard's war horse was also brought over. He quickly took the rein with his eyes and hands, and personally served Richard on the horse, and then he and his men The nobles mounted their horses together.

The team started again, and Richard and Maximilian walked at the front of the team, while talking about Lu Wenling's recent situation. Listening to the latter's introduction, Richard gradually understood Lu Wenling's situation.Under the hard work of Earl Maximilian, Christianity has penetrated into the daily life of all residents in this country. As far as the eye can see, there is hardly a pagan in the territory.

And with the support of the system's loyalty to Christians, this country has become the most loyal country to Richard besides Cuban Island. According to the system's recruitment restrictions, this country will be the most stable for Richard. Supply points for soldiers.

Let’s take a look at the military power of Luwen. In the garrison of Luwen City alone, there is a brigade of spear militia and a brigade of crossbow-wielding militia. In addition, the German nobles can also pull up a group of troops. A group of about five to six hundred levies, as well as a varying number of knights.

This really gave Richard a big surprise. The garrison in Luwen City alone has a thousand and ten militiamen, plus the conscripts of the nobles. The Kingdom of Ramirez, who recovered from the battle, fought against the kingdom. After the main force was defeated by Richard, the Kingdom of Ramirez has always had a vicious buff of weak military strength.

In addition to the development of military power, Lu Wenling also has a good harvest in terms of economy. Relying on the fishery and other conveniences of the Luwen River, not only can a large number of fat fresh fish be hunted from the river, but also the fields on the Luwen Plain can be irrigated (It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because of the previous decisive battle with the main force of the Ramirez Kingdom here, under the nourishment of flesh and blood, the land here is more fertile than other places, and the crops harvested are more than other places ), the two-pronged approach of fishery and agriculture, and the absence of war, allowed Lu Wenling's economy to recover.

In addition, Maximilian also moved the water-powered mills that are very common in Europe to this world (I don’t know why, there are no water-powered mills in this world, people can only drive the mills through human power), he Stones transported from Memba City were used to build tall water-powered mills one after another on the banks of the Luwen River. Compared with wooden structures, stone buildings are significantly stronger and have the effect of preventing the spread of fire.

This move was unexpected by Richard. To be precise, he did not discover this matter, so he did not take any measures against it. Knowledge is ignored.But Maximilian is different. Although he, as a nobleman, doesn't know how to build it, he will ask the soldiers of the army and appoint him to build the first water mill.

This may be the difference between professional and amateur rulers.Richard consoled himself in this way.


After a few days of patrolling the Luwen Territory, the team headed north into the Mengba Territory. Two or three years later, this was the first time Richard returned to his hometown after conquering this place. However, when he returned here again, he found that the Mengba Territory The city is even more decayed than it was a few years ago.As the only mineral resources on the edge of Mumba City that could support local finances became even more depleted, many locals lost their employment opportunities. In order to survive, they were forced to leave this country and enter the richer Luwen territory. As a result, the city's population has been greatly reduced, and a large number of houses in the city are abandoned and in disrepair, as if they will collapse at any time.

Of course, leaving home will basically only happen in Mengba City. In the territory of those barons and viscounts, escape is absolutely not allowed. The nobles will dispatch troops to patrol the territory. Once they catch people who intend to escape, Heavy punishments will be given as a warning to others.

It's no wonder that the nobles are nervous, because the civilians in the territory can be regarded as his private property. If he wants to cultivate the land and create wealth for him, who would just watch his property run away without taking precautions?
When Richard entered Mengba City, he realized more clearly how bad the situation here is. The population of Mengba City has dropped sharply to less than 4000 people, and the law and order are chaotic. Every day, security reports such as theft and robbery are handed over to the sheriff. on the desktop, but the magistrate has no way to manage this, because the city defense army under him can't even gather 200 people, and there are only a few dozen soldiers who can wear armor among the less than 200 people. Leather armor accounted for the majority.

The small number of people and poor equipment are not the most important thing. What is more important is that these soldiers are lazy all day long, just standing guard at the city gate or on the city wall with a greasy spear, even when they are on guard. Do your best, but chat with the companions around you, or touch and shout at the civilians who enter and leave the city gate.

It can be said that Mafugat is the richest country in the entire kingdom, Cork is the poorest country in the whole kingdom, and then Mengba is the worst country in the whole kingdom. No matter where you look at it, it is very Bad, if it wasn't for the mine still struggling to support it, Mengbaling would have replaced Corkland as the poorest place.

In the main hall of the Lord's Mansion of Mengba City, Richard summoned three officials in the city: the city magistrate, the sheriff and the militia captain (in fact, the role of the latter can be replaced by the magistrate, because the militia captain is responsible for training the city defense army. , and commanded the defense of the city during the war, while the magistrate commanded the city defense army to maintain order in peacetime. It is worth mentioning that, in other cities, the magistrate has a team of law enforcement teams similar to the police, but the city of Mengba is really It is too decayed, so the law enforcement team can only be merged into the city defense army, and let the city defense army work part-time as the law enforcement team). As the lord of the leader, he is obliged to start to change all of this. Even if there is no way to make the country equal to the leader of Luwen, at least he must prevent its decline and let it slowly develop in a good direction.

(End of this chapter)

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