Chapter 244
Looking at the back of Gallup, the foreign affairs chief of the Kingdom of Lusino, Richard standing on the city wall could hardly help laughing out loud. How much he had to pay for annexing the Lussino people's share of the silver mine so easily? It's just two or three brigades of soldiers.

With the silver coins produced by the Sukenya Silver Mine, let alone two or three battalions of soldiers, tens of thousands of soldiers will be no problem. You must know that the conscription function of the system has not been cancelled, Richard You can still use silver coins to recruit elite system soldiers.

What he promised was to be done, so Richard ordered people to assemble the third and fourth heavy infantry brigades of the First Legion, a chain armor knight brigade, and a civilian archer brigade, and put on equipment and flags, and mercenary Go to the Kingdom of Lucino as the identity.There are more than 800 people in this so-called mercenary army. Although their number is much smaller than that of Pravia Kingdom's army, the quality of the soldiers must far exceed the latter.

It is worth mentioning that after learning that Richard was going to send troops to intervene in the Brunsino War, his lieutenant general Magnus immediately expressed his willingness to personally lead the so-called mercenary army. Richard thought about it for a while, He simply agreed, and he also wanted to test Magnus's military command ability. If he can complete the task well, he will be reused in the future, but if his performance is only average or he loses too many soldiers, That's embarrassing, I can only be left in the cold palace.

Next, Richard's parade team stayed in Mabuku for a few more days, and then set off again. This time they planned to pass through the territory directly under the royal family of Ravana, stay in Mafugat for a few days, and then tour the entire Kingdom East.

Mafugatland, once the fief of MacPherson, known as "The Cowardly", but after the civil war, Stephanie became the new queen, he and his family were expelled for treason, and all their property was confiscated , I still don’t know whether he is dead or alive, but some people claim to have seen him in the Kingdom of Ramirez, but this has nothing to do with Richard.

Later, the earl country ushered in a new lord, that is, the kingdom's treasurer, Douglas Griffin, who is also Richard's old friend. The level is booming, and the tax funds that can be paid to the royal family every year have also become more.

Leaving Mafugat Territory, a group of people then entered Cork Territory, which is the base of Bundak. Perhaps because of the psychological shadow of the rebellion, Stephanie did not subdivide the county, but took it into her own hands.It has been more than a year since the war, and the place has not come out of the post-war shadow. Most of the towns and villages that were once ravaged by Richard’s cavalry still exist in the form of ruins, and most of the rural fields are barren and overgrown with weeds. , and even a piece of exposed human bones can be seen from time to time.

Sitting in the carriage and seeing all this through the drawn curtains, Stephanie couldn't help but tighten her heart, subconsciously clenched Richard's hand next to her, and the latter straightened up reflexively, and followed Stephanie to look outside, tightly Then, he understood what was going on, and gently hugged Stephanie into his arms, patted her gently with both hands, and said softly, "I'm here, what's the matter."

"It's nothing, I was just wondering, did Bandak's rebellion really gain the support of these civilians?" She leaned in Richard's arms, her voice was low, listening to Stephanie's words, Richard was silent for a while , replied: "I don't know if they supported Bandak, but they must have contributed to the rebellion. Some of their relatives joined Bandak's army and took up arms to attack the kingdom's army. They produced The food is also supplied to the front-line army, so that the rebels can avoid food shortages. I say this, can you understand?"

"Well." Stephanie nodded, listening to Richard's steady heartbeat, she said, "I'm not against your previous order, I'm just thinking that the population of Corkland has not yet After recovering, this is also the poorest place in the entire kingdom, how should we change all this.”

"It's simple, immigrant," Richard said.


"That's right." Facing Stephanie's surprised gaze, Richard nodded and said with certainty, "It's immigrants."

"But, are you sure there are people who are willing to immigrate here? It's very poor here. There is nothing but barren land and bones that you step on from time to time." Stephanie asked.

"Of course." Richard said with a smile, "Even if other civilians are unwilling to move here, my soldiers will be happy to get a piece of land that belongs to them."

"You mean..." Stephanie didn't continue, because she already understood what Richard meant,
Richard nodded, and said: "When I return to Nord City after the parade, I will give the soldiers land for the reason of rewarding military merits, and let them move here."

(Note: Richard's previous marriage policy was very effective, but there are still many soldiers who can only stay in the barracks because they have no marriage partners, so Richard can also use this time to distribute the land of Cork to remaining soldiers)

"But." Stephanie quickly thought of another question, "The soldiers will still have to be recalled. By then, the land here will still be abandoned because there is no one to take care of it. Isn't this just treating the symptoms but not the root cause?"

Listening to Stephanie's question, Richard was a little dumbfounded. He stroked his wife's hair and said in a relaxed tone: "I think my soldiers are used to holding swords, and they won't plow the land by themselves. They are more inclined to buy Slave, tie a slave in a field and enjoy the rewards."

After listening to Richard's explanation, Stephanie no longer struggled with this point. She only now realized the hand that was playing tricks on her head, frowning and stretching out her hand to remove Richard's hand, but just now The opponent's hand was slapped away, and the other hand reached into her robe, which made Stephanie subconsciously scream, and then two small fists hit Richard in reproach... (The next thing is in my mind repair)

After the team stayed in Cochranburg for two days, they continued to advance to Luwen. The lord of Luwen, Maximilian, had received the news in advance, and he had led his general guard and the nobles in the territory to wait on the avenue. , It is worth mentioning that these nobles are all from among the walking feudal knights left by Richard. They are all authentic Germans, and they are more loyal to Richard than nobles from other counties.

Count Maximilian was still so handsome. After seeing Richard's team, they immediately rode up to meet them. Because they saw the aristocratic flags they held high, the guards who escorted them did not stop them, but directed at Richard. After Chad notified them, he brought them to the carriage where Richard was.

 The chapters of these cruises can be said to be the follow-up to the places that Richard once conquered.

(End of this chapter)

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