Chapter 207
In a blink of an eye, nearly half a month has passed since Richard surrounded Prange, the capital of the Republic of Cunha. During this half month, the citizens of Prange could hear the rumbling noise every day. The sound of cannons and the whistling sound of boulders flying at high speed in the air, and after these two sounds, the ground will tremble, the city wall will be hit hard, and some buildings in the city will also be affected.

Regarding these two voices, the citizens have developed from panic at the beginning to numbness now. Generally speaking, as long as the luck is not too bad, they will not be shot by the shells and boulders flying over the city wall.

Ordinary citizens are numb, but it does not mean that the councilors living in the center of the city can bear it. They gather in the Prange House to discuss how to deal with Richard's siege every day amidst the sound of rumbling guns. There was always no suitable solution, and the huge house was as noisy as a vegetable market.

The day-to-day bickering tires not only the councilors involved, but also the friendly generals who are invited, for whom they would rather patrol the dangerous walls all day than listen to the councilors A sound more annoying than the buzzing of flies.

And the city wall that faithfully protected Prange has already partially collapsed during the days of bombardment. Some of the weaker sections of the wall have collapsed more than half. Duan was not optimistic either, disturbing cracks covered the wall, and several towers had collapsed, completely burying the soldiers inside.

Everyone in Prange City knew that as long as the city wall collapsed and there was a gap that could be entered and exited, the Richard Legion outside the city would attack the city, bringing blood and destruction to the city.

However, in fact, Richard did not plan to storm the city. In the past half a month, his spy chief, Renard Erlach, had investigated the military affairs of the Principality of Lasik and the Principality of West Connahta. strength.These two countries are good allies in other worlds (except that the Principality of West Konnaheta is a vassal of the Cunya people, and it is necessary to send heavy troops to support them). It can be said that in order to help the Cunya people, they almost sold their kidneys.

The Lasiks sent nearly 1 troops to aid their allies, including nearly [-] cavalry, which is almost half of the country's cavalry. In order to rescue the suzerain, the Principality of West Connahta sent almost all of the country's cavalry. The army also hired a mercenary. In other words, the latter's defense was empty at this time, and it was easy to deal with them.

After knowing this, Richard could no longer sit still. So on the day he got the information, he asked Charles to lead his Second Army to leave the siege camp under the cover of night and head west to Conach under the leadership of spies. The Principality advances.

For the Principality of Lasik, Richard does not want to take the initiative to attack for the time being. The Principality of Lasik was established on the largest plain in the Wadasia Peninsula. There are fertile pastures here, so it also cultivated the powerful cavalry of the Lasiks , Compared with other countries, Lasik cavalry is cheaper, which is why the country has more cavalry and less infantry.

According to legend, the ancestors of the Lasik people killed all the way to the Lasik Plain during the great migration of nomads hundreds of years ago. So they settled here and learned from their neighbors, and they were slowly assimilated. However, their talent for cavalry has been preserved, and almost every household has at least two cavalry.

The proficiency of the Lasik cavalry has always been a nightmare for the surrounding countries. They rely on their numerical advantage to charge the enemy with overwhelming momentum on flat terrain. Usually, in the face of endless cavalry charges, no matter how brave they are, The infantry would be terrified and unwilling to resist.However, Richard's heavily armored sergeants were different from the enemies they had fought against. They were able to form a formation to fight against the charge of a huge cavalry group, and even blocked their iron hooves with their flesh and blood. This led to Lacy's defeat. The cavalry were defeated for the first time.

And in the back, the Lasik cavalry, who had just stabilized their morale, went to stop the high-moralized and extremely elite heavy cavalry led by Sir Frank. Whether it was charging power or melee attack, they were not the heavy cavalry under Richard's command. The opponent only resisted for a while before being defeated again.

Cough, far away.

Turning their attention back to Charles and his Second Army who went out alone, after ten days of fast marching, they crossed the border between the Republic of Cunha and the Principality of West Connahta, bypassed the towns along the road, and went directly to the country's The capital rushed over.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because they felt that it was impossible for an attack to emerge from the sovereign state of Cunha, at the border between the two countries, the West Connahta people did not even set up the most basic outposts, and the door was completely wide open.And the people of this country have never seen the yellow double-headed eagle flag on a black background held high by the Second Legion, and they didn't react until Charles came to the country's capital, Loiret.

However, it was too late.

After sending almost all the troops to aid the suzerain, there were only a poor 600 troops able to guard the city of Loiret. Facing the seemingly boundless Second Army of Charles at a glance, Grand Duke Ares of West Connachta had a terrified expression. Dead ashes, his legs trembled uncontrollably, as if the end was coming.

Since Charles did not take the 28 trebuchets with him when he left Prange's siege camp, the Second Army could only use the most primitive method to attack the city. After surrounding the city, the soldiers took out their tools to cut down the surrounding trees If the materials are not enough, a temporary guest demolition brigade demolished scattered farm tools outside the city, and used the dismantled wood to build siege equipment.

While the legion was building the siege equipment, the gate of Loiret City suddenly opened slowly, and then, an official in a fine robe walked out quickly, and Charles could feel it even from a long distance away. to his fear.

"I bet you, Derek, the West Connahta officials who came towards us must have been forcibly kicked out by their Grand Duke." Looking at the trembling middle-aged man, Charles jokingly said to the people beside him said the lieutenant general.

"I think so too, my lord."

The two talked, and soon, the officer was brought in front of Charles by the soldiers. When he saw Charles, the officer swallowed and saluted. At this moment, the soldier on the side said loudly: "In In front of you is the most legitimate ruler of the Earl of Sauron in the Kingdom of Winster and the most loyal military chief of His Majesty the King, Your Excellency Charles!"

Hearing this, the official swallowed the saliva secreted by nervousness again, and said with a trembling voice: "Dear Your Excellency Charles, I am Outluk, the foreign affairs chief of the Principality of West Connahta, served by King Areste order to make peace with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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