rise of empire total war

Chapter 206 The Great Victory

Chapter 206 The Great Victory
It all came to an end when Charles arrived on the battlefield with his Second Legion.

Facing the situation of front and back attacks, the coalition infantry who were fighting fiercely with Richard's First Army retreated one after another. The disadvantage of being outflanked by Richard's heavy cavalry on the flanks was also magnified at this moment. The morale of the soldiers was shaken. In order to prevent a major rout, several commanders could only order a retreat and end the battle.

However, if a proactive retreat is not well organized, it is likely to turn into an uncontrollable rout.

As a veteran player of Total War, Richard knows this well. How is the organization of the coalition formed by the three armies? When they retreat, they influence each other. Richard seizes this opportunity and orders the whole army to pursue. The next moment, The soldiers on the front all chased forward amidst cheers.

And at this moment, the Second Legion that stepped into the battlefield also killed the retreating coalition forces at the fastest speed. Hundreds of Danish cavalry led by the cavalry commander of the Second Legion Arest personally rushed out of the army. Formation, charge to the enemy from the rear to the front!
There were enemy cavalry in front and chasing troops behind them, and the infantry of the coalition army was in a panic. Their cavalry had been defeated in the battle with Richard's heavy cavalry an hour or two ago, which meant that in the face of the enemy's cavalry attack, they could only Can be blocked by the flesh and blood of infantry!
"The cavalry is coming! Formation! Formation!"

"Form up now! For the sake of our parents, wives and children at home, we must form a formation!"

In order to survive, the soldiers facing the charge of the Danish cavalry quickly formed a tight square formation under the order of the officer to resist the charge of the cavalry.

They exchanged their own lives for the opportunity for the main force to break through!

"Damn it! Finally let the coalition retreat!"

Looking at the main force of the coalition forces fleeing away, Richard couldn't help cursing in a low voice. If it weren't for these soldiers who were cutting off and blocking the Danish cavalry, how could the main force of the coalition forces escape?

It is useless to say anything now. Looking at the panting soldiers, Richard could only sigh, and ordered to clean up the battlefield and count the wounded.

Just as he was passing on the order, Earl Charles, the commander of the Second Legion, came over. The general in exquisite noble armor saluted first, and then said respectfully: "Your Majesty Caesar, Your Majesty When I heard the roar of the artillery, I noticed something was wrong, and then quickly led the army to support..."

Before he finished speaking, Richard interrupted him in surprise and asked, "Charles, didn't you receive the letter I wrote to you?"

"Huh? What letter, I haven't received it at all." Charles asked with the same look of confusion.

Seeing his appearance, Richard seemed to understand something for a moment, so he said: "Before the start of the war, I sent a messenger to give you an order to quickly approach me. It seems that the unlucky messenger died in the On the way to deliver the letter."

Hearing what Richard said, Charles showed a look of fear on his face, he patted his chest thankfully, and said: "Praise the Blessed Virgin Mary, let me not miss this battle, otherwise we might not be able to obtain such a great victory." Victorious."

Richard just smiled and said nothing, he reached out and patted Charles on the shoulder, and said in a relaxed tone: "My dear Charles, after defeating these enemies, I think we just need to march to Prange, no wait. Launch an attack, and the high-level leaders of the Republic of Kunia will take the initiative to ask us for peace."

"Will you accept the peace of the Kunians?" Charles asked, and he continued: "I think this country should be completely conquered, and the dangers in the east should be quelled. King Harlaus' treatment of the Kingdom of Ramirez is a lesson. .”

"I understand your concerns, Charles." Richard said, "The Republic of Kunia and the Principality of Lasik must be conquered, not only to avenge my father, but also to strengthen our strength. These two After the country is conquered, there may not be a country in the entire Vardasia Peninsula that is our opponent!"


The battle report of this battle came out very soon. The two consecutive days of war caused the death of more than 400 soldiers of the First Army. Among them, the heavy soldiers of the main resistance line were the most killed. Archers, spear militiamen, imperial knights on foot, mail cavalry, imperial knights and Teutonic knights also suffered some casualties.

The coalition forces who fought with them also suffered heavy losses. Nearly 100 soldiers were killed and more than [-] were captured.It is worth mentioning that among the nearly [-] corpses, the coalition cavalry accounted for a large part, and most of these cavalry were cavalry from the Lasik Principality. Li had to bleed profusely.

But what did it matter to Richard?It was they who chose to be enemies with Richard, so they had to bear such a loss.

Two days later, Richard and Charles' legions approached the city of Prange in the Republic of Cunha at the same time. As Richard expected, shortly after the army surrounded the city, envoys from the Cunha Parliament came to meet with them. Richard made peace.

It is said to be a peace negotiation, but it is not. To be more precise, it is to convey the request from the parliament-Richard must withdraw the army. Only after the withdrawal, the Republic will enter the peace negotiation process with him.

Isn't this a big fool?
Richard couldn't help being laughed at. He directly rejected the messenger and asked him to send a message to the group of members of the parliament who still couldn't see the situation clearly: the war will continue until the Cunhas surrender unconditionally .

After telling the envoys to leave, Richard began to prepare to attack the city. After reuniting with the Second Army, the entire army had eighteen artillery pieces and 28 trebuchets. With such a lineup, it was not easy to attack a city.

What's more, Richard also learned one thing. After the coalition retreated, they entered Prange directly. These more than 2 soldiers consumed a lot of food. Woolen cloth?

It is spring now, and it is the time for spring plowing. After a long winter of consumption, and there is no replenishment, I am afraid that there will be famine in a short time.

Historically, the best way to attack a strong city is to surround it without attacking it. The defenders will naturally surrender when the food in the city runs out.After discussing with several generals and lieutenants, Richard still decided to adopt their proposal, abandoning the plan to attack the city immediately, and asked the soldiers to cut down trees near the city and build a siege camp around the city.

Why build around cities?Richard wanted to strictly prevent smugglers from selling grain into the city during the siege, as long as they were all surrounded, their channels would naturally be cut off.

Unless they can go to heaven and earth, but if they can really go to heaven and earth, Richard can only recognize it.How to prevent this?I can't prevent it at all!

(End of this chapter)

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