rise of empire total war

Chapter 149 Contribution of refugees

Chapter 149 Contribution of refugees


Pushing away the charred wooden frame effortlessly, the wooden frame fell to the ground and shattered into several pieces. Looking at the corpse lying on the ground, the heavily armored sergeant had no expression on his face.

In fact, after a night of burning, there were no living people in the entire Atonement Camp. The soldiers who were alive and kicking last night were either burned to death or shot to death by Richard’s crossbowmen and archers. Those who rushed to the exit were hit head-on by melee infantry and died on the spot.

This was a massacre. The soldiers of the Atonement Camp had no power to fight back. They could only be sent to hell by their loyal Richard. Perhaps there were innocent people among them, but for Richard's safety, they could only be slaughtered.

"Collect all the corpses, dig a hole and bury them. The scene must be cleaned up." Looking at the battlefield that was still emitting green smoke, Richard said lightly. His appearance seemed indifferent, but only after careful observation Only his eyes could see the flash of guilt.

Richard is not a cold-blooded beast, he is also a normal person. Before crossing over, he was a good citizen who received education in socialist core values. Just six years of living in another world is not enough to change his character and make him turn a blind eye to the massacre. .

What's more, there were more than 7000 soldiers who died tragically under his orders, most of whom were civilians forcibly captured from Cork.

"If you want to blame, blame Jutian who sent troops to join the war. If it weren't for him, you would be free after recovering Ravana, and even become heroes."


After dealing with the battlefield, the army set off and marched southwest along the wide paved road, finally arriving at Port Bell, where Richard's oriole flag had been placed on the top of the city.

Compared with when Richard left here two years ago, Port Bell, which was affected by the civil war, has begun to decline. There are also groups of war refugees on the streets, begging for food from passers-by, and there are even some procrastinators. Refugees with sons and daughters can hardly support themselves, and openly put up signs to sell their children.

The civil war in the kingdom has displaced many civilians, and they took refuge in Bell Port, Cuban Island and Mabuku, where no war broke out. Fortunately, General Charles blocked the transportation of refugees in the Cuban Strait in time during his tenure, otherwise the Cuban Island would have already had refugees It's a disaster.

Greeted by the defenders, Richard led his troops through the city gate and entered the city.

Seeing the army holding the Orioles flag slowly entering the city, the refugees on the street did not need to be driven away by soldiers. They wisely stepped aside to make way for a wide road. Many of them knew Richard's flag and knew that This was the Earl of Kuban Island, who had made great achievements in recent years. He also knew that he had ended the war against the Kingdom of Ramirez and led his army back to intervene in the civil war.

But, how did he come back here?
Seeing that the refugees were all staring at him, Richard frowned slightly. He didn't like being watched by so many people, especially the refugees who were as dirty as rats in the trench.

"My lord, is the war over?"

At this moment, a young refugee stood up and shouted to Richard. He was skinny and covered in mud. Seeing someone standing up to ask Richard, the general guards on both sides of Richard subconsciously Pull out the saber and kill him.

Fortunately, Richard raised his hand in time to stop the actions of the guard knights, thus avoiding the scene of bloodshed on the street. He looked at the weak refugee expressionlessly, and replied truthfully: "The war is still going on, and the rebels are still fighting!" Occupy the capital."

"Lord Earl, the entire kingdom is suffering from the raging flames of war. If this civil war cannot be ended as soon as possible, the entire kingdom may be destroyed."

"I know that." Richard replied lightly. He was observing this frail young man at the same time. Those who can say such words must not be ordinary civilians, at least they have experienced education.

"However, the usurper Bandak asked for reinforcements from Jutian, who is also the usurper in the Kingdom of Winster, and the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Winster have already entered the kingdom. At this time, they may join Bandak," he said helplessly. .

As soon as Richard finished speaking, the crowd suddenly fell into discussion. Everyone couldn't believe that Bundak would ask for help from foreigners to deal with the enemies within the country.

The young refugee was not affected by the crowd's discussion, he stared at Richard with bloodshot eyes, and said: "My lord, you are the only person in the whole kingdom who can fight against the usurper, if you can If you accept it, I am willing to dedicate a treasure that can change the war to you."

"The treasure that changed the war?" Richard looked puzzled, he was keenly aware of the difference in this person, and asked quickly: "What is it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately regretted it. Looking at the dense crowd of civilians here, he said: "This is not a place to talk, please go to the City Lord's Mansion with me."

"I can't walk anymore." The refugee said with a wry smile. He pointed to his right leg with coagulated blood and said, "My right leg was seriously injured."

Looking at his injured position, Richard frowned, and said to the guard knight beside him, "Paul, go ride with him on the same horse."

"Of order, Your Majesty Caesar." The knight Paul replied in German, then walked towards the young refugee, and took the initiative to help him onto his horse.


Soon, they arrived at the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the city. After Charles was put in charge of stationing the troops, Richard couldn't wait to take the young refugees into the study.

After he was seated, Richard ignored the peculiar smell emanating from his body, and first asked, "Your name, and where are you from."

"My name is Mobutu, from Mafugatland, my lord count."

"Mafugat people? Then why did you appear here?" Richard asked suspiciously.

The refugee who claimed to be Mobutu smiled wryly, and said: "My lord, before the war broke out, I was the second son of the president of the Martidot City Chamber of Commerce. In the chaos of the Dak rebel attack, I escaped on horseback. Unexpectedly, when I was running away, an arrow shot by the enemy hit my right leg. I screamed and passed out from pain. When I woke up, The horses led me into the Ravana territory."

"And then?" Richard asked.

"I temporarily stayed in a farmer's house and waited for the opportunity to go home when I was preparing to recuperate. However, the rebels invaded the Ravana territory, so I had to follow the farmer and escape here."

After listening to Mobutu's answer, Richard nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "So, Mobutu, what is the treasure that can change the war that you mentioned earlier?"

"That is a powerful weapon." Mobutu said, I don't know if it was an illusion, his face became even paler: "This weapon can easily destroy solid boulders, and the sound it makes is like the roar of a god... I'm sorry I lied to you, although I don't know whether this weapon can change the direction of the war, but I know that once this weapon is used in a war, it will definitely make your enemies miserable..."

(Let's guess what this weapon is?)

(End of this chapter)

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