rise of empire total war

Chapter 148 Clearing the Portal

Chapter 148 Clearing the Portal
"We can't leave with the Atonement Battalion, they are unstable factors and will threaten the safety of our army!"

In the siege camp of Ravana City, the military meeting is still going on.

"Reason?" Richard glanced at the Danish lieutenant Toolagris who was speaking, and said indifferently.

"As you said before, when our army is in an adverse situation, the soldiers of the Atonement Battalion are likely to rebel and swing their swords at us, so why should we take them to retreat together? Why don't we just abandon them here , let them fend for themselves.”

"What if they go directly to Bundak? We will foolishly let the enemy send seven thousand reinforcements out of thin air!" Sir Frank retorted.

"Then, just go ahead and kill them all." Charles said calmly, but his words shocked everyone, and they all turned their attention to the Danish general.

"Don't look at me like that." Charles frowned and said, "Since they can't be used by our army, and they might join the enemy, why don't you kill them yourself?"

"It makes sense, but we can't do it right now." Richard nodded and said, "If we do it now, it's like giving Bundak a chance. With his character, it's very likely that he will take the risk of sending troops to attack us. There are only more than 5000 soldiers in the East Camp, and there are more than 7000 soldiers in the Atonement Camp, I am afraid that it will become uncontrollable."

"Withdraw your troops first, Your Majesty." Condela said aloud: "We will do it after we are far away from Ravana. At that time, we have gathered the [-] Danish troops brought by General Charles, and it is still easy to deal with the soldiers of the Atonement Camp. .”

"Kondra is right, we agree." The rest of the people united strangely and echoed together.

"Then, let's do it like this, let the soldiers pack up and prepare to evacuate within these two days."


Two days passed quickly, and the day of withdrawal came as scheduled. Richard had no intention of keeping it secret. He asked the soldiers to evacuate from the besieged camp openly under the watchful eyes of the defenders. A group of Danish soldiers defecated and peed in front of the camp to humiliate the enemy, and then swaggered away.

After leaving the siege camp, Richard's troops crossed the river through a temporary pontoon bridge built on the Fabrici River, joined General Charles's troops in the western camp, and then marched southwest—the place near the sea in the southwest was already It became Port Bell under the control of Count Cuban.

Perhaps out of fear of Richard's military strength and fear of the latter's tricks, Bundak in the city did not send troops to pursue him. Instead, he kept the soldiers from holding out and watched the enemy leave. After the ground troops withdrew, The Cuban Fleet, which had been cruising on the Fabrici River, also began to withdraw. They burned down the naval fortress that had been stationed for several months. The city of Wana has implemented a blockade policy. Perhaps this will not completely cut off the supply line of the city, but it can still disgust Bundak for a long time.

Watching Richard's withdrawal, Bundak, who ordered the whole army to stand firm, was thoughtful. Although he didn't receive the news, he could still vaguely guess the reason for Richard's withdrawal—perhaps from the Kingdom of Winster. The army will be arriving soon.


Northeast of Bellland, Kwe's Hill, at night.

After leaving Ravana's direct territory and entering Bell Territory, Richard stationed his army on a small hill called Kewe Hill by the locals. After spending a night here, he continued to march for a day to reach Port Bell.

However, the soldiers of the Atonement Battalion are destined not to see Port Bell alive, because tonight, Richard will take action to remove these potential threats.

It was already dead of night at this time, and the atonement camp was very quiet. From time to time, the snoring of soldiers could be heard from the camp. They were far away from the battlefield and let down their guard. They also did not expect that the Cuban army who was fighting side by side with them would attack them.

"Move quickly and place the firewood all over the camp. The prisoners of war must not be disturbed."

Outside the camp of the Atonement Camp, Condela, dressed in full body, said in a low voice to several officers in action. Although these officers came from the Atonement Camp, they had completely surrendered to Richard, so Condela was very relieved to let them and their subordinates execute The task of stacking flammable objects.

"Understood, General." Several people promised in a low voice, and then turned to leave, but Kondra stopped them and asked again: "For your convenience, I canceled the patrol team in the atonement camp, so you don't have to Worry about that."


Several people led the order and ran into the Atonement Camp with bundles of firewood in their hands. Along with their actions, groups of archers and crossbowmen lined up on the fence of the Atonement Camp under the protection of melee infantry. Outside, the crossbowmen in the front row half-kneeled on the ground immediately, aiming the loaded crossbow machine at the gap in the fence, waiting for the officer's order before starting to shoot.

The soldiers of the Atonement Battalion who carried out the order moved very quickly. It only took them a while to place the firewood in various places in the camp, and then used the burning fire in the camp to light the firewood, and then retreated in the direction they came from. out.

However, they couldn't leave here after all.


Just when the fastest soldiers were about to rush to the exit, the crossbowmen who had been deployed here pulled the triggers under the command of the officer, and the deadly bolts were fired immediately, hitting the running soldiers with a howling sound of tearing the air. Soldiers, their deaths seemed to be a signal. The moment No.1 soldier fell down with an expression of disbelief, the archers outside the camp shot special rockets into the air one after another. With the black tail flames, it drew a graceful arc in mid-air, and then fell into the camp of the Atonement Camp, directly igniting the flammable tent.

"Fire! Fire!"

The sudden fire woke up many soldiers of the Atonement Battalion. They rushed out of the camp in horror, wanting to check what happened, but just as their heads appeared, a rocket fell from the sky and hit a soldier's face directly, and he didn't even have time to let out a scream He died on the spot.The rockets fired by the soldiers of the system can not only ignite the tents and firewood in the camp, but also kill and injure the soldiers of the atonement camp who have no armor. Many soldiers were burned alive inside the camp before they even had time to run out of the tent.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

One after another screams pierced the sky, but the soldiers didn't care about wearing armor at all. They just picked up the weapons piled outside the camp and rushed in the direction of the rocket. When they rushed to the edge of the camp, they were confronted The wave ballistas fired a volley, and at this moment, they were shocked to find that the people who attacked them were actually Richard's army who had worked so hard for them!
"Damn! They sold us!"

Several officers directing the operation looked at the "friendly troops" who were shooting indiscriminately in astonishment, and quickly reacted. One of them was furious, and then pulled out the sword at his waist, raised it high, and screamed at the soldiers running around. Shouted: "Brothers, Richard wants to kill us all here, and everyone who wants to live will rush out with me!"

"Fight them!"

Looking at the soldiers of the Atonement Camp rushing towards the exit with weapons in hand, Condra showed no expression on his face, raised his sword and pointed forward, shouting: "Shoot!"

Whoosh whoosh—

A volley of crossbows was fired, and the soldiers of the Redemption Battalion who were charging fell to the ground one after another like wheat in autumn, blood staining the whole ground...

(End of this chapter)

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