rise of empire total war

Chapter 145 Siege (4)

Chapter 145 Siege (4)


The long horn sounded outside the city of Ravana again. Accompanied by the sound of the horn that symbolized the attack, the phalanx formed by the soldiers of the siege side moved forward slowly, with the military flags lined up, and a murderous air rushed like a wind and rain. to the city wall.

"The enemy is attacking the city! Prepare to defend, prepare to defend!"

On the city wall, the defenders screamed and shouted to warn other soldiers, and the tense atmosphere shrouded the entire city wall.

The brutality of yesterday's war had made the defenders fearful, but they could not retreat, they could only firmly root themselves on the city wall to resist the enemy's attack.

"Your Majesty Caesar, the Atonement Battalion is fully in place, ready to attack the enemy at any time under your command!"

In the eastern siege camp outside Ravana City, listening to the report of Lieutenant General Condela, Richard nodded and stood. His eyes moved with the army formation of the atonement camp, looking at the distinctive red skull flags, and said in a deep voice: "As usual, the catapults fire three salvos first, then the archers step forward to suppress them, and then let them advance together with the siege equipment."

"Your Majesty, they are just lowly prisoners of war. Do they need to be treated the same as our soldiers?" Condora asked puzzled.

"Of course, if we blindly let them serve as cannon fodder to die, they will undoubtedly try their best to avoid the battle, or turn their backs after attacking the city wall and attack our people."


Condela still wanted to say something, but Richard waved his hand and interrupted him, saying: "I know what you want to say, I am not blindly being gentle, I will let the soldiers line up behind them , Acting as the supervisory team, the archers will also monitor the situation of the Atonement Camp, and if someone intends to disturb the morale of the army and take the lead in retreating, the deadly arrows will pierce his head mercilessly."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Condela nodded, and then walked towards the Atonement Camp to convey Richard's order.

Then, the nine siege trucks and catapults in the eastern siege camp roared again. Huge stone bombs were thrown from the leather pouch at the end of the throwing arm, roaring and drawing arcs in mid-air, and then defended the army on the city wall. The terrified eyes of the soldiers hit the city wall so heavily that the vicissitudes of Ravana's city wall trembled and groaned badly.

The huge stone bullets fired by the siege party not only hit the city wall, a few stone bullets also crossed the tall city wall and fell into the urban area. After hitting a building, it penetrated its wall and destroyed everything inside. The building immediately roared It collapsed with a sound and became a place of ruins, and the residents inside were also buried.

The attack of the eastern siege camp seemed to have kicked off the attack of Richard’s army. After the catapults of the eastern siege army fired deadly projectiles, the western siege camp commanded by General Charles also launched an attack. The Kuban navy deployed on the Fabrici River All of them rushed out, and the ship's ballistas also began to roar towards the sea wall. Stone balls were shot out, hitting the surface of the sea wall heavily, and then bounced off and fell into the river.

Compared to the bloody battlefield on land, the war that broke out on the Fabrici River was much more harmonious. The Lavana garrison, which was not equipped with a naval force, could only hold on to the solid sea wall when faced with the siege of the huge Kuban fleet. They used large crossbows deployed on the city walls to fight back, but the large crossbows they equipped were not only scarce in number, but also lacked experienced operators, so they could only be suppressed by the enemy's ship-borne crossbows.


The officer's roar sounded from the deck of a Hawker battleship in the Kuban Navy, and the ship-borne ballista equipped on the battleship immediately ejected stone projectiles, which rolled in the air and screamed to tear the air, and then It actually accurately hit a large crossbow machine that was being loaded. The stone projectile shattered the fragile wooden body of the large crossbow machine almost instantly. cause damage.


"Attack! Your chance for redemption is here!"

Looking back at the eastern siege battlefield, the dense rain of arrows shot by our own archers above the head, the soldiers of the atonement battalion in the phalanx were carrying ladders and heavy siege towers and swarmed towards the city wall. Driven by Richard's soldiers like a flood, they rushed towards the city wall recklessly.The officers in the phalanx held their swords high and kept uttering their voices to encourage the soldiers on the run. Their images resembled the Soviet political commissars in the movies and TV series that Richard had watched.

Whoosh whoosh—

Just after the phalanx of the atonement camp entered the range of bows and arrows, rounds of black arrows rained from the city wall. After shooting the arrows, the defending archers bent down and hid behind the wall to defend against the enemy's shooting. At the same time, he drew the arrows from the quiver, drew the arrows with the bow, and only waited for the officer's order before venturing off the wall and continuing to shoot.

"Raise the shield! Raise the shield!"

The rain of black arrows shot by the defenders flew in the air for a few seconds before falling into the dense square formation of the atonement camp. The attacking soldiers were so dense that the defenders' archers didn't even need to aim. .


The arrows, which fell almost in a parabola, fell into the square of the Atonement Camp like raindrops. They made a clanking sound after contacting the shields, and then were bounced away. They fell to the ground along the gaps between the shields, and were stepped on by the soldiers. In the mud, it broke with a crisp sound.

Even so, there were still many unlucky soldiers who were shot by the arrows that penetrated from tricky angles, screamed and fell to their knees, blood flowed from their fingers covering the wounds, dripped on the grass, and was absorbed by the soil.


A shrill scream came from mid-air, and the expressions of the soldiers of the Redemption Battalion who were charging changed drastically. Those who had witnessed the siege yesterday naturally understood what the scream meant. An officer looked up, and as expected, he was shocked In his eyes, a large crossbow tore through the sky and shot towards the crowd with a frightening whistling sound. It smashed the shield held high by the soldier in just one breath, and then penetrated the soldier's body under the shield, and then the momentum continued unabated. , and took the soldier's pierced body and shot at the soldiers behind him, plowing a bloody path in the crowd in the form of candied haws.

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

The officers shouted loudly that the officers of the Atonement Battalion are basically selected from the captured veterans. They have rich combat experience and can respond in time, but in front of the deadly large crossbow bolts, their response is so weak. , a large crossbow pierced through the firing port of the tower, directly took away a shouting veteran officer under the horrified eyes of the people, nailed him to the soft ground, and blood gushed out from the hideous wound , the officer stared at the crossbow arrow passing through his body, feeling the vitality flowing from his body...

"Stand up the ladder!"

Finally, after paying a lot of casualties, the soldiers of the Atonement Battalion carried the ladder to the tall city wall of Ravana City. The soldiers worked together to erect the ladder under the call of the officer and put it on the wall. Some soldiers stood on the ladder The bottom uses the body to stabilize the ladder to prevent it from losing its balance and collapsing, while the rest of the soldiers began to climb under the leadership of the officer!
(End of this chapter)

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