rise of empire total war

Chapter 144 Siege (3)

Chapter 144 Siege (3)

The sound of the boulder hitting the tower was deafening, and the entire city wall trembled.

Perhaps as if frightened by this round of stone throwing, the large ballista in the tower fell silent, but it roared again a minute later and continued to shoot at the siege tower whose surface was pierced.


Inside the tower, the defending officer in leather armor pointed at the slowly moving siege tower outside the shooting hole and roared. The boulder that hit the tower just now made the tower tremble. He couldn't stand still and hit the wall directly, bleeding Slowly flowing from his forehead, almost dyed half of his face red.


As soon as the officer gave the command to shoot, the soldiers operating the large crossbow machine quickly buckled the mechanism, and the bolts installed in the slots were shot out immediately. The large crossbow bolts flying at high speed in mid-air almost tore through the air, making a frightening whistling sound , bumped into a scarred siege tower head-on and penetrated the iron skin on its surface, killing the soldiers inside.

"Help... help me..."

Looking at his comrades who were firmly nailed to the wooden wall by crossbow bolts and kept moaning, the young spear militiaman's legs were weak and he almost slumped down on the wooden board full of blood.

"Give him an understanding." A veteran soldier looked at the poor soldier who kept spitting blood, feeling a little unbearable in his heart, and said to the soldiers beside him, but no one responded to him, he could only sigh deeply, pull out He drew out his saber and stabbed it into the wounded soldier's heart.

Before the sword pierced his heart, the wounded soldier showed him a grateful look.

Pulling out his sharp sword, looking at the corpse of his comrade-in-arms whom he knew personally, the veteran took a deep breath, looked at the city wall that was getting closer and closer through the gap pierced by the large crossbow bolt, and said: "Cheer up and prepare to fight! "

After saying that, he straightened up his shield again, and stood in front of the sword that was still stained with the blood of his comrades, his eyes fixed on the suspension bridge in front of him.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Finally, the siege tower braved the arrows of the defenders and got close to the city wall. Then the heavy suspension bridge was lowered and hit the wall stacks hard. Wood chips flew everywhere and bursts of smoke and dust appeared!

The veteran shouted loudly, and then he straightened up his shield and rushed to the suspension bridge first. Hiding behind the strong shield, he only felt that he was walking from darkness to light. But after taking a few steps, several javelins flew towards him, with penetrating power. The javelin penetrated his shield at close range and crucified the hand holding the shield together.

Resisting the severe pain in his left arm, the veteran swung his sword and cut off the javelin that was stuck on the shield, then jumped into the city wall, cut off an enemy's arm with a single blow, kicked him over, and pierced the opponent with his sharp sword chest.

"Array! Array!"

The veteran shouted, and his comrades who jumped into the city wall behind him immediately fought alongside him, raising their shields to form a tight shield array to resist the defenders' attack.

Raising his shield to block the enemy's sharp blade, the Danish veteran named Edwin roared and kicked the enemy's path. The latter then screamed and fell to his knees with a pale face, covering his lower body and groaning in pain. Edwin showed no shame in committing an immoral attack. With a ferocious expression, he thrust the iron sword into the enemy's abdomen, directly cutting open his soft skin, and then pulled it out. His internal organs mixed with blood slowly flowed out from the wound.

"Break into the tower and destroy the ballista of the defenders!" Edwin yelled loudly, holding up his blood-stained iron sword. The soldiers around him who were fighting fiercely with the enemy responded one after another, but they were still unable to break through the enemy's defense.

In the melee, every stab of the spear used by both sides can take away a fragile life. As the most primitive weapon in human history, although the image of the spear has not changed much, its lethality is still strong.

puff!The deadly spear pierced into the body of the spear militiaman, and he immediately spit out bloody red blood. The strength of his whole body flowed rapidly from the wound caused by the spear. He struggled to fight back, but he could only kneel down powerlessly, Kicked over by the enemy, he stepped on his body with one foot and pulled out the spear with his strength.

"go to hell!"

Amidst the roar, a fist hit Edwin's face hard, making his already rough face red and swollen. Enduring the pain on his face, Edwin slammed his head hard into the opponent's face, and then took advantage of When the opponent was stunned, the iron sword in his hand stabbed into his abdomen and stirred vigorously before letting go of the opponent and taking a few steps back.

The released enemy held his bleeding abdomen unwillingly, trying to prevent the internal organs from flowing out of the body with the blood, but he couldn't do it, because he had already staggered and fell into a pool of blood.

At the same time as the bloody battle on the city wall, the battering ram has been pushed to the city gate under the operation of the soldiers. Under the protection of the roof, these muscular soldiers pushed the battering ram to hit the city gate. The top was carved in the shape of Satan (sheep Head)'s breaking hammer hit the city gate again and again, and each impact would bring up a burst of sawdust and smoke, and the city gate trembled and groaned.

The defenders also tried to attack the soldiers operating the battering ram, but the falling stones they threw would bounce off the ceiling after hitting it, and the falling hot oil would flow to both sides along the shape of the ceiling, eventually dripping on the ground. It cannot affect the soldiers on the siege side at all.


Watching the sunset gradually slanting towards the west, Richard sighed helplessly, and ordered the messengers to blow the horn to withdraw the troops.The battle had lasted for a day, and his army still couldn't defeat the defenders on the city wall. Progress had been made in removing the city gate, but after the city gate was broken open, there were actually piles of stones inside, and these stones blocked the city gate. The doorway is tightly blocked, and it will take at least several days to clear it, and it is still based on the premise that there is no harassment from the defenders.

With the long and somewhat sad withdrawal horn, the soldiers who had been fighting on the city wall for a day were finally able to retreat. They covered each other and retreated into the siege tower in an orderly manner, retreating like a tide.

The defenders did not take advantage of the victory to pursue them. They just stood there and watched the enemy retreat. After confirming that they would not counterattack, they were relieved. Regardless of the blood and corpses all over the ground, they sat down in the pool of blood, panting heavily, enjoying the joy of living.

"Your Majesty, we failed your expectations and failed to capture Ravana's outer city..."

The officers who returned to the camp were covered in blood, knelt down in front of Richard and said ashamedly.But Richard didn't pursue their intentions. He smiled slightly and comforted: "The city of Ravana is not so easy to capture. You have done a good job. You will stay in the camp for the next few days and have a good rest." Bar."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After letting these warriors who had been fighting for a day go back to rest, Richard turned his eyes to the city under the sunset again, and whispered in a low voice: "The price of a strong attack is indeed very high, it seems that we must change our strategy."

"We can't just let the system's soldiers go. It's time for the atonement camp we formed earlier to see blood."

 Go to the glory battle and vote for me~

(End of this chapter)

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