charismatic player

Chapter 294 Hunting Night

Chapter 294 Hunting Night
Looking at the densely packed monsters below, these neon players felt a little imaginary.

This place is like a bonfire party, just a few of them, it's not enough to go down and stuff the monster's teeth.

Several people were caught in a dilemma.

But at this moment, they suddenly found a figure on the high wall in front left!

Because the night was very dark, they couldn't see the figure clearly. They only saw the figure jump down, then turn around and throw the hook rope to hook the wall to slow down, and landed in the pile of monsters.

"A player??"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be an NPC, right?"

"Why did he fall directly into the monster pile? Don't die!"

All the neon players were scared to pee, isn't this buddy too reckless?

With so many monsters, he still fell into the pile of monsters without dying. Doesn't this mean that he died too slowly?

As a result, I saw this figure wandering freely among the monster piles, and went to the depths of Yanan.

Several neon players looked at each other, what's the matter?
"Could it be that the monsters here have poor eyesight? Are they blind? How come they don't care when they see people?" A neon player scratched his head, puzzled.

"Let's try too? He just walks over, we can sneak over!"

Neon players seriously suspect that the monster here has very low spiritual vision, otherwise, why did no one care about that person just walking past so swaggeringly?

Could this be a place to test stealth skills?

They maintained a stealth state and walked forward in a line.

However, just as the first player entered the monster's field of vision, those humanoid monsters rushed over while waving torches!
Not only that, but the surrounding monsters seem to have heard its howling, and they all gathered here!

"Damn!! Why!!"

The screams of the neon players echoed in Yanan...


Qin Guan wandered around Yanan coolly, and found that these monsters really wouldn't attack him.

The whole of Yanan has fallen into chaos. On this night, bonfires were burning in the streets, and many monsters suspected of being werewolves were tied to trees and burned on wooden frames; Anyone who is still rational in Yananli stays behind closed doors, and all the doors are closed tightly without exception.

Qin Guan found a random door and knocked on it.

There was a sound in the room, as if someone was coming. The person looked out through the crack of the door or the window, and said, "Hunter of Yanan, do you need any help? I am the hunter of the hunting night." I can't open the door for you, please end this hunting night quickly..."

Qin Guan knocked on the door in a few more places. Everyone said the same thing, meaning that the door could not be opened, but they all expressed friendship to Qin Guan.

"I remember, when the young man who started the live broadcast knocked on the door, the people inside didn't answer like this..."

The blond young man was also in Yanan before. He once said during the live broadcast that everyone in Yanan called him a "despicable stranger" and his attitude was very bad.But these people are different to Qin Guan. Obviously, the Yanan hunter suit Qin Guan is wearing has played a role.

"...But it still feels useless, and these people won't give me good things."

Qin Guan looked at the map module, and the marked locations need to go deeper.

The location marked on the map module is where the portal will drop, and other players must be heading in that direction.

Qin Guan wondered if he would meet the expedition team from the Skull and Bones Society if he walked a little further.

He was walking forward, and suddenly found that the window next to him was lit, and the location of this room was very eye-catching, and it was right next to a door.

Qin came to the window on a whim of concern and looked inside.

At this time, a timid voice came from the room: "You... who are you? Are you a hunter?"

It turned out to be the voice of a little girl.

Qin Guan was very curious, there was a little girl in such a dangerous place?

He stopped and talked to the little girl.

During the conversation, I learned that the little girl's father was also a hunter, but he left for a long time and never came back. The little girl's mother went out to look for it, but never came back.So the little girl was very worried and hoped that Qin Guan could help her find her parents.

Qin Guan agreed after thinking about it, and then took the music box from the little girl through the window.

Inside the music box was a small piece of paper that read: Viola and Gascoigne.

" this the name of the little girl's father?"

Qin Guan put the music box away, obviously this was a task, Qin Guan didn't care much about the task reward, he cared more about wishing the little girl's family reunion.

But looking at the chaotic situation outside... the little girl's parents are probably already cold.


Several Neon players woke up and found themselves in a safe place.There are several corpses of strange people next to them, but judging from the surrounding environment, they should have been out of danger.

"You are awake."

A young man was watching them, and Qin Guan would have recognized it if he was here. It was one of his favorite players, Joshua.

Behind Joshua, there are more than 20 Skull and Bones players, each with a weapon in their hand, guarding the surrounding situation.

In fact, it is not accurate to say "woke up", it should be said "resurrected", the last image in the consciousness of these neon players is surrounded by a group of monsters, hacked to death by many axes...

They were already completely cold, because the place where these people died was near the "bonfire party", and there were monsters everywhere around them. Even if they were resurrected, they would continue to be chased and hacked by monsters. As the saying goes, they were guarded by monsters ...

Obviously these Skull and Bones players saved them.

The neon player hurriedly stood up: "Thank you very much! Thank you very much for your life-saving grace!"

Although players from different countries dislike each other, they will still support each other in this crisis-ridden situation.

Joshua asked: "Are you Neon people? Why are you here? Have you seen the Skull and Bones expedition?"

The two groups of people chatted a bit more, only to find out that everyone has just arrived...

Joshua still wanted to get some information from these neon players, but it turned out that they were just here.

The only valuable information is that the cable bridge leading to the altar hall has been repaired, and these people can actually go back.

However, this portal has a corresponding relationship.The portal obtained from the cursed tree can only connect to a few cracks in Asia, including several big cracks in Neon, Asan, and China.

Even if people like Joshua go back through the portal, they can only go to Nihong or Ah San. If they want to go back to the Lighthouse Country, they have to take a plane.

Obviously, only by getting the portal in Yanan can we truly connect to the rift on the American side.

(End of this chapter)

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