charismatic player

Chapter 293 Entering Yanan

Chapter 293 Entering Yanan
Soon, the power of the king tool for repairing the second cable bridge was also accumulated enough.

It has to be said that Neon players and Asan players are still very strong. During this period of time, all kinds of land reclamation and various collectors, the income of the altar hall has increased rapidly.

After these people got the spirit, they all happily ran over to open the box, and some players even suffered from box-opening addiction symptoms.

Qin Guan came to the south side of the altar hall and used the power of the king to repair the cable bridge!
The energy of the king's weapon instantly poured into the entire altar hall, and the flames in the altar exploded!

The entire floating island began to shake violently. The bridge in the south of the floating island was slowly repaired by an unknown force. The broken cable bridge slowly recovered as if time had flowed back.

There are also a large number of neon players and Asan players in the altar hall. These people all watched in horror what happened before them, not knowing what happened.


"What's going on! Hello!"

"Hey, another cable bridge has been repaired! Look to the south!"

The players ran outside the altar hall and saw that the cable bridge to the south had also been repaired and was intact.

Some players outside the altar hall also witnessed the whole process of repairing the cable bridge, and were too shocked to speak.Amazing, amazing!

Soon, the vibration stopped, and the players all gathered near the cable bridge and looked across.

"This... is this leading to a new area?"

"Can you go there?"

"I feel like I can go and have a look!"

The players were still opening up wasteland near the city walls and undead settlements, but after discovering the new area, the desire to explore instantly increased.

Now these players don’t have a specific mission. Although the leader of the expedition team on Gao Tianyuan’s side is Fumi Uehara, and the leader of the expedition team on the Brahma Guild’s side is Galawa, but the major guilds are currently in the adjustment period and have no energy to manage other worlds for the time being. Here's the thing.

So, these people are strictly in the stage of free exploration.

The two Asan players looked at each other, then walked across the cable bridge and headed south.

The other players present also went south one after another, only a few of them did not.

The players who haven't been there are obviously worried about the danger there. After all, the new area means new enemies, which will be more dangerous.But for those who cross the bridge, the new area also means new opportunities.

The undead settlements and city walls on the other side of Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field have been explored by the players, and there are only some regular harvests. These people are thinking, maybe there are some new harvests going south?

Qin Guan silently left the altar hall, found a place where no one was around, entered the stealth state, and changed his clothes instantly.

After changing into the clothes of the Yharnam hunter, he walked south across the rope bridge alone, following the group of players.

Half of this group of players are neon players, and half are Ah San players. These two groups of people keep a distance and are in a state of not interfering with each other.

While walking, a neon player suddenly felt strange: "Huh? Why does it seem to be dark??"

The sky near the altar hall where everyone was before has always been gray, and the visibility is lower than that of cloudy days, but it is still daytime.But the further south we went, the darker the sky became, and it turned into night not long after we walked!

Moreover, there was an extra blood moon in the sky at some point, which looked particularly creepy.

"Isn't that Yanan!!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone looked south, only to see a small town under the night, with layers of buildings, and the flames could still be vaguely seen...

Many people have seen this scene in the live broadcast, because this is where the American player is located, the town called Yanan!
"So, we came to the area where the American players are?"

Neon players and Asan players were not stupid, they immediately understood the current situation.

American players came to this place after crossing another world, but they failed to defeat the monsters to get the portal, and they couldn't go back.Now I don’t know why, but the cable bridge on the south side of the altar hall has been repaired, which means that the two areas on the south and east sides are connected by the altar hall!

Then, Asian players can go to the south.

The Ah San players continued to move forward without the slightest hesitation, while the Neon players thought about it, but continued to move forward.


Wearing a Yanan hunter's suit, Qin Guan strutted into Yanan.

It can be seen that the architectural style here is very different from that near the Chuanhuo Sacrificial Site.

The architectural style of Chuanhuo Sacrifice is more similar to that of the Middle Ages, while this side is biased towards the Victorian style, with pointed buildings, carriages, street lamps, iron fence gates and so on.

Not long after entering Yanan, Qin Guan encountered his first monster.

Holding an ax in his left hand and a torch in his right hand, this humanoid monster seems to be patrolling around.

After seeing Qinguan, he just let out an indistinct roar and did not come over.

Qin Guan noticed that the strange man's eyes were red and bloodshot, and his face was extremely ferocious. He had obviously fallen into madness. If he saw other people, he might have swung an ax and rushed forward to chop them.

"Is it the special effect of the Yanan Hunter suit?"

Qin Guan approached this strange man slowly, but it still turned a blind eye to Qin Guan.

It feels like Qin Guan has also become a member of the monsters. Monsters will not attack each other, they will only attack strangers and outsiders in unison.

"Doesn't that mean that I can go shopping in this place?"

Qin Guan directly pulled out the hook and flew up to the roof of Yanan Township.


On the other side, three neon players walked into Yanan full of vigilance.

"The feeling here is... so strange..."

Although these neon players have also been to the undead settlement, the feeling of the undead settlement is still very different from here.

The undead settlement is like a pure barbarian village, but here is like a normal small town, except that the residents of the small town have all gone crazy for unknown reasons.


A monster was originally sitting in the shadows, but suddenly stood up at this moment, waving an ax in his hand and rushing towards the three players!
The three players immediately took out their weapons and hacked the enthusiastic villager to death.

"It looks like an undead settlement, the aborigines are very hospitable..."

The three neon players collected some spirits from this monster, which was basically the same as the amount dropped by ordinary villagers in the undead settlement.

There are no other drops, but this should be a special case. As long as you kill more monsters, you will definitely drop some other things.

After killing the villager, the three of them climbed to a high place with a hook and took a look at the city of Yanan.

As a result, after glancing at it, he gasped instantly, there are so many monsters!

Is this a meeting?

I saw a big tree in the town burning with raging flames, and there seemed to be a charred werewolf corpse on it, but after all, it was relatively far away, so it couldn't be seen clearly.Around the big tree, many villagers dressed in black, holding torches, and holding sharp axes were patrolling in groups.

"Should we... have to move on..." One of the neon players was scared at the time.

 Sort out the outline, and restore the 10-point update as much as possible recently!
(End of this chapter)

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