charismatic player

Chapter 290 Live broadcast?

Chapter 290 Live broadcast?

Qin Guan was still browsing the posts on the forum, thinking about whether he should look for expedition teams from other guilds in another world, when a line of prompts suddenly appeared in his vision.

[New function open: live broadcast]

[Players can live broadcast and record holographic images in other worlds, and upload them to their own channels. 】

Qin Guan was shocked at the time, live broadcast? ? ? ?
It's hard to describe my current mood, I feel like ten thousand mud horses are rushing madly in my heart...

Qin Guan hurriedly found the entrance of the live broadcast module at the edge of his field of vision.

After a general look, this function is similar to the previous trial strategy.Trial strategy is to record the player's actions during the trial, and the player can also freely adjust the position of the camera.The live broadcast module is more free, you can still freely adjust the position of the camera, and freely crop the holographic image, but it is no longer required to be in the trial, but can be used as long as it is in another world.

Every extraordinary player has his own channel, where there are live broadcasts and saved videos, and other people can view it when they find the corresponding channel.

Strictly speaking, this new live broadcast function should be attached to the forum function just like the ranking list.

Now every super player has two identities, one is the identity in reality, which affects the social module and the guild module, that is, all the functions that interact with the super players you know in reality use your real identity; The other is the forum id, which is equivalent to an anonymous identity, which mainly affects the derivative modules of the extraordinary player forum, including rankings, auction houses and other functions.

Qin Guan didn't know the specific reason why the system was designed in this way, but it was not hard to guess. It was nothing more than using two identities to protect the players in reality.Otherwise, if a player gets on the leaderboard or sells sky-high prices in the auction house, they may be held grudges or even murdered. Some people don't want to get into this kind of trouble.

Qin Guan looked at his channel and found that this thing is similar to a live broadcast room. The large window at the top is the live broadcast screen, and the rows of window lists below are saved videos, but they are all blank now, because Qin Guan No images have ever been uploaded.

If you look at the default interface of the channel, these images are all video windows, but if you select a certain one, it can also become a holographic image, just like the trial guide.

Moreover, the channel is divided into two modules, namely [Real Identity/Forum Identity]. Will go to the forum identity module.

For example, when Qin Guan uploaded a video with his real identity, people on the forum would not be able to see it if they clicked on the "useless person" channel.Only members of the Lingyan Society can find it through the guild or social module to find the "Qinguan" channel.

This design is obviously also to protect the privacy of the players. If these two modules are mixed together, it is still easy to reveal their identities.

In addition, there are many derivative functions in this channel.

For example, there are some data below each video, such as clicks, favorites, rewards, etc.

Yes, players can even give rewards to other people's videos or live broadcasts, and the currency is of course a blank talisman.

Players can also set their own live broadcasts and videos to pay for viewing, free pricing.

There is even a barrage function and a message function, making Qin Guan feel like he has arrived at a certain video website.

It's amazing...

So, in the future, I can start a live broadcast in another world to make money, right... Acting as a stew in an iron pot?

Or perform a fire-passing sacrificial ceremony to openly molest the fire-prevention girl?
It feels like something is wrong...

Qin Guan glanced at his channel by the way, and to his surprise, someone had left a message on his channel.

"Boss' comment section? I'll take a sofa first!"

"Daily worship the useless big boss!"

"Boss, it's been a long time since there's a guide! When will a new guide be released?"

"Will the big guy start a live broadcast? Will he upload a video? Hey, hey."

Qin Guan's face was full of black lines. He had been silent for so long, yet so many people were still thinking about it...

When the system released basic trials and advanced trials before, the id of "useless person" continued to explode, and even extraordinary players all over the world knew that there was such a leader who was like eating and drinking. The boss exists, but after the climbing trial, the players' attention is focused on the situation in the other world, so there are fewer discussions on the forum about the "useless person" boss.

Qin Guan himself doesn't like the three melons he earned from the strategy for the time being, so he hasn't released a new strategy for a long time.

It's just that I didn't expect that the id of useless people still has influence. As soon as the module was opened, a lot of extraordinary players followed the rankings to find Qin Guan's channel and began to worship idols.

Qin Guan ignored these messages. Anyway, the boss is characterized by aloofness. Once he starts to reply to the messages, the persona will collapse. Qin Guan will never do such a thing.

He went back to the home page of the live broadcast module. On this page, some existing live broadcasts and videos will be displayed according to the number of viewers. To Qin Guan's surprise, there are actually people live broadcasting!

Since it is live broadcasting, it means that this person is in another world, because only other worlds can use the live broadcast function.

There is no limit to watching the live broadcast, and you can watch it anywhere.

In the picture is a young man with blond hair, his face is facing the camera, chatting with the barrage.

"As you can see, I'm in another world now. I can't say exactly where it is, but from the map, it's a little south of the center of the whole other world. Don't ask our expedition team again. I didn’t come here with the expedition team, I came to the other world through the crack by myself.”

"Do you know, I actually met the Skull and Bones expedition team here before, but I didn't go with them. But I learned some information about the other world from them, for example, the largest one with the spirit world The difference is that in another world, if other players kill you, you will be resurrected, but you will lose a lot of spirits."

"My portable intelligence can't tell me more information. I need to research it myself. I'm considering whether to follow the map module's guidance to find the so-called portal, but there are very powerful monsters over there, from the Skull and Bones Society. Everyone is helpless, and it should be difficult for me to do anything. That's why I haven't been able to return to the real world... But you don't have to worry, I'm still... pretty good in another world."

"Yes, this is a brand new world. Any monster here will drop a lot more spirits than in the copy of the spirit world..."

The blond young man spoke Yingyu, but because of the existence of the system, it sounded like fluent Mandarin in Qinguan.

Qin Guan now knows that players from different regions are located in different places after teleporting to other worlds. Only Asian players are assigned to the Fire Transmission Sacrificial Field and the Undead Settlement. Players from other regions are not here. Can't find the altar hall and can't go back to the real world through the portal.

Qin Guan thought it was quite interesting, but he might as well watch the live broadcast of this blond young man to learn about the situation over there.

 Push the book!The new work "The Goddess of Revolution" by Grass Bandits who wrote "Cao Qing" travels through the magical world to engage in the red revolution. It is absurd and interesting, with all kinds of stalks flying all over the sky. It is a good fantasy work. Interested friends can take a look~
(End of this chapter)

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