charismatic player

Chapter 289 Expedition Team Chapter is here!

Chapter 289 The expedition team is back!

[The portal is activated! 】

[The rift between the two worlds is successfully connected! 】

Whether in the foreign world or in the real world, all extraordinary players received this message at the same time, and the players in the foreign world also saw a mark on the map module, right in the center of the map, the altar hall.

Qin Guan led the domestic expedition team back to the altar hall as a taunting brother, and then activated the portal in an open space outside the altar hall.

The moment the portal was activated, a powerful energy was generated out of thin air, and then gathered into a huge vortex suspended in the air!
In Qin Guan's spirit vision, a large number of spirits gathered towards the vortex as if attracted by a magnet, and the more they gathered, the bigger they gathered.

After a while, the entire swirling portal returned to a stable state.

The domestic players came back with Qin Guan. They were all very excited to see this scene, and finally they can go back!Will not die in another world! !

In fact, before stepping through the crack, everyone in the entire expedition team had already written their suicide notes, because no one knew what was beyond the portal, maybe it was an overwhelming monster?Perhaps countless malicious traps?
After passing through the rift, they found that they couldn't go back and fell into panic. Although these are experienced and determined investigators, they are all human after all.

Fortunately, the portal was finally activated, and it was finally possible to go back!

Qin Guan stood in front of the portal, trying to cross.

A map appeared in his field of vision, a map of the real world, with the locations of the large cracks marked on it.

It seems that the portal and these rifts have established some kind of connection, as long as one of the large rifts is selected, they can directly travel back to the real world.

Qin Guan was also a little curious, what would happen if his body traveled back?
Will two of them appear in the real world at the same time?

Qin Guan chose the domestic rift, and then wanted to step into the portal, but nothing happened.

His body failed to enter the portal, let alone teleport to another world.

Qin Guan: "..."

It seems that this body has no way to go to the real world.

So, what about the other way around?Can the body of the real world come here through the portal?

Qin Guan is not in a hurry, anyway, these things can be tried slowly in the future, there is no time limit for the portal.

The domestic players can't wait to cross the portal. Although their time in the foreign world is very short, they miss the world there very much.

The first player who passed through the portal came back soon, and said excitedly: "This portal is real, you can really go back!"

All the domestic players were all excited, one after another lined up and stepped through the portal to return to the real world.

Qin Guan returned to the altar hall, and then his consciousness returned to the real world.

After getting up from the bed, Qin Guan took a look and found that Xiao Qiang was still lying on the bed, probably undergoing a trial.

But at this time, the entire social module had exploded, and the news of the expedition's return spread instantly within the Spiritual Research Association!
Soon after, Neon players and Asan players will also return to this world through the portal. At that time, there will definitely be a lot of news on the Extraordinary Players forum, but it is difficult to determine what kind of impact it will have.

But one thing is certain is that the world is bound to undergo earth-shaking changes.


Soon, the forum was flooded with various news, and the opening of the portal was a big deal for all players.

The past two days have been very difficult for many large guilds, because the expedition team is gone forever, and many people are worried whether the expedition team is in danger on the other side, or even prepared for annihilation. Intend.But happiness came too suddenly, these people came back unscathed, and came back very quickly!
As for what these people have seen and heard in other worlds, it has naturally become a hot topic on the forum.

Many players even expressed that they couldn't wait to cross the rift and go to another world to see it!
"Things in the past two days have really turned around! I never thought that the expedition team was fine and came back safely!"

"According to gossip, the situation in the other world is similar to that in the spirit world. You can be resurrected after death! And there are really too many spirits there, several times more than in the spirit world!"

"Really? Doesn't that mean that the other world is very rich??"

"It's very rich! But it's still quite dangerous over there. There are monsters all over the place. Fortunately, the NPCs in the Fire Passing Sacrificial Ground are also there, mocking brother, blacksmiths, and doing business there. "

"When you say that, I really want to go and see it! Then what kind of spirit dungeon should I do? There are so many spirits in the other world, and the income is not the same level!"

"It is estimated that many large guilds are holding urgent meetings. The news this time is really explosive, and it may have an impact on the current world..."

"But I heard that the expedition team that came back this time seems to be from Asia? No news from Europe and America?"

"It seems to be like this, but it doesn't matter. It should be a matter of time. Anyway, judging from the existing information, people in other worlds will not die, and they will be resurrected after death. The danger of corpses, a group of people must be fine. And the guilds in Europe and the United States must have sent more people to rescue them, right?"

On the forum, players discussed in full swing.Everyone is anonymous, so there is no scruple to discuss, and this information is not confidential information, and it is nothing more than a little earlier or later when it is revealed.

Uncle Ke hasn't heard from him since he came back. It is estimated that he was directly pulled over by the senior executives of the Spiritual Research Association for questioning. After all, as the captain of the expedition team, Uncle Ke has the most information.

After collecting enough information, the major guilds should all formulate plans for the next step.

Now it seems that the alien world is a treasure trove full of dangers and opportunities, and facing competition with other guilds, the dangers have basically been eliminated, and the next step is to see how to get the most benefits.

However, Qin Guan keenly grasped a piece of information from the discussions on the forum.

The expedition team from Europe and America hasn't returned yet?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that all the expedition teams encountered in other worlds are indeed Asian expeditions, including those from Neon, Ah San, and domestic ones, but I have never seen anyone from Europe and the United States.

Didn't they send an expedition to another world?Obviously impossible.

Can't they see where the portal is on the map?It is also impossible.

Then the biggest possibility is that these expeditions were not assigned to the same area as these Asian players at all, so they didn't activate their own portals, and they couldn't reach the portals in the altar hall.

It's quite possible that they're still trapped somewhere in another world.

Qin Guan pondered, is this a business opportunity?
(End of this chapter)

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