charismatic player

Chapter 20 Extraordinary Players Forum

Chapter 20 Extraordinary Players Forum
"Hey, this score... is much better than I expected, which means that one more point will pass?"

Qin Guan himself was not sure. He originally thought that he missed so many fruits, and his score was definitely not enough for the passing line, but the result was higher than he imagined.

And Qin Guan is not convinced, my fruit knife is too short, if you give me a sword, I can score more than 70 points!
Qin Guan did not continue to try, but opened the historical records, ready to see how the boss played.

The previous jumps have already made him develop this habit. First look at the standard answers and roughly determine the correct direction, and then it will not be too late to work hard on his own.

There are now two tabs in the history, one is "jump" and the other is "trial copy 2".

Qin Guan switched to the new trial tab, flipped through the historical records, and found a new historical record.

There was only one, but Qin Guan was shocked when he saw the score.

5000 points.

Qin Guan: "..."

Looking at the 59 points he scored, he vomited blood.

"It turns out that the full score is 5000 points, so my score of 59... is still thousands of points away from the passing line..."

Although he has experienced the horror of the boss countless times in the dungeon of jumping, Qin Guan still instinctively doesn't believe it at this moment.

How could the score be a hundred times worse...

So he played the battle record at normal speed.

After reading it, Qin Guan said silently: "The boss is indeed a boss, excuse me!"

Then, Qin Guan began to drag the progress bar slowly, and began to study every detail of this trial.

The rules this time are obviously much more complicated than the previous ones, but Qin Guan carefully studied the historical records, and they can be summed up in just a few points.

The position, type, height and other factors of the fruit are different each time, which may be to prevent everyone from scoring high scores through the backboard.

But the full score should be 5000 points.

Different fruits have different scores. The smaller and faster the fruit, the higher the score after cutting. When there are combo and multiple cuts, there will be additional score bonuses.

There are some special fruits in the process, such as ice bananas, wild bananas, and double bananas, which will have special effects after cutting. The final pomegranate can be cut multiple times. The more times, the higher the score.

In the battle records, like Qin Guan, Xu Ying also has the configuration of useless person + fruit knife. As a result, this boss is not playing the same game as Qin Guan.

The most notable point is that Xuying has a very special set of footsteps. After each slash, he will quickly return to the center of the ring, so that his attack can cover a 360-degree range around his body. Not one is missed.

Moreover, his knife skills are also very precise, cutting off a large pile of fruits as much as possible, and avoiding bombs accurately.

Qin Guan felt a deep sense of frustration, and it was much stronger than when he jumped.

After all, this operation seems to be several grades more difficult than jumping...

"I have something to do tonight."

Qin Guan sighed, and began to put his limited life into unlimited fruit cutting.


Early the next morning, Qin Guan woke up on time.

To put it bluntly, Qin Guan’s work and rest schedule has become healthier since he got the portable system. He went to bed at 12 o’clock every night to start the trial, and woke up at 7 o’clock in the morning.

He opened the door and walked out, just in time to see Su Xiaoyu studying the rapier in his hand in the living room.

Qin Guan was stunned for two seconds before retreating to his bedroom.

"It must be the wrong way I opened the door just now."

He took a deep breath and opened the door again. Su Xiaoyu was still studying her rapier in the living room...

Seeing Qin Guan approaching, Su Xiaoyu waved to him happily: "Qin Guan, come quickly, what do you think of the sword I just got?"

Qin Guan came to the dining table very reluctantly: "I don't really want to see..."

Qin Guan was like mmp in his heart. Last night he thought he had managed to catch up with Su Xiaoyu's progress, but in the blink of an eye, he was overtaken again...

Although it is more difficult for me, I can't relax my requirements, right!

The rapier in Su Xiaoyu's hand is the one in Trial Dungeon 2. It is long and narrow, sharp, and looks very flexible.

Qin Guan: Envy.jpg.

After chatting with Su Xiaoyu for a while, Qin Guan confirmed that, sure enough, the trial dungeon 2 will be given a weapon after completing the medium difficulty.

Which one to pick, which one to give.

Qin Guan had already foreseen his tragic fate. Even if he tried his best to pass the 3000-point score on the developer difficulty level, he could only get a fruit knife as a reward...

Life, life.

When Su Xiaoyu turned her hand, the sword disappeared, and when she turned it over again, it appeared again.

"It can be summoned at any time, cool!" Su Xiaoyu was very satisfied with this sword.

Su Xiaoyu continued to play with her new toy, and Qin Guan suddenly thought of something.

"Xiaoyu, what did you guys do after being called by the counselor yesterday? I was too involved in yesterday's trial, so I forgot to ask you."

"Oh, it's nothing." Su Xiaoyu replied, "It's just that we have repeatedly told us to abide by the law and not use this body to participate in things that disrupt order, such as sports competitions. It's against us. This group of people will have a targeted training plan in the future, and the current policy has not yet been implemented, but it should be soon."

Qin Guan nodded. It seems that, as he expected, these "superhuman players" who have obtained the trial body have become a very special group of people. Instead of guarding against and being afraid, it is better to guide and make good use of them.

It is conceivable that in the near future, this will even become a brand-new selection system independent of the college entrance examination. From elementary school to university to various organizations, these extraordinary players will inevitably slowly get on the right track.

Su Xiaoyu's right hand slid gently in front of her, as if there was an invisible screen in front of her: "Are there so few people clearing the basic trial 2? Why are most people still talking about jumping..."

Qin Guan was taken aback: "What are you looking at?"

Su Xiaoyu: "Extraordinary Players Forum, it was opened together with Trial Dungeon 2 last night, didn't you open it?"

"Oh, it's on."

Only then did Qing Guan remember that there were two system prompts yesterday, prompting the opening of the forum and the trial copy 2 respectively. In the end, he only paid attention to the trial copy 2 and ignored the forum.

This is the disadvantage of the system. Other systems have portable smart phones to give reminders, but Qin Guan's system only gives a line of words. If you don't see it, you don't see it. No one cares at all...

Qin Guan opened the "Extraordinary Players Forum", and frowned after entering.

"Jump High Score Raiders! If you don't watch it, you will regret it!"

"Professional Long Jump Athletes Teach You to Jump Over Moderate Difficulty!"

"Which master has cleared the new trial dungeon? Can you tell me which weapon is better to choose?"

Qin Guan was speechless. This feeling, why did he feel like he had entered a game forum? Even the titles of the posts were so similar...

(End of this chapter)

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