charismatic player

Chapter 19 Trial Copy 2

Chapter 19 Trial Copy 2
Although he finally successfully completed the trial and obtained the body of a useless person, there are still many things to do next.

For example, score points.

Each level of trial has a concept of completion, especially Qin Guan, who knows that he can enter the developer mode after completing 100% of the developer difficulty, is more motivated.

But no matter how motivated, this trial is still difficult.Qin Guan is going to start from the first platform, and set a small goal to reach 80% completion.

Qin Guan learned from Su Xiaoyu that she encountered the same situation as Qin Guan after completing the more difficult difficulty. The portable smart Zhuangzhuang told her that there was a reward for clearing the level, but she could not claim it yet.

As for when she can receive it? Zhuang Zhuang said that she must wait until she completes more trials and truly obtains the status of [Extraordinary Player].


0pm that night.

Just as Qin Guan was lying on the bed and was about to continue scoring, he suddenly found new information appeared in the lower left corner of his field of vision.

[Extraordinary player forum opens]

[Trial dungeon 2 has been opened]


Qin Guan was shocked at the time, there is new content so soon?
He originally thought that just jumping through this dungeon would be enough for everyone to play for two or three weeks or a month. After all, there are still very few people who have cleared the level with medium difficulty, let alone the highest difficulty, nightmare, and crazy difficulty.

As a result, less than a week after the trial of jumping and jumping started, the second trial came out.

"If you complete this trial, will there be any special rewards? I really want to change clothes for useless people..."

Without even thinking about it, Qin Guan directly entered the new trial copy.

It is still the same as last time, it is a pure white void space, but the layout is different, it is no longer a platform suspended in the air, but a large flat ground.

The only special feature may be the ring around it.

Qin Guan was standing at the center of a ring, which was less than 2 meters away from him (that is, the radius of the inner edge of the ring).

The ring itself is a pit with a width of about 60cm, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

"What kind of trial is this?"

Qin Guan found that the goal of this trial was different from before, but it was still one word:


Qin Guan scratched his head, beheading what?
In the center of the field of vision, a dialog box still pops up to select the difficulty of the trial.You don’t need to look at Qin Guan, other difficulties are definitely not optional, just choose the developer difficulty and you’re done.

Qin Guan originally thought that the trial would start after the selection of difficulty, but it didn't.

Many weapons hanging in the air appeared in front of him, and there was a reminder:
[Please choose your weapon. 】

"You can choose a weapon? It's amazing! Let me just say, with such a strong body, how can it be possible to fight with bare hands... But why are all cold weapons, can't you just give me a gun..."

Qin Guan took a look. There were only five weapons in front of him, which were neatly placed on the virtual frame of a weapon rack. They were a rapier, a broadsword, a long knife, and an axe. At the bottom was a... dagger .

Or calling it a dagger is a bit too flattering, this product is a fruit knife.

The weapons are different, but there is one thing in common, that is, the length of the first four weapons is basically the same, and they are all held in one hand.

A sword is a one-handed sword and an ax is a one-handed axe.

"Hmm... It seems that you should choose the weapon that suits you best? There is no difference in length, that is the difference in weight and flexibility. The usage of swords, knives, and axes must be different. For a reckless person like me, I must The choice of a weapon like the Falling Cherry Ax is in line with my identity..."

Qin Guan reached out and grabbed the handle of the one-handed axe, trying to take it off the weapon rack with only a virtual frame.

As a result, I pulled it hard, but it didn't move.

Qin Guan: "???"

Reminiscent of the last trial dungeon, he suddenly had a very bad premonition...

He tried the rapier, the broadsword and the long knife in turn, and sure enough, none of them could hold it.

Finally, Qin Guan cast his eyes on the fruit knife at the bottom very helplessly: "Don't trick me like this... I will bear with choosing a useless person to start the game. It's nothing more than poor physical fitness. Use this thing as a weapon If so, they will really be hacked to death, right?"

However, the system did not respond to him, and the other four weapons still could not be taken down.

"Just a mouthful."

Qin Guan reluctantly took the fruit knife from the weapon rack, and the weapon rack disappeared immediately.

Qin Guan took a closer look at the fruit knife. Well, the workmanship is quite good. The black handle and silver blade look very strong and extremely sharp.

Qin Guan tried to cut himself a little with it, and immediately there was a bloody gash.

You know, Qin Guan's body needs to be cut with a kitchen knife at home with a lot of force to cut through it. It can be seen that this fruit knife is sharper than a kitchen knife by how many grades.

But the key problem is that no matter how sharp it is, it is still a fruit knife...

What Qin Guan dislikes is not its sharpness, but its length...

When the time comes to really fight, other people will have three-foot long swords, big axes and other weapons in their hands, and I will take out a 30-centimeter fruit knife, which is a fart...

After selecting the weapon, a [Start] button appeared in front of Qin Guan.

Obviously, pressing this button will start the trial. Combined with the target of the trial [cut], it can be deduced that this trial is to chop things with the weapon in hand.

But... cut what?
Qin Guan pressed the [Start] button, and after a three-second countdown, he saw a huge watermelon flying out of a circular pit right in front of him.

Qin Guan: "????"

Before he could react, another orange flew up from the left, and an apple flew up from the right.

This time Qin Guan took a step directly to the left, and the fruit knife in his right hand directly slashed at the orange!
The result was cut empty.

There is no way, the fruit knife is too short, even if Qin Guan has taken a big step in that direction, there is still a gap.

Before Qin Guan could return to his original position, he saw large tracts of fruit flying up from the circular pit, one after another, appearing in a 360-degree surround.

Qin Guan simply came to the edge of the pit and chopped off every fruit that flew up, especially the big ones like watermelons and grapefruits, which were easier to chop.

The whole process lasted for 3 minutes. As the time went on, the fruits appeared denser and more frequently. There were often more than a dozen appearing at once, mixed with black bombs.

Qin Guan no longer had any hope for the fruits that popped out from other positions, so he stood on the edge of the ring pit and chopped what he could get.

I have to say that although this fruit knife looks very cheating, it is really sharp. Cutting these rough-skinned and thick-fleshed fruits is like cutting a piece of white paper, and the juice splashes everywhere, which feels quite refreshing.

Three minutes passed, and finally a huge pomegranate flew up behind Qin Guan. Qin Guan thought it was over, but the pomegranate stayed in the air for a long time. After Qin Guan came to his senses and ran over, it was too late, so he just cut it Two or three knives, and the thing exploded.

Then a score appeared in the center of the ground: 59.

(End of this chapter)

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