Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 644 All Blue (End)

Chapter 644 All Blue (End)
Incomparable power erupted from the depths of Fang Xing's body in an instant, that kind of power that was so high that it even surpassed the world, even he who contained this power couldn't believe it.

"He who listens to the will of God with a body that is not a god"

This is Academy City's description of LV6 ability users. With a human body, they can truly reach the height of a god, not by using and interfering with the rules, but with the ability to fundamentally change the rules, just like a demon god.

His power is beyond the rules.

Im's brilliance weakened. It seemed that something was restraining his power, making him unable to use his power to control the entire world. Everything was disturbed, and the source of the disturbance was undoubtedly Fang Xing in front of him.The terrifying power growing in his body made Im feel fear.He curled up and suddenly exploded with astonishing speed, moving under Fang Xing, obviously ready to attack.When fish are preying, they often sneak under the prey first, and then launch a sudden attack. Compared with the attack from their own side, the surprise attack from below is more difficult to defend.

There was a roaring sound, and in the night, the dark armor rushed to the top, and Kaido stood in front of Im.

"Our battle is not over!"

"Get out of the way!" Em roared, frantically flinging the gathered energy from his hands.

Under extreme fear, he did not intend to hold back at all, and Kaido took the lead in resisting the energy originally used to attack Fang Xing.The overflowing energy flows in colorful gullies in the night, the sky is completely lit up, and the forces that can control the turmoil of the entire world's climate are concentrated together, forming an indescribable force. The scales on Kaido's body are touching The moment it arrived, it collapsed.The red armor was cut apart, like a fried crab shell, but the golden color was fragmented.

Without any blocking effect, Kaido was defeated, and continued to move forward with almost no energy loss, spreading towards Fang Xing.

"Get out of the way!" Garp yelled.

Even Kaido's body, known as the strongest creature, would collapse at the touch of a finger, and Garp didn't think Fang Xing could stop him.

Maybe the energy came too urgently and too fast, Fang Xing didn't have time to avoid it. This was what other people thought.

"...you can't defeat me anymore, even I can't imagine being able to master such a huge amount of energy." Fang Xing's voice penetrated the energy that soaked him, and at such a moment, the energy that defeated Kaido was defeated by others. Separated, and then flung back towards Kaido.

Im was frightened, he didn't expect this situation at all, and he didn't have time to react.The tendency of his forward body could not be changed, it just collided with the energy directly.

The energy was already proven a moment ago, under the ravages of energy, even Im, who manipulated them, could not resist, his body was bumped into bumps.

Relying on the blood factor and his own recovery ability, Im quickly returned to his original appearance.But the appearance is the same, but it does not mean that the heart has returned to peace, and the shaking heart cannot cover up its own shock.

"Thanks to your help."

Im didn't know what the so-called help Fang Xing was talking about, and he didn't care about it now, he just looked at Fang Xing quietly, looking for a solution.

After a short silence, Yuim broke the silence.He launched the attack first, and action is easier to discover than thinking.The suffocating rhythm burst out suddenly. Im didn't take the liberty to choose to charge forward, but took advantage of his own advantages to keep using energy to carry out long-distance bombardment, but it was different from the previous attack method. In order to prevent Fang Xing from manipulating the energy to fight back, he immediately detonated it the moment he delivered the energy to Fang Xing's side.

The center of the battle has become an unbreakable circle, and the energy poured out by Im is a sharp blade, which vents wantonly in the space.

"It's useless"

Like an exhortation, more like a declaration, Fang Xing walked out of the tyrannical energy fluctuations, and his unharmed body undoubtedly proved the authenticity of his words.Although he didn't answer the reason, and he didn't know whether he had entered the LV6 mentioned in his mouth, but there was no doubt that the power that was about to move was stronger than that of Im.

In fact, what Im provides is not help. His powerfulness makes Fang walk on the same path as him, that is tolerance.

Although his body has been repaired, and his body is protected from damage by virtue of the physical strength brought about by exercise, it still cannot change the strength of his physical strength conflict. What will happen if you really mix them together? Xing didn't know, and because of this, he didn't even think about this plan before Im showed his irresistible strength.

But what happened to Im inspired him, and Fang Xing came up with the idea of ​​using the blood factor.The data provided by Vegapunk provides a calculation method, which can be used without understanding.

Taking the bloodline factor as the middle point of the bridge between strength and power coordination, the combination will bring about a qualitative leap, but the premise of the leap is at the cost of damaging the body, and any power conversion cannot be free , the vector operation is just to manipulate the direction of force, but not to change the energy of matter.

The atmosphere of silence was broken by Im, who roared and challenged Fang Xing's words.

The raging energy is like a special effect added in a movie. It is shocking, but it cannot affect the real object.

Im also felt this gap, and the arrogance in his bones did not want him to accept this "cruel" fact for him. He launched an attack frantically, but everything seemed to be of no avail.He struggled to get rid of, and even abandoned his own advantages. He rushed out. When relying on energy to make progress, he selectively abandoned his advantages, and wanted to rely on hand-to-hand combat to regain the advantages that should belong to him in his mind. .

This kind of behavior is extremely stupid. It was originally like the separation between adults and children. The age of children has been pulled back to the level of kindergarten from elementary school, and the advantages and disadvantages of both parties have been further separated.

Facing Im who was rushing towards him helplessly, Fang Xing just moved his fingers in disappointment, and the energy around him counterattacked Im.

"Ahh..." The helpless roar made people feel Im's pain.

After a frantic roar, Im raised his head, and stared at the sky with his fretted pupils.

A hole was opened in the sky under the power, and an unimaginable energy storm gathered, far surpassing the energy of Pluto. If it just fell straight down like this, the entire battlefield would be covered.

He is going to kill everyone!

"Go to hell! As the fate of disobedience to God, let everything go to zero! You can hide, but they can't!"

There are very few people with the ability to fly in the battlefield. Even the admirals of the navy cannot avoid the impact of this energy by using shaved and moon steps. The only people who are really confident to avoid it are Fang Xing and Huang Yuan.

The earth is collapsing, and the energy hanging above the head is like a guillotine, attacking the people below.No one tried to resist, because there was no room for resistance at all, the entire sky collapsed completely, and energy poured down in a range of hundreds of miles.The climatic energy that shakes the entire great route is contained in it.

There were voices of despair everywhere on the battlefield, even the World Government army standing on Im's side was no exception.The faces of Wulaoxing also showed consternation. Until the moment when the energy poured out, they still didn't want to believe that Lord Im would even kill them?
"Aren't you even going to continue pretending? The god you're talking about is just so cheap." Fang Xing sighed.

The black wings representing destruction were replaced, and the white wings stretched out behind him inexplicably, and the nameless voice swayed.It's not pure whiteness, but more like a pure whiteness that has escaped from the darkness. There are a few wisps of darkness mixed into the white wings. This is a mixed power, and it is also a power called protection.He landed on the ground lightly, like a piece of light feather falling.

Behind the energy fluctuations, the night is receding, time seems to slow down, and dawn is coming again.

"It's dawn?" Zhan Guo said incredulously, could it be that his concept of time was wrong?

"Is there something wrong with your eyes staring at those documents all day long?" Karp said, picking his nostrils. Even in this critical moment, he didn't show any panic, as if he was pessimistic about life and death, but in fact his Muscles are tense, ready to fight against this violent energy at any time.

"..it's dusk!" Zhan Guo gritted his teeth.

Time is going backwards?

No, time has been moving forward, but it is not time that is going backwards, but land.

But Zhan Guo would rather believe that he had misremembered the time and his concept of time was blurred, and he was unwilling to believe such unimaginable things.

Under the twilight that can cover up the energy released by Im, the white light that blooms from the white wings emits a brightness beyond imagination.

It covers heaven and earth, and it also covers the current of energy.

The climate began to return to normal, as if everything was just an illusion.

Im staggered back in the air... When all means seemed powerless, the pride and arrogance he had always had would be shattered.His pride was only maintained on top of his strength, and after the membrane that strength was no longer the strongest was uncovered, he lost his pride and chose to escape.

Fang Xing looked at him silently, and then fanned the white wings behind him. There was no extra impact, and the ground was intact, because all the strength was used on the impact.He suddenly crossed thousands of feet and appeared beside Im, his white wings were stained with a layer of black film, tyrannical energy swayed on it, it eroded towards Im, but In an instant, its existence was erased.

The battlefield is quiet, and until now it means the end of the war.

Fang Xing stood in the air, enjoying the gazes from below, like a hero?People fear him and admire him.

They need a spiritual support after being broken. Fang Xing killed Im, so he became a new target.

But in fact, he never thought of being a hero. In his impression, a hero is the kind of person who harms himself and benefits others, but Fang Xing is unwilling to be such a person. He would rather stay in a peaceful small town, idle around every day. Lying in the comfortable sunshine, going to the street to taste delicious food when waking up, and a life where everything returns to ordinary life may be his yearning.

So he resisted this spiritual pillar.

The gathered power was released by it, and the target was the Holy Land Mary Joa behind the battlefield.

The earth was completely torn apart, and the terracotta continent, which stood firm in the turbulent ocean currents, became turbulent. Even if the sea kings of the entire seabed were constantly bombarded, it was only the shaky terracotta continent, but it was easily destroyed by this energy. It completely shattered.

The center of the battlefield was divided into a small island, while the terracotta continent at the very center sank downward.

The currents of the four seas smashed together, countless fish were rushed into the sky, and a rain of fish fell from the sky.

"..all blue!" Sanji exclaimed excitedly.

An ocean of all the ingredients from the four great seas is the dream of any chef.

But the thing that excited Sanji didn't stop there, the sea was rolling like boiling water.Under the leadership of the mermaid princess, countless sea kings vacated the water surface, and with the help of the sea kings, they dragged up the fish-man island from the depths of the seabed.The magnificent Dragon Palace City is presented in front of everyone, which also indicates that the murlocs have landed on the human ocean.

No one raised any objections at this moment, and no one dared to object at this moment, just from the Neptunes all over the seabed and the Pluto carried by the huge Noah's Ark.

Looking at the sky in the distance, Fang Xing said lightly: "Night is coming."

With the fall of his words, the night of today appeared for the second time, the world was divided into two halves, and the darkness drew together.And within the range covered by night, Fang Xing's figure slowly faded from the battlefield.


The world government lasted for 800 years, and was defeated in one day because of a war.This news sounds so incredible, but in fact no one cares about it. For ordinary people, all they care about is whether they can survive.For some nobles, this is obviously unimaginable. The sudden downfall of the world's nobles, Tianlong people, gave them a feeling of precarity, and some ambitious people tried to seize power.But with the cooperation of the Navy and the Revolutionary Army, it was quickly suppressed, and the world returned to peace.

On an unnamed island, there is such a peaceful town, with comfortable smiles everywhere.

The sea restaurant Bharati was transferred to this island in this way, and at the main entrance of Bharati, there was a person lying on the deck chair, holding a newspaper in his hand, and making "tsk tsk tsk" sounds from time to time. .But none of the people in Balati's restaurant accused him of interfering with other people's business, and they chose to ignore it.

"What's the matter?" Redfoot Zhepu walked out of the restaurant, holding a freshly prepared drink in his hand.

The newspaper moved down, revealing the appearance of the person inside, with delicate cheeks, straight white hair and bright red eyes, all of which marked the identity of a teenager.

"Thank you." Fang Xing said, "I'm just reading the newspaper. I didn't expect that reporter to be so strong. Isn't this report too much?"

Zhepu looked down a little bit and saw the newspaper, and the most vivid one was the report published by the president of the World Economic News newspaper, Morgans.

The peace of the world needs a reason, someone must bear the reason for the collapse of the world government, and Fang Xing naturally became this "blame man", and he became the culprit in the destruction of the world in the report.

Not that different from the truth, though, thought Zapp.He didn't say anything out of his mouth, he changed the subject and said, "When will Sanji come back?"

"There are gourmet dishes and beautiful mermaids at the 'all blue' place. I think you will come back when you are terminally ill." Fang Xing said solemnly.

It sounds true, but Zhepu's face is a little ugly.

"Why don't you move Bharati there? 'all blue' is not just Sanji's dream, it's my husband's too," Zapp said.

"You also know that I am a weak person, and now I have been branded as the culprit. If I just appear on Fishman Island like this, I will be attacked."

Weak?It should be said that on the contrary, Bharati, who was in the East China Sea, was forcibly dragged to this place without even obtaining consent.Besides... how many people dare to attack, even if it is an attack, who can succeed?

Zapp had no intention of continuing the conversation. He just said, "You'd better think about how to explain it."

"How to explain what?"

Zhepu didn't say anything, and Fang Xing also showed a posture of denying it. He shifted his gaze to the newspaper again.Nearly half a year has passed since that war, the corrupt nobles were overthrown, and the world returned to peace.There are many fewer pirates in the sea. After people have a chance to survive, not many people are willing to take risks with their lives, except of course people like Luffy.In addition to his piece of newspaper reports, there is also a piece of Straw Hat Pirates eradicating the corrupt Judiciary Island, in which they are described as heroes.When I think of a guy like Luffy becoming a hero, I always feel a little unreliable.Of course, there is also the help of the dragon. Although the newly constructed political system does not know who is the ruler, it is obvious that the dragon has a considerable right to speak. heroism.

"Everyone is pursuing everyone's path..." Gently closing the newspaper, Fang Xing raised his head to enjoy the sunshine, squinted his eyes and rested.

As the saying goes, everyone is going their own way.Sabo is committed to the construction of a new world; Ace is still competing with Luffy for the ownership of One Piece, exploring in the vast ocean; Lu Qi leads the original CP organization and becomes a supervisory intelligence department; Yixiao devotes himself to the casino Among them; Doflamingo, who survived, the extremely evil person considered by the world, took the lead in destroying the underground dark world after the destruction of the Tianlong people, and then devoted himself to good deeds. impermanence.

It's just that the sudden roar made his squinted eyes open suddenly, and his body trembled even more.

"Fang Xing!"

"Ain...?" He turned his head tremblingly, looked at the angry Ain, and unconsciously stood up from the reclining chair.

Anger showed on Ain's pretty cheeks.

Fang Xing rolled his eyes bulging, as if he was looking for a way to explain.

Quietness is naturally not his theme, and he doesn't take sides with the weak people just mentioned, so he often sneaks to Fishman Island to enjoy delicious food.In the process of enjoying the food, he also hooked up with Sanji, such as rescuing a weak woman who was attacked by pirates, or taking them back to the town to arrange work
"I'm innocent." After thinking for a long time, Fang Xing finally said that, and then added another sentence, "Zhepu asked to do that!"

Zhepu sighed, although many of the rescued people were put in his shop, but that's not the case.

The noisy noise, along with this unreliable explanation, resounded in the cozy town.

 Everyone is walking their own way, sometimes lamenting whether the way they are walking is right or wrong.

  Imperfect works, even a bit bad. Looking back, I found that many places were immature, even now, but I still wrote them down seriously. All I want is to improve. I hope I can have better works...choose I will persist, and occasionally feel that this is just a verbal thought, and I have thought about giving up, and I have thought about other things, but in the end I still insist on my choice.

  emmm, all in all, this is an imperfect author. First of all, being lazy is a death sentence!The new book will be released this month. First of all, of course, I will rest for a few days and be a comfortable salted fish for a few days, and then continue to code (with a wretched face)
(End of this chapter)

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