Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 643 Ending the Curtain 5

Chapter 643

How terrifying is the energy of the planet's rotation, even if it is slowed down for a few seconds, it is enough to sink an island.

What's more, the limit that Fang Xing can control is a few minutes, and the power he possesses is much stronger than Hades.If the bombardment hit Im's body, even in a state of perfect defense, his body would only collapse as before.

And in the situation where there is no recovery ability, it is a fatal attack!
Im knew this, he endured the unbearable pain in the past, and his fretted pupils kept trembling.The dense energy spread all over his body, covering his body tightly, and he blended perfectly into the night, even his breath was perfectly concealed.

"Don't forget the existence of the old man."

The person who appeared suddenly was Yixiao who possessed the ability of Gravity Fruit.He who has lost his eyes has a perception ability that ordinary people can't imagine. He perfectly captures Im who is about to leave.The tyrannical gravity not only suppressed the dense energy, but also the protective energy surrounding Im, which exposed Im's body to the outside.

"Gravity has reached its limit, but even light can be suppressed!" Yixiao said lightly.

Fang Xing's attack followed, and Im's pupils shrank, and the trembling frets seemed to intersect. The time left for him was too short, and he had no time to react.

A punch that contained the power of the planet's rotation hit him directly.The energy far more terrifying than Pluto ravaged Im's body in an instant, cracks appeared in the white body, and it was torn apart in an instant, and Im's body turned into a cloud of blood mist , the remaining energy hit the sky into a "broad road", and the moonlight fell on the ground.

As the focus of the battle, even in the middle of the battle, most people still pay attention to him.


Everyone is amazed by this result, and the most astonished one is the army of the World Government.

Im's death came too fast and too suddenly, no one had imagined this situation.The identity of the world government army they are proud of melted like a bubble. The world government that had stood for 800 years also came to an end after Im's death. A new round of chaos is about to begin. No one pays attention to this Who will start the round of chaos and who will end it, and they are more concerned about how to deal with the navy's retaliation.They, who had regarded the navy as a rebel army just a moment ago, now had to find a way to survive these "despicable rebels".

The faces of the five old stars showed a daze, and when it came to unbelievable levels, they were the most.They, who clearly understood Im's strength, could not accept this ending no matter what.

"Is it over?" Sengoku said.He sighed leisurely, and there was a little embarrassment in his words.Even if they won, there was no joy at all, and the next one might be even more chaotic.He looked at Garp silently. He was digging his nostrils at the moment with a big heart, with an indifferent expression on his face. Sometimes Warring States envied Garp, which might be the benefit of big heart.

"To rectify the battlefield, the next step is to negotiate with the air..." Warring States said.He directly called Sora by his name, which actually showed the difference in his position at the moment.

The conflict between the navy and the World Government forces has broken out, and it will not end with Im's death.And Kong is the general marshal of the world government army, and his pure prestige in the army is even higher than that of the five old stars. Under his order, the navy and the world government army can mediate.

Just when everyone thought that Im was dead, Fang Xing frowned and stared in front of him.

The wind was blowing, but the blood mist floated in the air for a long time.

"...Your life is really tenacious." Fang Xing replied lightly.

After his voice fell, the blood mist gathered together violently.Im's body was reshaped, and the pair of indifferent pupils appeared first.

This is beyond the normal range. Can the human body really survive in such a situation?Even with the existence of the blood factor just now and the strong resilience, this is no longer resilience. In more precise words, it is more like the recovery of life.

"The biggest characteristic of the sky.. is tolerance"

The same indifferent voice responded to Fang Xing, but unlike Fang Xing's voice, the indifferent voice spread throughout the battlefield.This familiar voice brought a smile to Wulaoxing's face, Im back again!

"As long as the sky exists, I cannot perish."

The indifferent voice uttered shocking news, and there was only one meaning revealed by Im.

If the ability of the natural fruit allows them to have a natural body, then under the tolerance of the characteristics of the king of heaven, he absorbed the perfect ability born of the WX war fighters, which is the body of the sky.And he made a further breakthrough in the crisis just now, and he regained the feeling of fighting that he had forgotten.He looked at Fang Xing indifferently, and returned to his elegant identity.

"Then I'll defeat you again." Fang Xing launched an attack again. Although he didn't know what Im's self-confidence was, it was right to defeat him first.

Just when he thought so, Im's strategy gave up a different attack rhythm from the previous one. In terms of perfect rhythm control, he gained an advantage instead.

Im has never lost in strength. The weird climates that spread across the great route were all born under his power. With the power of one person, he influenced the entire world and brought down a field of attack that was fatal to others. .He's just not good at using energy, but after gaining the feeling of fighting, he regained his previous control over power.

"God is invincible!" Im made a counterattack, and the energy was condensed together like thousands of needles, and finally condensed into a point.

Fang Xing launched a struggle, but without the support of the rotation force in the air, he lost in the end, and his body fell suddenly.

Im turned his eyes back, aimed at Yixiao, and then quietly raised his hand.

"The need for life has been expelled, and too many people have disturbed the balance."

Yi smiled and felt noncommittal, "You are just purely afraid, I can hear the fear in your heart...you are just worried that too many people will be unfavorable to you in the event of change, you have no confidence in fighting!"

Im fell silent, and what the blind man said made him feel uncomfortable for a while, maybe it was too in line with his state of mind, and it was too correct.Although Fang Xing was repelled during the battle, it was only temporary, and he did not have the slightest chance of winning the next battle.So he wanted to expel Fang Xing's help to ensure his victory, but because of face, he didn't want to expel directly, so he found a clumsy reason.

Im didn't refute, but an attack suddenly radiated from his hand.

He greeted him with a smile, but stopped him.

"Didn't I say it? Gravity has reached its limit, but even light can be suppressed!"

The energy touched by the purple range of a smile fell vertically to the ground, and each energy beam was like a giant cannon, which ruthlessly bombarded the ground, making a violent sound.

"But you are still far from the edge of the limit." Im said coldly.

Although the energy in the purple range of Yixiao was dissolved by it, there were more energy that did not touch the purple range.They have become unstoppable killing weapons, harvesting lives on the battlefield.

Numerous navies have become heavy targets, and Im didn't deliberately choose the target, and the navies are undoubtedly the most numerous and the most conspicuous group, they naturally became the target.

Sweat dripped down Yixiao's cheeks. Only by resisting himself can he know how difficult things are. Every time he resists, his body will vibrate. I really don't know how Fang Xing resisted this huge and incomparable energy.Although it was difficult to resist, Yixiao did not intend to give up. Instead, he shared more attention to expand the range of gravity, so as to reduce possible casualties as much as possible.

"Help them resist the attack?" Im said softly, "In this case, you can't resist my attack, just follow your ridiculous thoughts and fall together."

The energy is scattered more densely, and Yixiao's action of expanding the gravity range caused the gravity field it produced to be unable to perfectly block the attack.Countless waves of energy rubbed against his body, but he remained unmoved.

"Die!" Im's voice just fell, but he suddenly lowered his head and looked down.

Smoke and dust billowed up, under the illumination of searchlights, like a sandstorm flying in space.

"With a body that is not a god, one who listens to the will of God... have you heard this sentence?" Fang Xing said lightly, and he walked out of the sand, his back stretched out.Even after suffering such a sudden attack, his body was still not damaged at all.

Im has never heard of this sentence, but it does not prevent him from understanding the meaning of the words. He felt an unprecedented pressure from Fang Xing. Already.. fear!

"Let me draw the curtain on the battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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