Chapter 265

Zefa didn't pay attention to Fang Xing's answer at all, nor his so-called "judgment", but asked directly: "What is your purpose of learning sword?"

Fang Xing actually couldn't figure out his purpose of learning the sword, maybe it was because of He's recommendation, maybe it was because he was worried about the strange fruit ability in this world, or it was just a whim, and he felt like he started learning it in a daze.

But no matter what the reason is, in the final analysis it is just for these two words.

"Become stronger." Fang Xing said.

This answer was quite satisfactory and did not surprise Zefa.

"So, do you know where the swordsman's strength lies?"

Fang Xing thought for a while, and replied flatly: "Lethal."

There are nothing more than four kinds of strong people in the world of pirates. The first type is strong people who rely on physical fitness; the second type is strong people who rely on skills, such as people who use props; the third type is strong people who rely on devil fruits; Four are swordsmen.

And the swordsman is inside, the most obvious feature is that unparalleled lethality.

What is a sword?The sword is the weapon of murder.Momotu once told him so.A swordsman is actually a person who holds a murder weapon for his own use. He uses his sword energy to cut through any object in front of him. There is no object that cannot be cut by a sword. If there is, it only means that your sword is not yet perfect.Slashing tangible and intangible things, splitting islands, cutting steel, what it shows is the kind of killing and destruction.

Zefa nodded.

"This is indeed a common phenomenon, but it is not absolute. There may be guys with physical bodies stronger than sword qi, or fully developed devil fruit abilities, and the destructive power they cause is definitely not weaker than that of swordsmen. This is also true. It's not the problem, you should already belong to the first-class level in terms of sword skills or the destructive power of the sword."

This surprised Zefa a little. The growth of a swordsman is not easier than anyone else. On the contrary, it may be extremely difficult. What is needed is the accumulation of time and continuous training, as well as talent.However, even if it is a swordsman with amazing talent, no one at Fang Xing's age has reached such a height in such a short period of exposure to the sword.This is no longer the category of genius. If you insist on using vocabulary, it is more like a monster, and this is the only word suitable to describe it.

"Then what am I lacking? Could it be that I didn't regard myself as a swordsman? Or did I think too much in battle?" Fang Xingdao.

In the battle, he has been analyzing the opponent's moves, as well as gains and losses.He rarely uses the wooden blade recklessly, because he is worried that he will lose the use of his abilities and lead to defeat.As he thought before, while using the sword, he lacked a little activity.

Zefa shook his head, then nodded again.

Fang Xing was puzzled by this, but he was not anxious. He just quietly waited for Zefa's answer with a cold expression.

"You really don't think of yourself as a swordsman, but that's not the problem. Any fighting style, as long as it can protect yourself is a good move. And your analysis is not wrong, because your analysis can make you Fight more cautiously and avoid making mistakes. But think about it, what are you considering when analyzing." Zefer asked.

"Thinking about how to better deal with the opponent's attack." Fang Xing replied.

"This is the problem. You pay too much attention to analysis. In other words, you basically avoid putting yourself in danger all the time. This way of seeking stability is not bad. Only the living can win. That said. This mentality is not unacceptable for swordsmen. Many swordsmen specialize in taking the defensive position to win. However, your problem lies in the middle of it. If you analyze rationally, you pay too much attention to your own advantages, and you will always To deal with the battle with what I think is the advantage point, but I ignore the most important thing to pay attention to, that is the battle - momentum!"

Fang Xing is no stranger to the word momentum.

In a battle of equal strength, the side that blesses the momentum can basically win the battle. There is a saying that the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road, which refers to this.This is also the reason why roaring people can often defeat calm opponents, and some hot-blooded middle two male protagonists can also rely on roaring to overcome difficulties again and again, and even extend such a sentence. ——"The output depends on roaring." This is about momentum.

"Then you are saying that as long as you have momentum? But Qingzhi doesn't look like a person with momentum, so does that mean that there are problems with his fighting?" Fang Xing said.

"You mean that guy Kuzan? Don't look at his lazy look. When he really needs to fight, that guy's aura will not be lower than anyone else."

"Momentum?" Fang Xing thought for a while, and then said: "I think Qingzhi is still that lazy when fighting. Could it be that the opponent made him lose his energy, so he didn't show his momentum?"

Zefa smiled slightly, "It doesn't have to be displayed to be called momentum. In fact, another manifestation of momentum is the heart, the heart to win. For example, my momentum is to protect justice and the hearts of students, and Kuzan he Although he looks lazy, his heart to protect justice is no weaker than anyone else, and when a person has a reason to fight, he will gain inexplicable strength when fighting."

Zefa said more patiently than before, because he wanted to make Fang Xing return to normal through this explanation.

After listening to Zefa's words, Fang Xingruo realized something, and then put on a cold face like a machine, "Although you said it very loudly, you said you couldn't understand it, according to the analysis"

Zefa interrupted Fang Xing's words, and his patience was worn out, "Don't analyze this, analyze that, just leave the battle to your own heart."

".I don't understand, but you can try. But how?"

"What's your reason for fighting all along?"

"Pretend, face, survive."

".?" Zefa was confused, "What do you mean?"

"It's the simplest words that can be analyzed in my mind. To disassemble and explain is to behave in front of outsiders, to take revenge when others provoke me, and the last point is to survive. Although I don't understand why I made the first and second points, but the third point If so, it is still understandable.”

In fact, the most simple and clear expression of all basic human actions is to "survive", and recalling the previous actions, although many behaviors cannot understand why the previous self did what they did, but it can be known that most of them are for survival.When I first arrived in this world, the battle with pirates at the waste recycling station was more about surviving in this chaotic world than just practicing.And the series of battles that followed included the massacre of pirates, involving Doflamingo, all of which were precisely for survival.In his eyes at this moment, the memoirs of this world are like data, the pirates who come to provoke are invading viruses, and his mission is only to protect himself from annihilation.

(End of this chapter)

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