Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 264 The Problem

Chapter 264 The Problem

Words that seemed to be concerned, but slowly spat out from Fang Xing's cold and flat face, as cold as ice and stones, it was clearly another kind of emotion, at least no one thought it was caring.

"This injury doesn't affect me at all!" Zefa said.It seemed that in order to get serious with Fang Xing, he used his left fist to attack again.

"You're lying." Fang Xing turned slightly to avoid it, and said coldly: "This punch is about 13.00% slower than the previous punch, which means that it has no effect on your injury."

Throwing away his emotions, he refuted Zefa with cold data.

For this rebuttal, Zefa was not only not angry, but on the contrary, there was a rare smile on his face dulled by the tragedy.

"It can be refuted. It seems that you haven't thrown away all your emotions as you said."

Fang Xing froze for a moment, reminded by Zefa, he was also a little curious about the rebuttal just now.He retorted angrily to remind the opponent to pay attention to the injury. Such behavior appeared on him, which made him curious.It's just that he quickly found a suitable way to answer, maybe this can explain the reason for his abnormality.

"Under normal circumstances, students will not resist the teacher's attack, because the teacher seldom has the real intention to kill the students. Judging from the feeling just now, you are the same, just want to teach me. So my refutation is not considered as a rebuttal, it can only be regarded as a kind reminder. And if I have a conflict with my teacher here, no matter what, it will be my fault in the eyes of outsiders." Fang Xing analyzed rationally.

Zefa's hut is not remote.Although the sound caused by Zefa's attack just now was stopped by Fang Xing, the dust raised by the hut and the collapsed situation, Fang Xing was inside the house, and he could not change the direction of the light to create an illusion. The fight will be discovered in no time.

"Hmph, let's just say it." Zefa said softly, contrary to what he said, his tone made it clear that he was saying no.

Fang Xing nodded, but did not answer.This time he didn't refute, because in his opinion, the act of refuting is meaningless, and the extra emotion is just hindering his thoughts.Just like just now, he doesn't understand what kindness is, but he can say it plainly, because it's just common sense in the data.

Although there was no sound, such a large damage to the house was quickly discovered.

A navy soldier came over, saw the situation, and first asked about the situation respectfully.

"Sir Zefa, what happened?"

Although Zefa does not have a military position at the moment, nor is he an admiral of the navy, but this navy soldier is still respectful, because he was once a student of Zefa.

Just because he didn't have outstanding talent, he slowly became an ordinary navy soldier.However, his respect has never changed, and it is precisely because of this respect that he voluntarily applied to come here.There is another reason for the application. When such a tragedy happened, people with a strong heart like Mr. Zefa couldn't bear it.Even though Mr. Zefa's body still looks strong now, but after suffering such an injury, he drank heavily instead of receiving treatment. No matter how strong his body is, there will be a day when he can't bear it.He was worried about what might happen to Zefa, so he could notify the medical department in time.This is also the reason why the soldier was able to observe the changes in the house so quickly without making any noise in the house.

"It's nothing. It's just a little hello to the students." Zefa replied.

The navy soldier looked at the situation around him. Zefa, whose mood had returned to normal a little, and the child who was standing aside with a calm face, also had the floor collapsed by a powerful force, and the gap opened by the sword energy.This way of saying hello - really special.

"There's nothing to do here, you go down first." Zefa said.

The navy soldier was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes! I will notify someone to repair this room later." After finishing speaking, he immediately retreated without hesitation. He wanted to close the door, but found that the dilapidated room hadn't closed the door. All the same.

After the soldiers left, Zefa's urge just now gradually subsided, at least now he didn't have the urge to beat Fang Xing so much.But this made him not know what to say and what to do, so he just looked at Fang Xing blankly.

After a long time, Fang Xing broke the silence.

"Is there anything else you can do? Just standing around like this is undoubtedly a waste of time from a rational point of view. Just like people's usual imagination, pure thoughts can't change anything, it's just a waste of time, and now is also like this."

Fang Xing broke the silence for no other reason than simply thinking it was a waste of time.At this moment, he didn't have any emotions, and all his actions were only based on the most accurate judgment in his mind.

Zefa was silent for a while, and said, "It's nothing."

"Then I have something to do with you."

Zefa asked blankly, "What's the matter?"

"Problem. Qingzhi said that there is a problem with my battle. I want to know what the problem is." Fang Xing said coldly.

The person who was still fighting a moment ago asked others questions so abruptly.If it was someone else, they would definitely not be able to ask because of embarrassment or conflicts. However, Fang Xing does not have those troubles now, nor does he have the grief of the death of his friend just now. He just wants to know his own problems. The biological instinct is to know one's own weaknesses and to improve them.

Zefa's grief hasn't passed away, but he is more worried about what's wrong with Fang Xing than his grief.Before, he felt that his xinxing was slowly changing, but what he felt now was not a change of xinxing, but a change of the whole person, like another person. If Fang Xing dyed his hair and put on a little makeup at this moment, Ze I can't be sure he won't recognize it.

Zefa temporarily suppressed the pain, and asked: "If you want to understand something, you need to tell the story of the battle. Tell me."

Fang Xing didn't hesitate, like a robot, he stated the course of the battle one by one, just like the data originally written in the database, and stated it accurately and coldly.

Zefa slowly opened his eyes, and through Fang Xing's description just now, he already had the answer.

"Your sword."


"In your description just now, you have never used a sword at all, tell me your reason."

"According to my judgment, the benefit brought by the ability is greater than the effect brought by the use of the wooden blade, so I just react according to my judgment." Fang Xing stated.In a battle between the weak and the strong, the attack brought by the wooden blade cannot really attack the opponent, and even if it does attack the opponent, it cannot bring appropriate lethality.On the contrary, because of the use of wooden blades, the flexible changes of vector operations will be more restricted and rigid.

(End of this chapter)

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