Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 243 Kidnapping "Lolita"

Chapter 243 Kidnapping "Lolita"

This sentence undoubtedly touched the hearts of Marco and Joz, even if it was an obvious advantage for the battle, but for the Whitebeard Pirates, they would never do anything to discredit Black and Whitebeard.

Marco and Joz nodded to each other, and indicated the answer with their eyes.

"There is no doubt that you are right, the Whitebeard Pirates don't bother to do such a thing, and more importantly, we also want to see who the mastermind is." Marko said so, and then put away But his light blue flame wings are not hot but just resemble flames in appearance.

Doflamingo laughed again, with a crazy smile, thinking of Dressrosa's status as the king, even if it was filmed as a mentally ill king, it would not be an exaggeration.This made Marco regret a bit. Is it really good for such a mentally abnormal person to cease fighting now?But before he changed his mind, Doflamingo had already galloped towards the center of Dressrosa's island.Marco had no choice but to spread his wings again, and flew behind Doflamingo.

Joz didn't stop there, and ordered the others, "Wait here, Marko and I will check the situation and come back soon." After speaking, he also rushed out, although it looked cumbersome, but the speed of moving Not slow at all.

The painting style changed suddenly, and what came into view was a castle full of charm.This is a Spanish-style castle located on the highest point of Dressrosa, overlooking the entire country from top to bottom.It's just that the castle is restless at this moment. Under Pika's control, the whole castle has turned into a giant war beast.

The citizens of Dressrosa looked up at this scene in astonishment, and fell into a daze.Many people were still eating, and ran out when they heard the noise. For a while, their king's castle was as unreal as the scene in the story, and it just turned into a giant beast. clear in time.

As if the giant beast wanted to reveal his arrival to the world, it stretched its huge limbs and roared to the sky.But the voice is contrary to his huge body, it looks so childish.This feeling is like confessing to someone you like, only to find out that the person is a man, giving people a huge sense of gap.Many citizens laughed out loud without thinking about running away.

"Stop!" Pica shouted anxiously to the fleeing figure in front of him, looking up to the sky.He even forgot to cover his own voice. Normally, he was very concerned about his voice being discovered by others, so he seemed taciturn, but now he couldn't care less about it.No wonder he was so anxious, but he was in such an anxious state at this moment.The task entrusted to him by the young master is to protect the sugar and guard those little people.But Pika can still tell which of the two is more important. If you lose the villain, just throw it away. At worst, just grab another batch. But the sugar is lost?Then when she loses consciousness, it means the beginning of the turmoil in Dressrosa, and the people who are turned into toys will return to their original state in an instant.And this turmoil has a great impact on the Don Quixote family, and it will even affect the identity of the young master Qi Wuhai.

The figure Pika is chasing is naturally Fang Xing.

Fang Xingxin said, if you tell me to stop, I will stop?You really think me stupid.Immediately under the sound, the pace was a little faster.

On his shoulders was the sugar that was tightly wrapped in a thick cloth and could not move.I saw that he was wearing thin clothes and was gagged by Fang Xing. Anyone who saw this scene would think that Fang Xing did this kind of behavior on the spur of the moment.

It can be seen from the sky that the reason Fang Xing kidnapped Granu was naturally not because of the "lolicon", he just took advantage of Doflamingo being designed by him, and came to Bo to take advantage of the fire.Knowing Pica's abilities well, he deliberately avoided letting his body touch the ground, because the ground is Pica's skin in other words, and when he walks on it, it's as easy as an ordinary person with a bug on his body. You can feel it.And through the radio waves on the body of the little human race, he quickly found the location, but the trouble was that under the rock, Fang Xing sensed Pika who was also eyeing him.Regarding Doflamingo's character, although he doesn't know much about it, he still has a general understanding. It belongs to the character of the villain protagonist who will be destroyed if he can't get it. Fang Xing had no choice but to change his target , and cast it on top of the sugar.

The reason why she is tied up like this is just that he is wary of the childlike fruit ability of Granose, and he has no intention to try it. God knows if he will become a toy when he meets her, and will he be able to help himself after becoming a toy? Move, and whether he can use his ability.Except for the powerful ability of Granose, she is actually just a war scum, and she can't even break free from the shackles of the quilt. After delaying this blessing, Fang Xing easily tied her up.It is even simpler to put a cloth on his mouth, but it can reduce some misunderstandings when he escapes along the way.

As for the thin clothes, of course Fang Xing did something "misconduct" while she was asleep, oh no, it was kidnapping.Picked at this time, obviously to avoid Torre Pol.

That's how this embarrassing scene happened.

When Pica made such a big commotion, Torreval also reacted to the commotion, chased after him, and then stood on the shoulders of the giant that Pica had transformed into.

"Torrebol, what's going on? Didn't the young master entrust you to protect the sugar? Your head is like your snot, so you can't take care of it!" Pika blamed.

Torrebol couldn't tell, he was asked to guard outside during the afternoon nap, and he was not used to looking at young girls' bodies, so he naturally agreed.

"The most important thing now is to get more sugar back. Even if the citizens of Dressrosa return to their original state, we can do what happened a year ago again."

This is also a way out of nowhere. Considering the tricks of that brat, it is a blessing to get the sugar back safely. They can only think of the worst.

Pica tried his best to interfere with Fang Xing's advancing route, constantly protruding rocks, but the rough road did not affect Fang Xing at all, even if it was vertical land, Fang Xing could still run freely on it.

Seeing this, Torrebol continuously sprinkled viscous liquid in the air, blocking Fang Xing's way forward.However, how could an attack thrown from a high altitude attack the flexible Fang Xing? Even the connecting touch could not touch it. Instead, the viscous liquid fell to the ground and became an obstacle for Pica's huge body.

"Torrebol, you bastard! Who are you helping? Hurry up and put away your abilities. The young master is coming back soon, we just need to stop him for a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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