Chapter 242
Facing the attacking Marco, Doflamingo still had the same expression, waving his arms and throwing silk threads, forming a net in the air, blocking Marco's way.

However, Marco faced these sharp silk threads without any hesitation, and bumped directly into them.

The moment his body touched the wire net, it turned into dots of light-colored flames and separated. Anyone who saw it would think he was injured. , Marco's body returned to its original state.

Even Doflamingo was a little surprised, of course he wouldn't naively think that such a small move could defeat Whitebeard's first captain.It's just that such a breakthrough method is still somewhat unexpected, and he never imagined that someone would break through his sharp lines like a blade from the front.

This hesitation gave Marco a gap to attack.Flying directly above Doflamingo in one fell swoop, he kicked out a powerful kick, and saw Doflamingo falling from the sky to the rock wall on the coast like a meteor falling, making a loud bang .

Seeing that the attack worked, Marco's men immediately cheered.

It was just that Marco shouted from the air, "Don't be careless, I didn't feel the kick just now!"

Hearing what Marco said, Joz didn't hesitate, and immediately rushed forward in three steps and two steps, raised his right hand, and saw that his arm suddenly turned into an incomparably bright diamond. With the strength shown here, it is conceivable that if this blow is real, even Doflamingo will not be safe.

Suddenly, someone who blocked Joz appeared in front of him, and the person who blocked him was not someone else, but someone from their own pirate group.

"stop it now!"

"Captain Joz! Our bodies are out of control."

If Joz and Doflamingo switched positions at this moment, with Doflamingo's style, he would kill anyone who stood in his way, even if that person was his subordinate, but for Joz It's different, the pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates treat each other as family members, how could he do such a thing as defeating those who blocked him, he immediately restrained his strength and stopped.

And Doflamingo also crawled out of the pit with a grin on his lips.

"It was a touching scene."

Joz naturally meant what he meant by touching. He was just mocking him for letting go of such a good opportunity for his subordinates, and his face suddenly became more serious. He didn't like such people.

Marco, who landed from the sky, saw the scene just now, and noticed the silk thread in Doflamingo's hand. It should be that thread that controlled the other crew members. Humanity: "You all step back, this person is not something you can handle now."

At the same time, the navy is also busy.Shichibukai, who represents the world government, clashes with Whitebeard, who represents a major force in the new world. The conflict caused by this kind of thing is simply "sparks hitting the earth". Although it has been expected in advance, it is still too late to really happen Appalling.

"Major General Ribery, are we going to stop it?" a navy asked.

The rear admiral lowered his head in thought, rubbing his thumbs on the handle of the knife that had been stained with sweat for an unknown amount of time.Like the movement of his hand, the problem he faced at the moment made him hesitate.

It was a long time before he made a decision, "No, until Lieutenant General Dauberman arrives, we can just sit on the sidelines."


This answer makes other navies a little strange. It is too strange to say that they are on the sidelines. Both parties belonged to the existence they could not afford to mess with.

"Yes, on the sidelines. We can't participate in such a battle now."

Franck Ribery is a non-distinctive rear admiral with no extraordinary strength or wisdom. He became a major general purely by accumulating military merits through his seniority.Because of this, he is more cautious than others, and understands that this kind of battle is definitely not something he can participate in. The only thing he has to do is to monitor their movements and ensure that they do not escape his sight. This is what he can do. task.

The battle was still going on, and only Doflamingo, Joz, and Marco were left on the field.

"You should admit defeat early, Doflamingo. Losing to the Whitebeard Pirates is not a shameful thing." Marko said.

"Hey, but I don't think I'll lose to you guys, and Whitebeard is just a legacy from the previous era. It's fine if I say it myself, but I don't think I'll lose to one of his subordinates." Doflaming Brother replied with a smile, flexibly dodging the attack from Marco, and at the same time allocated part of his attention to Joz.Compared with Marco's attack, he was more worried about Joz's. A punch from him, even with his current physical strength, could not bear it.Fortunately, although Joz has strong attack power, he still lacks in movement.

"Hehe, you dare to say that Dad is a legacy of the previous era, and the era belonging to Whitebeard is far from over!" Marco replied angrily. , he will have another side. "Now you, facing the attacks of me and Joz, will lose sooner or later. When you lose, I will make you regret what you said."

Although Joz didn't seem to have any reaction, but after Doflamingo said that sentence, his whole body suddenly turned into a transparent and bright diamond, and he made a flash and a collision, and slammed into it.

With a violent impact, it broke free from Doflamingo's lines, leaving a deep scratch on the ground, and then slammed into Doflamingo. At this time, Marco had already stopped Doflamingo. Brother's way of retreat blocked his way of escaping into the air.

Joz's impact hit him successfully, but Doflamingo's body transformed into lines in an instant, and he didn't need to think about it to know that this was not his real body.

At the moment of intense battle, a voice came from Doflamingo's castle.

"That brat really went." Doflamingo revealed his real body at the side, and slowly retracted the limp lines on the ground. At the same time, he said to Jozi and Marco, who were also a little strange: "The battle ends here first." .”

"what do you mean?"

Doflamingo smiled, and picked up the pink feather coat that fell aside due to the battle, "Our battle is definitely not a short-term winner, and before that, you don't think you should catch the mastermind Is that kid attacking my castle right now, I have no intention of fighting with you, presumably the Whitebeard Pirates are not the kind of people who dare not even fight head-on."

(End of this chapter)

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