Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 837 Development and Incorporation

Chapter 837 Development and Incorporation

Chapter 856 Development and Incorporation

There are many small planets in the universe, and these small planets are also quite stable.

If there are any shortcomings in the above, it is that there are no living things, no ecological chain, and no precious mineral resources, but these asteroids can definitely be developed.

The expedition team sent by Mark found several asteroids that could be colonized by humans in the meticulous surroundings.

The good news was quickly spread back to the earth, and the World Security Council suppressed the news and did not tell anyone.

They plan to launch rockets by themselves while Mark is away, and use their own technology to build a city on an asteroid during this time.

I have to say that their wishful thinking is very good, but they seem to have forgotten that such a large-scale project cannot be concealed.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had obtained a complete plan on the third day of the project.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. itself couldn't believe that the officials and lords of the World Security Council would actually do such a thing.

Because in their imagination, these officials and lords are generally thinking about how to make money from various events.

It's true, it's rare to see these officials spending money so diligently, and it's still for the development of mankind, so SHIELD didn't do much to stop this matter.

However, the message was sent to Mark.

In fact, Mark had already obtained the news earlier, but also because of this, he didn't do much to stop it.

It is a good thing to dare to try and work hard for human development, and Mark has no intention of stopping them.

But Mark is also waiting for them to fall and hurt and know the pain before going to help them himself.

As expected, a week later, the earth received news of the interstellar pirate robbery.

Although the earth's technology has made great progress, but in the Protoss space battle, there is no experience at all, and several battles ended with suicide attacks.

Not to mention competing with those experienced pirates in the voice control, they were defeated almost instantly after meeting each other, and the battleships were all controlled by them.

If it weren't for the fact that some of the crew members in the fleet came from the moon base and have dealt with other races in the universe, it is estimated that even this news would not be sent back.

The pirates were also quite lost. After learning that the robbery was the fleet under the famous Mark, they also planned to let them go directly.

However, the loss this time is still in accordance with the rules, and Mark has to make up for it.

It seems very unreasonable, obviously Mark is the strong side, why should he pay compensation?
In fact, this is the case. Under the current situation, the interstellar pirates can kill everyone, and then take these things and leave.

The interstellar pirates made their homes everywhere, offended Mark in this star field, and at worst ran to other places.

If it is really possible to wipe out the interstellar pirates so easily, there will be no rewards issued everywhere.

Mark paid some lighter compensation appraisal fees, and the star field will be taken care of by these interstellar pirates in the future.

It can be understood as a kind of protection fee, and the price of the protection fee is not too high. Other interstellar pirates will also be notified by this one interstellar pirate, telling them whose fleet is here, and similar incidents will not happen again. Condition.

However, this kind of thing rarely happens. Large fleets generally have their own logos and flags. It is really rare for people like the earth to rush into deep space without their own logo at all.

A dozen reconnaissance planes and Phoenix fighter planes came from afar, and when they approached, the pirates could clearly see the energy rays emanating from these fighter planes.

This is not at all comparable to their tattered warships.

Sure enough, the life of the rich is different. Some pirates even think that after getting the money this time, they will also upgrade their warships. If they can't meet such high requirements, they should at least look better.

"You can still do things. There is no loss of goods and personnel, and it is considered to be authentic. This is the supply card issued by the moon base. Take this to the Earth Satellite Moon Base to get supplies. Advanced weapons and equipment can also be given You are equipped, and these reconnaissance planes and fighter planes are gifts for you. Thank you, Mr. Komnene, and I have officially recruited you." Mark's blue projection appeared in front of this group of interstellar pirates, and said to them in a flat tone .

These space pirates are thrilled.

If there is a big person as a guarantee of logistics supplies, who would like to be a pirate of Gais and live a life of fear all day long.

Star Pirate replenishment resources can only be near neutral ports or chaotic areas.

The supply resources in these areas are extremely expensive. Basically, it’s a one-off. It’s good to get 30%, and the rest has to be handed over to the bosses of these damned neutral ports and chaotic areas.

These interstellar pirates are not at all worried that this is a trap.

Ma Kezhen's little-footed sister and the others wouldn't just send out these records, let alone hand them over to them.

The leaders put on their helmets one after another and flew out of their spaceships. They faced the Phoenix fighter and reconnaissance plane floating in the air, and approached the Phoenix fighter and reconnaissance plane. They all had intelligent systems.

In addition, these pirates themselves have experience in space combat, and it is quite easy to learn. After ten minutes, they can easily control the fighter plane.

"But remember, you are still interstellar pirates now, do you understand? You can still plunder the passing ships, so you don't need to worry so much."

What Mark did was equivalent to the privateer certificate issued by the UK at that time.

By doing this, Mark intends to catch the autumn wind and obtain some information at the same time, maybe he can get unexpected gains!

The earth soon received the news from this fleet.

After the World Security Council learned that Mark was about to save them, they didn't know what to do for a while, but the relationship with Mark couldn't be wasted like this. In the end, the World Security Council still lowered its proud head.

"Mr. Komnenos, I'm very sorry, and we are really grateful for the trouble to rescue our fleet." The congressman didn't explain the situation clearly as soon as he came up.Everyone is a sensible person, and it is not good for everyone to directly tear their faces.

"It's just a small matter, there is no big problem. The cooperation between you and the elves, you can figure it out! The promise I made to you before is still valid, but it is not on those few asteroids. I found a more Planets suitable for human habitation can build cities directly on the surface, without protective shields, air pressure adjustment, or oxygen. The environment there is very similar to that of the earth, except that it takes longer to jump." Mark said What he said was like a thunderbolt, and everyone in such a world security council was a little confused.

Habitable planets require no shields, no other adjustments, and no extra oxygen!How is this different from Earth?
That means it's a planet that harbors life!
"Mr. Komnenos, is there any other life on this planet?" the congressman said to Mark with a trembling voice.

"It's just some undeveloped wild creatures, and it's not a big threat to you at all. I have sent people to investigate this planet, and there is no large-scale infectious disease on this planet. Some of my expedition members have already I have been living on it for a month, and there have been no problems. I still have something to do here, let's talk about it when I have time!"

Mark hung up the phone on purpose.Quietly waiting for those guys to come to the door.

The congressman put down the phone with the busy signal in his hand, turned his head and looked at his companion behind him, not knowing what to say.

"Now is the time to make a decision! A brand new planet, a planet that is no different from the earth, that symbolizes the hope of the future of mankind." The councilor couldn't help trembling, but he couldn't restrain himself.

"Whether those guys agree or not, we have to do it! This is for human beings, and we and I will leave a strong mark in the history of human beings!"

"it is good!"


More than ten days later, members of the World Security Council stood on this brand new planet, full of strange birds and animals, and dense forests.

Although it is something that does not exist on earth, it feels extremely kind.

"Mr. Komnenos, are these all true? Are these all things that we humans can have?"

"Is it true that you have to explore it yourself to understand. I do this not to get your rewards, nor to get your support. I just want to simply tell you that human beings can only rely on themselves, and Not by those guys with long ears.

I know that only a few of you are willing to support me, but I can help you get rid of those who don’t want to support me. Of course, it depends on your choice. If you don’t agree, I won’t make a move. This is you internal affairs.But I have to tell you that if you miss this opportunity, human beings will lose more than that.

Don't let this planet be targeted by other races, if humans can't occupy this planet and claim sovereignty before then.Obtaining this planet for Lan Xiang is even more difficult. "

Mark's words stimulated these congressmen.

Who could not know what is going on here?These lands are now, as they were when the American continent was first explored, claimed by those who first explored them.

Those who explore later will find it difficult to obtain ownership of this land unless they start a war without shame.

However, as before, human beings do not have any power, so forget it, but now human beings have the power to fight for enough benefits for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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