Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 836 Management and Rule

Chapter 836 Management and Rule

Chapter 855 Management and Rule
This thing is like the ancient Chinese jade seal, without orthodoxy, sitting in that position will be criticized by others.

As soon as Luo Ji returned to her own identity, she was questioned by many people.

It doesn't look like a frost giant in itself, and the costume of Asgard makes these frost giants suspicious.

But as her blood flowed into the throne, everyone witnessed Luo Ji's true identity.

She never thought that she would return to her hometown in this form, let alone board the gatekeeper. She never thought about these things. She thought that she would always be the third princess of Asgard.

If Asgard hadn't been destroyed and the Nine Realms were in chaos, they would never have chosen to return to Jotunheim to inherit the throne.

"Now! Who still doubts me, you can choose to challenge me." Luo Ji said to all the frost giants below without fear.

At the beginning, the frost giants were naturally unwilling to believe that the thin guy in front of them was their king, but the strongest of them had already been killed.

Now they have to admit it too.

As for challenging this kind of thing, let’s talk about it later!
Moreover, it has always been a traditional custom in Jotunheim to go up and down.

Rocky wasn't always ready to stay in Jotunheim.

She just came to claim her sovereignty, and the final management right was handed over to the previous frost giants.

After learning about their current kingly attitude, these frost giants who had regained their power were extremely happy.

What they are afraid of is that their rights will be deprived again. Now that their king has handed over the power to them again, naturally they have no opinion.

After Jotunheim was settled, Mark was ready to go to the next target.

Mark has already made a perfect plan for himself. After the Frost Giants are dealt with, the next thing to be dealt with is Muspelheim, who has lost its leader.

Mark is ready to regain control of Muspelheim, and before that all it takes is to create one more fake fire giant. ,
Although it is a fake Surter, as long as he is strong enough and no one can challenge this fake clone, he will not be exposed.

With the opening of the portal, the heat wave from Muspelheim clearly spread to Jotunheim, causing the frost giants standing around to take two steps back to avoid the heat wave.

Mark and Luo Ji walked through the portal alone, and what they saw was Muspelheim, who was in chaos and infighting at this time.

Muspelheim has always been under the high-pressure rule of the Fire Lord Surtur, but the interior is actually extremely chaotic and unstable.

Without a leader, riots are the inevitable result!

There are wars and strife everywhere, and a large number of giant corpses lie on the ground.

But more are local creatures tamed by giants.

The biggest creature is the monster that fought back and forth with Thor in the original plot.Mark didn't know what that thing was, so he could only describe him as a monster.

But now that guy is also dying, with weapons stuck everywhere on his body.

Although these weapons are simple, each weapon contains powerful elemental power. Obviously, these giants are not as fragile as imagined.

The monster couldn't speak, but he kept roaring to defend Surtur.

That last throne will not allow anyone to infringe on his master's former throne.

Although his master didn't treat him very well, and even trapped him firmly with chains, his heart was still grateful to the master who allowed him to survive.

Mark wrapped his body with fire elements to look like Surtur, and walked step by step to the sword of victory in the hands of the throne, which was Mark's trophy.

The Sword of Victory is the best proof of Surte, it is the best existence to destroy Asgard.

Even though the elemental aura exuding from Mark's body is not the same as Surte's, but who can guarantee that Surte, which has been strengthened by the eternal fire, will be exactly the same as the original?
The monster lowered its head on its own initiative, and looked at Mark in fear, while Mark raised the victory sword in his hand high, and said to the flame giants who were still fighting: "Now your king is back, put down The weapons in your hands, swear allegiance to me again. I will spare your lives, and those who violate my throne, I will also forgive his crimes. If you still don’t intend to lay down your arms! Die!”

There are really a few flame giants who don't believe that Mark in front of them is Surtur, and the aura emanating from him is not like Surtur.

So they picked up the crude weapons in their hands and launched a charge attack on Mark.

Mark waited until they got close before waving the sword of victory in his hand. The sword of victory easily penetrated their bodies and things, and the bondage was not over yet. The clan standing behind them held their weapons tightly, and There is no choice to kneel down and declare.

Gungnir in Mark's hand lifted the thunder high and surrounded Gungnir. The appearance of Gungnir made all the flame giants exclaim.

Because Gungnir is a weapon equipped by Odin, the appearance of Gungnir here only proves one thing, that is, Olin is dead.

Gungnir threw it towards the two clans, and a large amount of lightning fell from the sky, turning the entire area into a thunder prison.

Under the bombardment of thunder and lightning, the flame giant turned into dust.

The other flame giants no longer dared to raise their hearts of resistance.

Even if the flame breath on Surte's body is different, it is also the result of the eternal fire.


People on the earth have no idea about the stability of the two worlds beyond the earth.

But the people on the earth are not idle.

After the elves in Switzerland understood their situation and received threats from Odin, they did not choose to back down.

They chose to take the risk and prepared to cooperate directly with the World Security Council behind S.H.I.E.L.D.

He believes that the World Security Council behind S.H.I.E.L.D. can guarantee their safety, when humans and elves unite.

At that time, Odin, who will lose Asgard as the foundation of logistics, will not easily start a war.

"Isn't it too risky for us to do this? We already know the relationship between Odin and Mark. If we continue to do this, it will really be equivalent to breaking the face with Mark. In the future, in the process of his making the universe Among them, we will lose the help of Mark. Modular construction is still very useful for us, and now Mark has an advantage in the universe, if we do this.” A member of the World Security Council calmly Said.

Many people are not in favor of cooperating with these elves. The main reason is that compared to Mark, the identities of these elves are still unknown.

Although Mark is threatening, Mark's threat only threatens the stability of the World Security Council.

People who are not of our race must have a different heart. In fact, this sentence is used in another way to spread the racial contradictions in the United States in this world.

People with different skin colors can fight for so many years, not to mention the different races. Even though these elves are very beautiful, they are threats to human beings.

It is simply impossible to rule out because of beauty.

"Then what else can we do if we don't do this? Are we going to let Mark completely take the initiative? Now we have an opportunity in front of us. If we don't fight for it, we don't even have a chance to fight the competition."

Some people are in favor of it and some are against it.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with what he said. If you don't fight for opportunities now, then you really won't have opportunities in the future.

It is impossible for Mark to hand over the core technology to the World Security Council. Human development will definitely not be able to catch up with Mark's technological reserves within the next hundred years. Even in a few hundred years, it is unlikely, especially in terms of force.

Protoss light is warp technology, which is not something humans can learn in a short period of time, let alone the combination of Protoss warp and human technology.

The protoss themselves are not fully prepared for various technologies, and now only Narud knows how to jump humans.

"I have a suggestion here, that is, we are divided into two factions to keep hope for the last human fire. On the one hand, we will cooperate with the elves and obtain enough information and technology from him to continue to develop. The other faction is to continue to cooperate with Mark. , getting help from Mark to develop it slowly.

If the elves have a greater advantage, and the elves have no intention of annexing humans, then all the resources of the Mark faction will be turned to the elves.vice versa. "Someone still put forward a more compromise proposal.

But this is a typical sloppy behavior. Once people on both sides know about it, Zhu Bajie will look in the mirror in the end.

"Well, we don't have a choice now. If we fall behind in technology, we will be beaten! I support Mark, at least as a human being and a hero, he has the public as supervision. Unless he completely intends to give up himself in front of the public and always establish up image."

"I support the elves."

"I support elves too!"

All of a sudden, the meeting hall was divided into two factions. The number of people who supported Mark was far less than imagined, not even 1/3. Everyone was even more afraid of Mark, who is also a human being.

At this time, the group of congressmen who still think about internal fighting and supporting Mark are also heartbroken.

No matter what Mark does, it is a human being for the benefit of human beings. Even if Mark proclaims the emperor as king in the end, it is still a matter within human beings.

Instead of being exterminated by elves.

The ghost agents collected all the news they had just received, and were going to wait for Mark to come back and report to Mark in a unified manner.

Let Mark know about these guys' wolf ambitions.

(End of this chapter)

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