Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 75 Chaos scene

Chapter 75 Chaos scene

Chapter 74 The Chaotic Scene
At this time, the Stark Exhibition was in a mess, there were deep pits left by the explosion everywhere, and there were still many wounded wailing in situ, some of them were already dead, lying there quietly.

All of these are the result of Hammer Industries.

A blue energy field was projected on the Stark exhibition, and with a flash of white light, Mark was instantly leapt onto the battlefield.

Under the package without any auxiliary equipment, normal humans would vomit or dizzy after jumping, or some other bad symptoms.

Bad symptoms like this can easily destroy a person's will.It cannot be recovered in a short time.Even a warrior with an iron will who has experienced many battles can't bear it.

Even if the marines wear CMC combat uniforms, the safety of the marines cannot be fully guaranteed.It can only be said to reduce the impact.

The crystal stable warp modified by specific technology can reduce this negative state to the minimum.It is a coincidence that this technology is in the hands of the Mobis Foundation, and the person in charge of the foundation is Narud.

Prince Valerian is only investing in the Moebius Foundation, not so much as a controller, but as a winner.Totally deceived by Narud.

It can be said that without the help of any auxiliary equipment, Mark hardly felt anything this time.On the one hand, Mark's body has been modified, on the other hand, Mark has gone through many transitions, and has long been used to this feeling.

In this relatively gentle way of jumping, Mark was not affected by anything.

The leap was successful, and the blue energy field disappeared instantly, as if it never existed.Nobody noticed this blue energy field appearing.The current technology cannot see this blue energy field at all unless it is manufactured in a targeted manner.

Only after transformation, can a warrior like Mark or a protoss warrior be able to see the existence of the blue energy field.

It's just that Mark's sudden appearance here can indeed be monitored by satellites.But with the interference of the blue energy field, the satellite can only see a white blurred spot during the warping process.It was only after the end that Mark suddenly appeared on the ground.

Mark Mark doesn't like those who do it and set up a memorial archway, it's very hypocritical and artificial.If you did it, you did it, if you didn't do it, you didn't do it. Mark has chosen to cooperate now, so he should be thorough.

There were more than a dozen dark templars who followed Mark.These strictly trained dark templar warriors have no problem dealing with these sapless machines.

Mark looked at the miserable situation around him, without any fluctuations in his heart.In the interstellar world, bloodier and crueler things have happened, and Mark has also witnessed it during his mission.

Especially planets that have been invaded by those zerg.

Sometimes I feel that death may be a kind of relief, but living is a kind of torture.

Not all infected humans have the self-awareness to control their bodies like Stukov.When the vast majority of human beings are infected, they have lost the ability to control their own bodies, and have completely become units controlled by the mastermind and the queen.

Mark, who suddenly appeared in the square, was identified by the robot as the target of the attack, and he started shooting without hesitation.

As long as Mark is still within their normal calculation range, Mark will definitely be hit!

But in fact, Mark's ability has exceeded their calculation range.Mark appeared behind the robot in a flash, stepped on the back of the robot, aimed at the connection gap between the head and the body, and shot it in.

Immediately afterwards, the robot fell to the ground after a convulsion.

Mark is also able to achieve a one-hit kill entirely by virtue of his extraordinary ability.If ordinary soldiers are used to solve it, at least 20 people are needed, and this may cause heavy losses, or even wipe out the entire army.

That's why the military committee is ready to invest heavily when Hammer Industries is preparing to launch such a war machine.

A large number of robots were offline, which surprised Ivan Vanke, who was quietly controlling all of this behind the scenes.I thought it was some secret weapon prepared by Tony Stark, which led to this result.

He started checking his rigging system, wondering if someone had hacked into his system and taken the bots offline.

But no matter how he checked, he didn't check any problems. He didn't believe that Tony Stark's technology surpassed him so much.

If he really surpassed him so much, all he did was in vain.

The egotistical genius never admits defeat.When I opened the surveillance camera screen of the expo, I saw mechas one after another, which were inexplicably cut.The machine that was standing there one second before had split into two and fell to the ground the next second.

Ivan slammed his fist on the table hard, he couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.He put on his battle armor and prepared to go to the battlefield in person, and it was time to end this farce.

It is also time for the grievances between the Vanke family and the Stark family to be completely resolved today.

Even though Tony found a new element to replace the previous palladium element, the entire battle armor hadn't had time to be updated.

It has not fully utilized the energy provided by the new elements to the extreme.It even wastes the energy of many new elements.

Especially firing palm cannons or cluster cannons on the chest, which is an extremely energy-consuming behavior, a lot of energy is too wasted during the firing process.

This caused Tony to consume too much energy, and now he is showing signs of energy deficiency.According to this level of consumption, if it lasts for another half an hour, almost all energy will be completely exhausted.

"Jarvis, how is Pepper's situation?" Even during the battle, Tony was still worried about his beloved woman.

Jarvis Hui, an artificial intelligence that has been monitoring through satellites, reported: "Ms. Pepper is quite safe now. Sir, there is another piece of good news to report to you. Just 2 minutes ago, Mr. Mark appeared on the battlefield and it has been resolved. Kill a lot of out-of-control robots."

Tony couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words, but he quickly responded, wasn't Mark still in New Mexico before?Why is it here now?

But before he had time to think about it for a while, he whipped towards Tony with a lightning whip and a fast speed.Although Tony made an evasive action in time, he still didn't leave the opponent's attack range.

Tony's feet were entangled in the whip, and Tony, who was flying in the sky, was pulled down abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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