Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 74 Then there is only one answer

Chapter 74 Then there is only one answer

Chapter 73 Then there is only one answer

Before Tony could finish speaking, a violent explosion interrupted the communication with Mark.

Mark didn't know what kind of situation Tony was encountering now, but before Mark was ready to contact Jarvis to inquire about the situation.

The call from Nick of S.H.I.E.L.D. came back.

"Hey! Mark, the vacation is over early! Tony is in danger." When Nick was supposed to be speaking, there was also a chaotic voice.

Or screaming, or explosions, or bullets passing by.

"What's going on with each of you? I've been away for a few days, why? World War!" Mark was a little confused at first about the current situation.

"The world war is not going to happen yet, but if the situation continues to deteriorate, it may not be long before it will really cause a world war." Nick couldn't help but gasped, his arm was hit.

The bullet directly pierced through the arm and caused severe pain, even a man with a steel will like Nick couldn't bear it.

Human life is at stake, and Mark didn't plan to sit on the ground and raise the price at this time.

Without thinking about it, Mark asked, "Where are you now?"

"Where are you now? At the Stark Exhibition, the robots of Hammer Industries suddenly went berserk and began to attack everyone indiscriminately. The National Guard has begun to assemble. But the combat effectiveness of these robots is too strong. The helicopters of the National Guard It didn't last long at all, and they were all destroyed." The voice of the phone changed suddenly, and it was Natasha who answered the phone.

"But now I'm in New Mexico!" Mark was quite helpless now.

It takes more than four hours to travel from New Mexico to New York City even on the most advanced fighter jets, the most advanced Quinjet fighter jets.Don't talk about other things, just ordinary planes.

When Mark arrived there, he estimated that the day lily was already cold.

"Then I wish you a happy holiday!" After speaking, Natasha closed the communication.

When Mark first came to New Mexico, he thought that this kind of thing might happen to Tony.Mark thinks that Tony can face and solve this matter on his own.But what I didn't expect was that the development of the incident was quite beyond my expectation. I just thought that Tony was in trouble, but I didn't expect that SHIELD and even the National Guard had already been dispatched.

This time it might really be a mess.

After all, even in the last Brooklyn Bridge bombing, the National Guard was not dispatched.

Mark thought about it carefully, even if he used the wraith fighter himself, it would not be able to catch up at all.

Narud's weird voice sounded: "Maybe I can give you a little help."

"What's your purpose? Why are you spending so much energy on me?" Mark still didn't understand why he chose himself. After all, he was just a creature with relatively powerful psychic energy.

Mark doesn't know if he can call himself a human now...

"Because we have seen the power to break the cycle of reincarnation in this world. Those things called infinite gems have the ability to change the reality of time, space and soul... This magical power should be able to break that endless cycle of reincarnation. The master wanted to To get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from you is to open a tunnel leading here. I will jump a Tadarin fleet directly into this universe to help you take those infinite gems.

It's a pity that the master died before he was able to complete the mission. I will continue to help the master complete this plan.And now I need your help.The choice is yours, breaking the endless cycle.I will give you the power left by the master. "Narud finally revealed their true purpose.

Indeed, there are all kinds of black technologies in the interstellar world, but compared to the Marvel Universe, which has more black technologies, some of the black technologies in the interstellar world really can't keep up.

Especially something that can be called an administrator level like infinite gems.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who cares about power?" Mark asked rhetorically.

"But you care about the world."

"You're right." Mark didn't know if this was his last trip.

If he died, would he really die completely?The previous suicide was just that Mark didn't want to be a walking dead.What is the difference between being the walking dead and dying?
Escaping from the fallen Naganaga is even more nonsense.

"Then, there is only one answer!" Narud's voice disappeared briefly, and then a golden ship appeared above Mark.

"I will be loyal to you!" Narud's voice sounded again.

Although Mark was a little disappointed not to hear the sound of the cane breaking, but this ship really helped Mark a lot.

The psionic energy core shining with blue light is like a small sun at night.

Blue energy grids form the flying wings of this ship.These energy grids are composed entirely of energy projections from the crystalline core.It is also the primary navigation sensor for the Prism.A perfect combination of mechanical and spiritual energy.

It can be said to be a perfect masterpiece across the ages!

However, this nearly 50-meter-long spaceship is not equipped with any weapons and is a complete transport ship.Because of its special internal structure, it can only carry Protoss warriors.

A dozen protoss fighters or three or four protoss war machines can be quickly carried within the planet.

Of course, if its function is only like this, it will not be called a perfect work across the ages.

Its changed form can be used as a crystal tower, forming a small energy field, and warping protoss warriors.That's where it got its name from.

Mark looked at this familiar ship with a little sigh, but there is no time for him to feel emotional now.

Mark actually felt a little surprised before, why he was able to call the dark templar and the consul to help him before.

Now Mark finally understood why.

As long as you have the technology of fast warping and use the warping prism, you can put an entire army into the battlefield in a short time.

For example, Archbishop Artanis used this technology to jump a large number of protoss from Al to the forefront of the battlefield, and even in the later stage, even large-scale combat machines and ships can be directly jumped to the battlefield.

However, because Mark himself does not have a fast warp device at all, he can only rely on the warp prism to warp first, and then warp to an area with an energy field.

With a burst of light projected on Mark, Mark disappeared in place, just like Asgard's teleportation bridge, but it was much inferior to Asgard's teleportation bridge.

After all, Asgard's teleportation bridge doesn't need such a big ship!
(End of this chapter)

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