Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 725 Stephen's Beginning

Chapter 725 Stephen's Beginning

Chapter 744 Stephen's Beginning

This is the first breaking news.

The previous shields and weapons are already commonplace for reporters.

Especially in this era of absorbing alien technology, the explosion of technology affects everyone's daily life.

But things like portals only exist in illusory science fiction. Humans do have many theories about this, but so far it's just a theory.

There is indeed a lot of information in this regard in the technology tree of the dark elves, but humans have not yet had an effective means to create that kind of portal.

The fault of the dark elves' technology is also a historical problem left after they left their home planet.

The elves didn't want that outcome, if at all possible.

It's a pity that this wish was not fulfilled in the end.

"However, in order to demonstrate to the public, we still prepared a short-distance portal." Mark said that all the projections disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, several people said that several mechanical arches were pushed out, and the mechanical arches were fully charged, and sparks were shining to maintain stability.

Many people looked at the shining sparks and became worried, thinking that it was caused by the instability of the portal technology, but in fact those mechanical arches were all fake.

Those things are props to cover up that this is magic, and things on the technological side are still acceptable to people at this stage.

But if the things on the magic side are taken out, the whole world will probably be shaken.

Tech world with magic!That is equivalent to slapping human science pioneers in the face for hundreds of years, and the modern scientific community will study it immediately.

If you can't study it, you will tie these guys who use magic to their special stake (incinerator)!
It is bullshit to say that science is the fundamental pursuit of things, and that this will not happen.

Do you explain the spells of the mages scientifically?Do you explain the out-of-body experience with science?Let's talk about when science can do this!
Things that are not on a technology tree will definitely end up in a life-and-death situation.

Gu Yi saw this, so he explicitly prohibited his disciples from using any spells in the outside world.

Even if you use spells, you will enter your own unique space to fight.To the greatest extent, this scientific world is guaranteed to be impacted by magic.

"Now I'm going to invite a few reporters to enter the portal to see where the other side of the portal is? Are there any reporters willing to be pioneers?" Mark turned his attention to all the reporters present.

The reporters are eager to try, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and no one can compare with what they have experienced.

As for how you feel, that is not to write along your own.


"I come!"

"Get out of the way, all of you! Mine!"


All of a sudden, everyone became fanatical, like the oil pan splashed with water droplets.

"Mark, you really are someone who can create surprises!" Looking at the press conference below, Tony sighed.

These things cannot be solved by a spokesperson.

In the end, the goddess of luck favored the intern reporter. Logically speaking, there should not be an intern reporter here.
Mark sent out the invitation himself, Gwen Stacy.

In fact, Mark was also curious about whether this police daughter who had graduated from college would have any connection with the little spider who was still in high school.

But after carefully considering the age gap between the two, there shouldn't be any intersection.

But this is also a matter of uncertainty. After all, as long as the age gap is not too large abroad, it often happens that they are together.

Gwen stepped into the portal first, looking at the shining spark portal, and was also a little worried.

Her eyes were fixed on the other side of the portal. Through this side of the portal, she could clearly see that the other side was the bustling Times Square in New York.

As she passed through the portal, she turned her head and shouted loudly to the other side of the portal: "Everyone, I have successfully come here!"

"When we started, the portal was located in the middle of Times Square in New York, so now Miss Stacy is in Times Square in New York. If anyone doesn't believe it, you can go to Times Square in New York now."

Even though he said so, no one left the scene. The words that Mark said will soon be verified by them. In this era, no one has a mobile phone or something.

Moreover, each newspaper office has a lot of staff, and you can see it if you just go to Times Square in New York.

A few minutes later they also received the message.

The intern reporter named Gwen Stacy actually appeared in Times Square, New York. Some even took photos and sent them to their colleagues to ensure the authenticity of what happened.

"Now please come back Miss Stacey!"

Gwen first heard Mark's voice in the portal, and then stepped back across the portal, and several people closed the portal and brought it back.

"So far, some of the functions of the headquarters of the Superhero Association, and some of the functions are under preparation, and will be made public to the world when they become available in the future.

Next, we will introduce you to the new Washington residential area and business district in detail.The circle surrounding the headquarters of the Super Heroes Association is the business district.At that time, major group companies from all over the world are also welcome to settle in.

From the commercial area to the outside is the residential area.Originally, only residents with Washington household registration can return and arrange new home accommodation for free.Because there are no residents with Washington Hukou, then I can only say sorry, and New Washington will be open to all legal citizens.

It is not limited to citizens of the United States, but all citizens of the world.Of course, the prerequisite is that there is a conflict of laws in your country. "Mark's introduction to the commercial area and the residential area is just a brief introduction.

These things can basically be seen by individuals at any time, so there is no need to explain so much.

Mark walked off the stage after he added a few words.

The rest of the time will be completely handed over to these reporters to use their own projection projections. The parts that have been built are the parts they can visit now.

Moreover, there are artificial intelligence assistance such as Jarvis and Christmas on the scene, and there is no need for assistance from other compatriots.


News of the new Washington spread around the world.It was originally an area polluted by nuclear radiation, but this year has not passed, and it has become a bastion of human civilization.

The impact of this news was too great, making people feel as if they were immersed in a magical world.

Stephen Strange was also one of those who were hit.

But the shock suffered by the famous surgeon was a physical shock.

When he received the news, he was still on the Huanshan Highway, because Shi Chen accidentally rushed the entire sports car out of the guardrail of the Huanshan Highway and fell hard into the cliff.

Fortunately, his life was saved.

However, the hands that he relies on for survival cannot be as flexible as before. In fact, it is not easy to save his life, let alone tie his hands.

It is extremely rare for him to be able to use both hands.

But for Stephen, who regarded his hands as his own life, this was an unprecedented blow.He scattered all his wealth, trying to find a way to heal his hands.

But no one is willing to take the risk of failure to save him. For those doctors, nothing can cause a greater blow than a failure.

The damage to their reputation was unprecedented, and given the current condition of Stephen's hands, there was no possibility of repair.

The rest of my life basically has to live with the steel nails on my hands.

Stephen is not a person who is good at giving up. On the contrary, he is looking for any useful clues, and even pins his hopes on the illusory witchcraft.

Since science can't help itself, those magic and witchcraft can certainly help themselves. For those who have nothing, this is the last hope.

He found a former patient of his, who was declared "death sentence" by him, and basically spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

But surprisingly, when he saw the patient again, he was already walking like flying, and he was even able to play basketball in the street basketball court.

He looked at the patient in disbelief, turned his eyes to him for help, and shouted to him.

The patient also walked out of the basketball court, looking at Stephen Strange whose hands were covered with steel nails, he still had some gratitude in his heart for this doctor who had saved him.

Even though the doctor announced the "death sentence" to him, he still didn't have any resentment towards the doctor.

"Doctor Strange, I'm sorry, I really can't help you in this aspect, because I promised the doctor who helped me that I would not disclose any information about him. For the pain and suffering you have borne , I feel very heartbroken, but that's all I can do. I'm sorry!" After speaking, he turned and returned to the basketball court.

Stephen's eyes were fixed on his legs, and his heart was full of pain.

At this moment, a gradual voice sounded.

"Hey, hey, hey, let's see who this is! Isn't it the famous surgeon, Stephen Strange?" With a weird hip-hop accent, Wade came out from the alley behind .

Looking at the incongruous hip-hop guy in front of him, Steve didn't want to talk to him at all. There are too many guys like this in the whole of the United States, especially like this, and there are countless street basketball courts.

Watching Stephen turn and leave directly, Wade said, "Don't you want to heal your hands?"

(End of this chapter)

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