Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 724 Land Contracting

Chapter 724 Land Contracting
Chapter 743 Contracted Land

The battle in Washington was far easier than expected.

The reason is naturally needless to say, I have already made so many preparations in advance, if I still can't get it off, then I really should apologize.

In this battle, the greatest contribution is the artillery of the Marine Corps.

The former Marine Corps definitely didn't have such things as money, but with the cooperation between the president and Mark, there is basically no shortage of money or anything.

As for some people saying that Mr. President accepts bribes, hehe, those two-legged animals in the Marine Corps will definitely use their weapons to tell those people what is the truth.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents, let alone these soldiers who lick blood on the knife edge.If you don't have funds, you don't have equipment, which means you have to fight with your life!
This is not a matter of ability or lack of ability, it is obviously not a matter of risking one's life, who is willing to risk one's life!

And the Marine Corps, who are used to a good life, no longer want to go back to their previous life.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Isn't that what human beings are like!

For the post-war celebration, the location chosen was a ruin that had been cleared.

All the radiation here has been cleaned up, and Mark's robots are still cleaning up other areas.

Reporters from major media, looking at the data on professional instruments, as well as these senior generals, and Mark among these heroes, believe that this place has been cleaned up.

People are different, don't think this sentence is a joke.

Some people are born extraordinary and born into rich families, and some people are born poor.

People are like people, it's just chicken soup for ordinary people.

Facing the rich and powerful, journalists know this truth better than anyone else.

The generals were about to burst into laughter, but they knew what this meant, especially under the reports of these media, their reputation would increase rapidly.

They had been curious about how to clean up before this, but after learning about the high cost of cleaning up, these generals gave up their stupid idea without hesitation.

The cost of this small piece of land is enough for them to equip a battalion with weapons.This is no ordinary battalion, it is a battalion equipped with the most advanced technology.

You must know that the entire Marine Corps has only been equipped with less than one-fifth of it so far.

At the celebration party, Mark didn't have any bright performances. He almost acted as a background board and stood beside him throughout the whole process.

The reporters also curiously asked about ways to clean up the surrounding nuclear radiation, but they were prevaricated when they said it was a military secret.

This basically blocked the next topic. Those who can come here for interviews basically have enough brains, otherwise they would not take such a big risk to come here for interviews.

During the ensuing inquiry process, no one asked any more questions about nuclear radiation, but focused on the settlement this time.

The news of Washington's victory spread all over the world, and everyone knows that human beings are not helpless in the face of bugs.

Humans can defeat those bugs by relying on their own strength alone.Judging from the appearance, the jammers used by Mark this time do not look like the Protoss style.

The people are happy, and so is the government.

The reason is because Marco undertook the rebuilding of Washington.The Association of Super Heroes to be precise.

The Super Heroes Association is going to invest a lot of money and resources to rebuild a new city on the ruins of Washington.This new city will become the headquarters of the Super Heroes Association.In the center of the city, the building of the Superhero Association was erected to protect the city, which is also a symbol of human beings fighting against foreign enemies and launching a counterattack.

Donald agreed without any hesitation, and he was very happy when someone came to recite it for him.

If Mark can really rebuild Washington, it will be an achievement that cannot be ignored during his administration.

In the next two or three years, there will definitely be no way for people to live in Washington, and few people are willing to rebuild the city here.

A large number of workers entered it and faced the danger of nuclear radiation.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is re-established after two or three years of nuclear radiation, but these two or three years have been abandoned.

If within two or three years, the entire city can be rebuilt, and at the same time, a large amount of vegetation will be planted to clean up the nuclear radiation. After the past few years, people can live in the city directly.

And according to Mark's cleaning technology, they can already clean up a clean area directly.

Although the price is high, what does that matter to him?

As for the payment, it is nothing more than the land polluted by nuclear radiation.How to make this land regain its value is what he needs to consider.

And now Mark has given this land a chance to regain its value.

A person is very puzzled that Mark and the others suddenly contracted the ruins of Washington.

Modern society is not like ancient society. Although land still represents wealth, it is far less "valuable" than ancient society.

The land contaminated by nuclear radiation cannot be used to grow food obviously, and the agricultural value is gone.

As for the commercial value of land contaminated by nuclear radiation, do you expect anyone to establish any business on it?What are you selling?Do you sell nuclear radiation?
A veritable piece of wasteland.

When Mark and the others showed the future Washington reconstruction map, everyone understood how crazy Mark's plan was.

If we say that the lunar city Luna is the frontier for human beings to fight against alien invaders.

Then the reconstructed Washington is the last bastion of human beings against alien invaders.
Mark also released the news that if other important cities polluted by nuclear radiation need to be rebuilt, they can also contract them, but they will also have to pay a considerable price.

It was even rumored that New York, a city devastated by the disaster, would not be able to survive.It may not even be as safe as Washington in the future.

You know, as of now, the Avengers Building is in New York City.

The same is true of Mark's company. Although most of the main force has been transferred to London, no one still ignores the existing combat effectiveness of Mark's company.

Judging from the previous few battles, even with the remaining people, Mark can still carry the next battle.

In less than a week, a large amount of material costs were transferred to Washington.Most of them are construction materials.

As for construction workers, Mark doesn't need them at all.

The moon base assembly line produces some intelligent robots, which can complete the construction of the building.

With the original location of the crystal as the center of the construction, all the ruins will be cleaned up, and the construction method of interstellar immigration will be used at the same time.

Using the old construction method on the original earth, it would take at least a few years to build a huge city.

However, with the advancement of human technology and the demand for alien immigrants, new construction methods have emerged.

Moreover, the human empire also encourages exploration towards unknown planets, so the construction methods are basically public.

In less than half a month, except for the middle fortress, which is still under construction, the surrounding buildings have been completed.

Although the area has not reached the size of Washington, it is already close to a quarter.

The outside world has always been concerned about the construction of New Washington. It is really hard for them to imagine that so many buildings have been built in just a dozen days.

Behind the rapid construction is the support of huge technology, and there are no miracles that appear inexplicably.


New York, Super Heroes Association Press Conference.

The media from all over the world had been waiting here for a long time. Those who received the invitation entered the venue, and those who did not receive the invitation also surrounded the outside, trying to get a few words of news.

"I won't say much today if I'm being polite. I believe that what everyone cares about is not me. What everyone cares about should be the new Washington that is still under construction. It's useless to say more, let everyone see it directly!" Mark said, the whole hall began to appear Changes, blue projections filled the entire hall.

"What you see now is the headquarters of the Superhero Association that we are still building. In the future, it will be the place where all new heroes train, the place where in-service heroes train and rest, and the retirement home for retired heroes. I can tell you here Promise that anyone who joins the Superhero Association will be able to guarantee their old age. Heroes have endured a lot of pain in this world that ordinary people cannot bear. We cannot let heroes shed blood and tears.

I know that many people think that superheroes are an extremely glamorous profession, but in fact, many heroes run around every day for their livelihood.I don't know how many people I can help, I just hope to do my best to make the whole group not so downcast.

Okay, let's not talk about this.The headquarters not only serves heroes, we can also provide shelter for civilians who are threatened, but the premise is that you have not violated the law.I still hope that you can understand that everything the Super Heroes Association does is permitted by law.

The headquarters is equipped with the strongest defense shield on the earth so far, which can protect the headquarters from a direct attack from a nuclear bomb of the level of Ivan the Great.As for weapons and equipment, I think I will never use them in my life.Unless they can wipe out the heroes in the entire headquarters.

By the way, the headquarters also has portals connecting branches around the world.This means that in the future, each branch will have the support of the headquarters. As for what the portal looks like, it cannot be disclosed to you for the time being. We must ensure the safety of the heroes when they are teleporting. "

(End of this chapter)

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