Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 722 Jammers

Chapter 722 Jammers

Chapter 741 Disruptor
The reporter who had already put on the chemical protective suit stood in the distance of the ruins of Washington, and said to the ruins of Washington behind him: "Look, everyone, this is the Washington that was attacked by the nuclear bomb. We can no longer see its original magnificence, but we still have it." You can vaguely see the Washington Monument standing there, which symbolizes that the American spirit will never fall.

This time the military and heroes are ready to join hands to clean up all the nuclear pollution around Washington, as well as the mutated creatures caused by nuclear pollution.This is New York Times reporter Womi. "

As soon as the reporter finished speaking, tanks passed by them one after another, and the noise of a generation rolling on the ground made people cover their ears involuntarily.

"Ma'am, we're going to a very dangerous area next, and we can't guarantee the safety of you and your photographer. So I hope you'd better think carefully." The commander sitting on the tank, facing the two of Womi Said.

This time, the Action Newspaper only sent them two. Needless to say, why would anyone want to come to such a dangerous place?
But risks also represent opportunities. If she can seize this opportunity, she will be able to rise to the top and become the hottest reporter.

"It's okay, we will take care of ourselves, we have rich experience in the battlefield. We will shoot your battles from a safer distance." Womi put down the microphone and said.

"I hope so, come up!" The tank commander drilled back into the tank, and Womi and the two climbed to the surface of the tank.

The steel tracks rolled forward, and the fighter planes in the sky roared past.The fighter plane locked on the targets on the ground, looking for creatures that were suspected to be bugs, but after checking several times, they did not find any creatures similar to bugs on the ground.

"Report, we didn't find any traces of bugs in the surface ruins of Washington." The reporter walked into the tent and said to Mark and others.

The military commander in charge of this operation waved his hand and drove the reporter out.

Although he is the commander of this operation, he still puts his hopes on heroes like Mark and the others. They know exactly what their position is.

Rengui has self-knowledge, and the military commander who climbed to this position is not iron cerebral palsy.

"The military can see all your actions, and we are ready for the necessary sacrifices." Although the military commander said so, he didn't think so in his heart.

This is nothing more than trying to win a little favor in front of heroes like Mark and the others.

As the saying goes, one will succeed and ten thousand will die, this is not a joke.

"I don't like the tactic of taking human lives. Being behind is indeed going to be beaten, but our technology is not that far behind. I will send the company's medical transport plane to the front line, equipped with the most advanced nano-healing technology, As long as the medical transport plane floats on the ground, it can heal the units on the surface. So let the boys under your hands let go of the fight. As long as you don’t go to see God all at once, you can basically pull you back from heaven "Mark didn't say hell here, no one likes to go to hell to meet Satan.

The military generals and all the senior officials couldn't help being overjoyed.

It is indeed true that one general will be successful, but it will also greatly consume the reputation in the army, and it is not impossible to even become notorious in the future.

It will definitely not be like this until the critical moment.

"Mark, you didn't tell me that you would send such an advanced thing here." Tony was also quite curious about the medical transport plane that Mark mentioned.

"I just found out. If you want to study, after this battle is over, I will send you two prototypes for you to study slowly. But are you willing to do this kind of auxiliary type? There is a specialization in surgery, I advise you It's better to bring Dr. Helen Zhao along." Thinking of this, Mark couldn't help but think of the beautiful doctor from before.

"It's enough to have you!" Tony didn't continue to entangle in this matter, but pointed to the tactics that had been formulated on the map and said: "There are too many people in this place, so there is no need for so many. Avengers The alliance can completely establish a line of defense here, and will not let any bug escape from here, and disperse the troops here to other places to ensure the stability of each position."

The military didn't expect the alliance to be so stubborn and choose the defensive side alone.Originally thought that they would use ordinary soldiers as cannon fodder to minimize casualties.

But now it seems that they are simply using the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman, and they really think too much.

"It is reported that several huge fighter planes are approaching here without sending any identification signals."

All eyes were on Mark.

Mark smiled and said, "Why are you looking at me? Do you want to go out and see the flowers on my face?"

After everyone looked at each other, they left the tent, went outside, and saw the huge medical transport planes.

What can be called a transport aircraft is not small.

Especially the medical transport plane, which can carry a big guy like Thor.This shows how big the medical transport aircraft is.

And this time the medical transport plane didn't come on an empty stomach.

Medivacs are filled with psychic disruptors that are deadly to bugs.

Jammers can spread a large number of garbled signals within a certain range, thereby affecting the activities of the Zerg.

Although the performance in the game is only to cause deceleration, but in fact this thing is very effective in large-scale combat, and can strongly suppress the bugs.

Cooperating with humans to establish a defense line, the human defense line is like a tiger with wings added.

The long-range attack of the siege tanks can wipe out those bugs before reaching the fort on the first floor.

Medical transport planes acted as these huge disruptors and dropped them from the sky to the ground.

After hearing a loud bang, these jammers took root in the ground.Moreover, more than one jammer was launched, and each medical transport plane dropped two jammers.

As long as it is a human position, there will be jammers around.

"These are the jammers we researched for the previous Zergs. They can continuously spread signals affecting the Zergs in the surrounding space, thus hindering the signals transmitted by the Zerg leaders. But this does not mean that Invincible. If there are huge balloon-like bugs in the sky, you'd better send fighter planes or anti-aircraft guns to deal with them immediately. Those bugs will stabilize the surrounding signals, and the effect that these jammers can achieve will be great Discount." Mark patiently showed everyone around him the effect that these jammers could exert.


The keystone radiated light, and the bugs hidden under the ground also began to stir.

They can feel the crisis of destruction, right above their heads.

Those control bugs who were free and fine got out of the ground immediately, and when the human troops saw those bugs, they were also spotted and attacked.

This time, because it is on the ruins of Washington, it is not as restrained as before. It doesn't matter if all the buildings here are demolished, anyway, these things will have to be demolished during the reconstruction work.

The distant artillery positions unleashed their firepower unscrupulously this time, and a large number of shells were projected from a distance, pulling on the heads of those bugs.

The military commander also felt a little surprised when he saw this scene.

It was completely different from what they had guessed at the beginning.

"That's it?" the military commander said involuntarily.

Now Mark next to him is too lazy to complain.

It's just some basic zerglings and cockroaches. With the firepower of human beings at this stage, if even these most basic units can't be destroyed, what can they do against the latter units?
Mark didn't pour a basin of cold water on their heads.

In any case, this can be regarded as inspiring, and this is what is most needed at this stage.

In a small bar in New York, the drinkers held their glasses as always, talking about things that had nothing to do with them.

The owner of the bar turned on the TV habitually, and it can be seen from the city in the bar that the owner is a fan of superheroes.

There were all kinds of superhero figures and posters in the bar, and soon the boss switched the TV to the New York Times channel.

Countless shells flew, bombarding the worm, and the worm's body was shattered.

The bar owner yelled excitedly, and everyone turned their attention to the TV.

Watching the picture played on the TV, the drinkers were also immersed in it, and the roaring sound of the explosion fire stimulated the heart of every drinker.

Especially the senses that had been paralyzed by alcohol were restored under this stimulation.

"Good job, today's [-]% off!" The boss happily shouted to all the drinkers present.

The drinkers didn't care about the outcome of the war, but the [-]% discount the bar owner said was very important to them. They excitedly raised their cups and shouted to the TV: "Come on! , A toast to the heroes."

The bar was boiling continuously.

Similar situations exist everywhere, even in schools.

At lunchtime, a child took out his smartphone.

Watching the New York Times video and seeing the bugs being blown to pieces by the artillery, the other children were also curious, and surrounded by the source of the explosion.

The children couldn't help applauding when they saw the picture displayed on the glass panel.

Only Peter was alone in the corner, eating lunch on his own plate. Compared with the curiosity of the others about this war, he felt deeply tired and disappointed.

Mr. Stark and Mr. Comnenos refused without hesitation, his request to join the battlefield.

The reason given was because of the young age!Gan!

(End of this chapter)

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