Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 721 Target Washington

Chapter 721 Target Washington

Chapter 740 Target Washington
Washington is now in a state of nuclear radiation and has become a deserted place.To enter there, one must wear prepared protective clothing.Knowing that one year has not passed since the explosion, it is necessary to be fully prepared during this period.

Although there are still cities in the world that have been bombed by nuclear bombs, and the work in Chongqing has lessons learned from the past, no country wants this kind of thing to happen to itself.

It took Nagasaki 5 years to complete the reconstruction of the city, and it is full of trees, which does not feel like a city that has been hit by a nuclear bomb.

In fact, anyone who has learned about that period of history is very clear that the nuclear bomb was in an airburst state at the time. Considering the terrain and weather factors at the time, the impact of nuclear radiation was not as great as imagined.

But this time Washington really fell to the ground.

It is estimated that it will take longer.

Moreover, the impact of nuclear radiation on the local area will take decades to be eradicated.

Mark also has the means to remove these nuclear radiations. It can be said that any area that has been attacked by nuclear bombs can be revived by Mark.

Swarms can even clean it up through creep.Although it sounds magical, it is actually true.During the evolution of the swarm, almost all available energy was used.

That includes radiation.

If the military and the government know that the swarm can clean up the local radiation, they will not hesitate to let them take root and multiply there.

Because you only need to clean them up when the time comes, you can get a piece of clean land, and the time required is only a few years.

But they pose a greater threat to the human race, and the creep is more serious than imagined.


After Donald learned the specific situation, he was very much in favor of Mark's dispatch of troops. At the same time, Washington was also very concerned about Mark's cleanup of nuclear radiation.

Donald wants to be re-elected all the time, he must come up with enough things now, otherwise the chaebols behind him will not continue to support him.

If you naively think that American elections are chosen by the people, then you are completely wrong. The real choice is still in the hands of those plutocrats.

However, Mark's requirements were also very harsh. He transferred almost all the marines with power combat uniforms in his hands, and even asked the three armies of the sea, land and air, and teams with power combat services to come to support.

The matter of Donald can only be postponed for the time being. The main reason is to negotiate with the top military officials.

Mark gave him enough time, and during this time Mark found Tony.

Avengers Building.

The personnel on the earth have all returned and assembled, and those ownerless anti-Hulk armors have finally ushered in their owners.

During this time, the owners of these anti-Hulk armors are also adapting to their new clothes.

Tony is doing his best to modify the Hulk armor.This time it was just an experiment, but according to the results of the experiment, he had already seen the trend of future battles.

Future battles will definitely make your armor gradually larger, and weak armor cannot resist the enemy's attack at all.

Of course, it can also use vibration gold as its raw material at any cost, and then create a set of armor with equal defense and combat effectiveness.

"Tony, let's get together, I have something to tell everyone." Mark walked to the laboratory, left directly after saying a word, and walked towards the conference room.

Tony put down the tools in his hand, opened the card-like communicator on the table and said, "Guys, Mark has something to tell everyone."

Everyone put down the things in their hands. Ordinary things would not let them gather together. It should be that something big happened.

When everyone came to the conference hall, Mark put the prepared materials on the big screen.

"Everyone, this is the news I just received, which is the location of all the swarm lairs in the world." Mark stood in front of the big screen and pointed to the big screen behind him.

"Where did you get these things?" Scott was very surprised. He didn't expect Mark to collect such perfect information in such a short period of time, which even gave people an unreal feeling.

"I got it from that worm. How I got it, I can't explain it to you, but believe me, this is indeed accurate news. Most of the worms here are still in a deep sleep state. Blue The red ones are still in a deep sleep state, we can ignore them for the time being, but the red ones must be dealt with.

I don't know what these guys are going to look like now, so we are likely to face the same impact as New York, and the impact of numbers is even more serious.It may be less, so to be sure, I will transfer the artifacts together. said Mark.

"Where did you choose the first attack?" Natasha said, looking at Washington, which Mark had already marked.

"That's right, it's Washington. First of all, Washington is in a state of nuclear radiation. According to the information I have collected, those bugs can use nuclear radiation to complete purification, and even become resistant to nuclear radiation. By then, the biggest killer in human hands , It’s not worth mentioning to them at all. When we see the nuclear bomb falling on their heads, at most it’s just a sound or a bright light. Think about it, it’s like walking out of the nuclear bomb ’” Mark described a real-world scenario that could happen in the future.

Everyone couldn't help but shudder. At their level, they already have a thorough understanding of power.

Even the Hulk Hulk can't do as much damage as a nuke in a single shot.Of course, continuous destruction can also be equated with nuclear bombs.

Needless to say, Thor's full blow!

After all, he is GOD.

"So here we go again," said Sam, flicking his wrist.

"That's right, I've already contacted the president, and the marines will cooperate with us when we arrive. But this time there may not be many people. Only people wearing power combat suits will fight with us. This Once like this, we may have a harder time than before.

Of course, I will not force you to join this operation. Those who are willing to join should sign up, and those who do not want to join will stay with the Avengers.Tony, I uploaded a set of personal shields, these shields can ensure that they will not be polluted by nuclear radiation during the battle.If someone here wants to join, mass-produce them and equip them, is that okay? "Mark said and sent a drawing to Jarvis's database.

Tony looked at the data uploaded just now, opened it, and quickly occupied the picture of the original map.

Tony frowned for a while, and then his eyes widened. He didn't expect to be able to do this, and it exceeded his imagination.

"Okay, your shield is completely made of human templates!" Tony already knew the source of the shield, which came from those protoss, but Mark did not rely on the psionic power of the protoss itself.

"That's right, but the cost may be higher. As for the Kedarin crystals needed, I will provide them to you at that time."

"Then it's fine." Tony said it was a small thing.

In fact, it is not surprising that Mark has such technology in his hands. You must know that Mengsk's personal guards have already popularized this kind of shield.

Those cannon fodder who are troublemakers must not be equipped with such a shield.

After all, it is a waste to put this kind of thing on them.

Now it is not a disadvantage at all to use it on the superpowers under my hands, and the combat effectiveness it displays is even higher if it is used well.

And Mark even plans to take out the medical transport plane this time.After all, in the state of nuclear radiation pollution, the damage caused by the shield breaking to the human body is also very huge.

There are medical transport aircraft to support at any time, ensuring the safety of all personnel in the nuclear radiation area.It is very important for them to take out the medical transport plane to receive timely treatment.

The death of any superpower or hero is a huge loss, a loss-making business, but no one wants to do it.

Of course, it is impossible for Mark to directly hand over the drawings of the medical transport plane to Tony.

Mark is going to send several medical transport planes in the name of his company, and things can naturally be sold, but they have to be castrated.

Mark is the Imperial Arbitration Machine, an ordinary product, a medical transport plane that only has a single treatment, and will not even give access to double treatment.

If you want that kind of technology, you can pay more!

Not long after the meeting on Mark's side ended, Donald told Mark the results of their discussion.

Although the military does not want to participate in this incident, but as the saying goes, they cannibalize people and take people softly. They got a lot of things in the previous battle.

And it was the Marine Corps who really paid.

The Marine Corps, a collection of two-legged combat animals raised by the stepmother, has not completely torn off the last face.

And now I really don't want to make compromises.

It is estimated that the technology between the Marine Corps and the Marine Corps will increase more and more in the future, so after the high-level military made a lot of demands, they still made a compromise.

Mark No matter what they paid and what unfair terms they agreed to, Mark only needs one result.

The result is a willingness to join.

At the same time, various media are scrambling to report that the army and superheroes are about to regain Washington.

At this time of low morale, being able to regain the capital of Washington is expected to be inspiring and sweep away this sluggish mood.

(End of this chapter)

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