Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 715 The Black Prince

Chapter 715 The Black Prince

Chapter 734 Black Prince
This black prince is not that black prince, not the idiot who only knows how to make cloaks all day long.But a veritable "black" skin prince.

As for why it is a prince, there is no need to say more.

Although in a certain corner of Africa in the past, they spent all day in isolation playing single-player games, and then twisted the technology tree so that it couldn't be more outrageous, but these black uncles still hold grudges very much.

As the saying goes, people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

Wakanda, known for its strong technology backing, is eager to find out who organized the attack.

As Mark, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, he directly handed over the news to our Black Prince and Black Panther T'Challa, after learning that it was Hydra who made such an attack.

Hydra has become one of the organizations that must be cleared on the Black Prince's list.

But you thought that was the end of the matter?
How can it be?

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to bring one more person down, then you must bring one more person down.

So when the tenth hour of the battle had passed, a group of black uncles appeared on the battlefield in strange costumes.

Under the shroud of night, the lights were dim, and these black uncles could not be seen clearly at all. Night elves could even be used to describe these nimble black uncles.

PS: The night elves are furious.

But this is also impossible.After all, people are born like this, with extraordinary talents, and their own camouflage is so amazing.

However, their camouflage colors can only have a little impact on humans who judge targets by vision.

And for those bugs that are very sensitive to odors and heat sources, these black uncles are quite conspicuous.However, this does not mean that their line of sight is not obstructed.

They didn't notice the high-tech equipment worn by these black uncles at all, and they rushed up directly. In fact, the cloaks on them were cut into two by the cloaks they were wearing just now.

These black technologies surprised the marines who were used to seeing aliens.

Did you say you can't make a cloak?Why are you so proficient with capes?Sure enough, your prince's surname is Naifa!
"His Royal Highness, has your father allowed you to fight this battle?" Mark hacked T'Challa's communication channel without authorization and said.

"Mr. Ghost, don't you know that hacking into other people's communication systems is a very rude thing?" T'Challa shot back mercilessly.

T'Challa has already done an investigation on what Mark said.

Although there is relatively little information that can be investigated, it is better than nothing.

Especially after dealing with each other many times, I paid more attention to the other party.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. This is true in Dongfeng, and it is also true in the West.Since Mark provided so much important information, it is natural to learn more about what kind of person the other party is.You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

As for the name ghost, Mark hates it very much.At least that's what Mark said in the outside world.T'Challa thought he was fighting back to achieve the effect, but in fact he didn't.

T'Challa thought he was on the second floor and Mark was on the first floor, but Mark was already on the fifth floor.

"That's very sorry, I thought your communication channel was not encrypted!" Mark shot back.

T'Challa didn't have much reaction to this sentence.On the contrary, Princess Susie, who was hiding behind her back and always supporting her elder brother, really lost her mind.

"What are you talking about?" Susie said through gritted teeth.

The technological leader of Wakanda's generation is Princess Susie. Although she is not too old, she has crushed other Wakanda researchers in terms of knowledge reserves.

A veritable scientific research leader, even the latest generation of black panther suits on the black panthers are all written by her.

It can be said that in terms of technology, she is a figure who can keep pace with Tony.

"Sorry, although the princess may hurt people by saying this, but it is the truth, and I can't turn a blind eye and tell lies. And you can also see that it only cost me a few dollars from hacking the system to connecting to the communication. In a second, this is already enough to explain the problem." Mark spoke extremely arrogantly, and his attitude almost wanted to be beaten up.

But Princess Susie could only hold her anger in her stomach. Mark was right. From the invasion just now to the connection to the communication, it really took the blink of an eye.She didn't even react, and the defense system had already been breached.

"Okay sister, now is not the time to talk about these things." T'Challa seemed to be on Mark's side, but she was actually protecting her sister. She didn't want her sister to be bullied by such a slippery guy.

"Although you are here to help me, I have to remind you that this is the United States. If you bring these soldiers in, it may cause unnecessary trouble." Mark said seriously.

This reminder is really out of good intentions.

T'Challa, you can feel it, Mark's tone changed, because he also replied in a serious tone: "Wakanda must avenge, and graciousness must be answered. These guys planned to attack my father and me. It's my decision through the presbytery. And no one will know we've been here."

"That's good, but am I not human?" Mark was a little speechless.

"You are not human! In fact, it is impossible for the world to hear the words of the world in such a short period of time. However, what I am more curious about is why you did not enter the battlefield?" T'Challa relaxed said after piercing the throats of two Hydralisks with his own claws.

Mark took a sip of coffee and said, "The king is against the king, the general is against the general. The other party's king hasn't come out yet, so how could I, the king, be dispatched? If you are willing to help me solve that guy, I won't mind. But the premise The condition is that your physical strength can last until then, and there are still fourteen hours left, so please come on, Your Highness!"

After Mark finished speaking, he left the communication channel.

T'Challa fixed his eyes on the dilapidated tunnel worm in place.

Even though the shell has been torn apart, it is still constantly spitting bugs.

T'Challa sideways dodged a hydralisk's scythe-like claw attack.Immediately afterwards, he pierced the opponent's throat with his claws again, grabbed the spine, and pulled it out abruptly.

This bloody and brutal method is quite effective.Of course, this effectiveness refers to the aspect of death, and efficiency, so there is no need to say more.

It's not like those templars know about bugs.If he could learn from those templar warriors, it is estimated that the efficiency of killing bugs could be several times faster.

T'Challa jumped in front of the Nydus Worm in a few jumps, kicked towards the Nydus Worm with his right leg, and the power that should be in his battle suit burst out in an instant.

During the battle just now, he was constantly absorbing the shocks from the outside.

Whether it was the bony spurs from the Hydralisk or the attacks of the springtails, they were all easily blocked by him in the end.And all the impact is concentrated in this suit, and this function is the masterpiece of Princess Susie in the previous communication.

"Brother, how do you feel?" Susie asked immediately after detecting the energy pouring out.

"At that moment, I felt that I was omnipotent." Looking at the fragmented tunnel worm in front of him, T'Challa said excitedly.

"However, there is an upper limit to absorption. Brother, you must release it before the absorption reaches the upper limit." Susie recalled the previous test in the experiment and reminded.

After all, no one has personally experimented, so I don't know what kind of impact it will have on the wearer?
"I know, I will definitely use it carefully." Techara's heart is also warm.With such a younger sister who provides me with equipment and cares about me, how many good things did I do in my previous life to meet such a younger sister!

With the addition of these soldiers from Wakanda, the battle situation has also begun to change.

It is almost impossible to reverse that in one fell swoop.After all, these people are not heavenly soldiers, and their combat power is limited after all.

Not everyone can put on a vampire mask like Dior and yell that I am no longer a human being.

The corrosive bile that fell from the sky did much less damage to the position.

The vibrating gold cloak shining with blue light blocked the impact of these corrosive bile.

The most important thing is that these cloaks are "invincible" as long as the energy of the cloaks is not exhausted.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, as long as the one-time attack does not reach the upper limit that the cloak can withstand.

Unless a large number of destroyers aim at the same target in a short period of time and launch continuous impacts, the skin may reach its limit.

But don't think that these Wakanda warriors really only have the defensive means of cloaks. These warriors also have spears and long swords made of vibranium in their hands, and with special energy attached, they can easily chop Open the worm's shell.

Even the thick body of the Thunder Beast can leave obvious scars. Although the sharpness cannot be compared with the Light Blade, it is already quite good.

"Long live Wakanda!" As T'Challa shouted all over his body, all Wakanda fighters received a morale bonus.The attack is more violent than before, and the movements seem to be more flexible.

But in Mark's view, this is entirely a psychological effect.But isn’t man just such an animal?Dominated by emotion, exploded in emotion, and finally lost in emotion.The cycle of human beings is the cycle of emotions.

This is not to be laughed at, on the contrary, it is to be admired.

"Zemo, how many bugs do you have left to die?" Mark said.

(End of this chapter)

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