Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 714 Young Hero

Chapter 714 Young Hero

Chapter 733 Young Hero
Feeling the exhausted Peter, Mei really didn't want him to return to that dangerous battlefield again. Even though he had superhuman abilities, he was still a child in her eyes.

She didn't want to wake him up, but May knew Peter would hate herself if she did.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

When Peter was a child, his own husband taught him this truth.

This is the cause of everything, and it is precisely because of this sentence that there is Peter today.

Everyone is selfish, and Mei cannot escape the shackles of this selfishness.

She carried Peter to the bed.Even though he has grown up, his body is not as heavy as imagined.Her memory returned to the past, the child who was still bouncing in front of her, talking about becoming a hero.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, he returned to the room.She tried to control her voice not to cry too loudly.Everyone is very tired living in this world, but they don't want to give their troubles to their loved ones and cause them trouble.

Peter, who returned to the house, gradually opened his eyes, and his keen hearing was able to catch the crying from the next room.

He understood that Aunt Mei was crying for him, but there was nothing he could do about it. There were still so many incompetent people who might be in danger outside.

He has the ability to do that, he has the ability to save them.

He didn't want to do nothing when he was capable again, and he didn't want to look at the long list of numbers in the news reports.

He wants the light called hope to shine on this world. He is not God, but he is willing to be the hand of God.

At this time, God does not represent God, but the aggregation of all good things.

Peter got up slowly, opened the closet, and took out his spare battle suit.This battle suit was originally designed by myself, and it cost me a lot of pocket money.

Since he put on the battle suit made for him by Mr. Stark, this suit has been eating ashes in his closet.

And today it finally came into play.

The spider suit that Stark made for him was already in dilapidated condition, and the large and small holes showed the fierce battle before.

Even to cover the retreat of the crowd.

That's not an easy thing either.

In front of his eyes were two heroic policemen who had died in the line of duty. They could have gone home safely, but they fell in front of those worms trying to save themselves.

Peter looked at himself in the mirror and put on the Spider-Man headgear. He clenched his fist and said to himself, "With great power comes great responsibility! Come on, Peter Parker. Don't let the one who loves you down .”

Peter once again pushed aside the wood that sealed the window, and he tried his best to control the sound so that Aunt May could not hear it.

But he seemed to have underestimated women's sensitivity to things. Aunt Mei, who was still crying, felt a slight vibration from the next room.

She immediately got up and opened the door, and rushed towards other people's rooms.When Aunt May opened the door, it was Peter standing on the windowsill.

Peter also paused and looked at his Aunt Mei, before saying after a long time, "I'll go back as soon as I go!"

At this moment, she seemed to see her husband. When he was leaving that day, he also said the same sentence to her: "I'll go back as soon as I go!"

She chose to believe in Peter, and said to Peter with tears in her eyes, "Be sure to come back well, promise me."

"Okay, Aunt May." After Peter finished speaking, he shot the spider silk from his wrist.

New York City's Neighborhood Spider-Man is back!


"These ugly, stupid bugs are coming for me, New York City's good neighborhood Spider-Man is back."

"Let me be forewarned that spiders are arthropods, not insects!"

"Hey, your speed is really too slow. How can you catch me like this?"

The little spider turned on the taunting mode, although he wasn't sure which bugs could understand what he was saying, but this could indeed attract the attention of those bugs.

The police officers who were responsible for covering the retreat of the people on the ground also showed a look of relief.

It would be great to have more good NYC neighbors like this.

Some journalists boldly took pictures of the police and heroes fighting the bugs in the streets and alleys.

These are valuable historical materials.If they can be recorded, they are the heroes who record history.

At the same time, they also broadcast the images of the heroes fighting to the whole world.

Mark's house.

The two little guys have already put on the combat uniforms that Mark made for them.

"I said, if you two appear on the battlefield, Mark will be very angry." Luo Ji stood outside the door and said to the two little guys.

There was still a hint of hesitation on Piccolo's face, but Wanda was very free and easy. She let her hair loose and said to Luo Ji confidently: "Don't worry, we will never let him know. I believe Luo Ji Sister Ji doesn't want Mark to know about this either!"

After Wanda finished speaking, she still pointed to the bugs outside the window that had been frozen into ice sculptures.

"There's really nothing I can do about you!" Luo Ji had no choice but to leave a few runes on them.

These runes can ensure that the two children get enough help when they are in danger.

If it wasn't for protecting Yrel at home, Luo Ji would definitely go with her. It can be said that she is the wildest person in this family.

So love really can make a woman undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Be careful yourself," Yrel said.

Yrel is just an ordinary person, she has no way to give the children any real help, she can only encourage them verbally.

in the yard.

Piccolo hugged Wanda like a princess and said, "Are you ready?"

Wanda was wrapped in red magic, and the two then said, "Let's get started!"

Piccolo burst out with the fastest speed ever, and maintained this speed, approaching the battlefield in New York City.Unable to be caught by the naked eye, this red pole shadow that is faster than lightning.It even feels like a momentary hallucination.

Only through satellite monitoring in the sky can we barely see the afterimage left by this red polar shadow.

Wanda's strategy is very simple, and Mark will never know this strategy.That is to wrap the bodies of two people with chaos magic, and then hit those damn bugs at Piccolo's speed.

With a speed faster than a bullet, hitting those worms was like hitting tofu with a mallet, effortlessly.

Things were just as Wanda expected, and the two of them cleaned up the bugs in several streets in a flash.Before the policemen on several streets could even react to what happened, they saw that the bug in front of them had turned into a mass of blood and flesh.

However, it was not all smooth sailing for the two of them. When the two hit the Thunder Beast, there was a "little" obstacle.

Yes, just a small hindrance.

The Thunder Beast is far from as fragile as imagined, and the two of them hit a wall when they bumped into it.Although the chaos magic protected them, and the two of them did not suffer much damage, the shield of the chaos magic had reached its limit.

The Thunder Beast with a broken leg let out a roar that shook the sky, and the surrounding bugs also stopped attacking forward, but gathered around the Thunder Beast.

These worms looked at the two people who were separated from their muscular state, showing a ferocious expression. The gaps between the gnats' fangs were dripping with sticky saliva, and their wings fluttered slightly, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

Wanda controls her own chaos magic, warping all the scrapped cars around her.The continuous twisting of these cars formed a long lance.

These steel spears seemed to be the spears of Longinus, targeting the ultralisks behind the swarm.

Piccolo hugged Wanda again, and said to her, "I'm ready, we can leave here at any time."

"Three!" All the spears turned around.

"Two!" The distorted voice became louder and louder.

"One!" The last word fell, and all the steel spears flew out.The target points to the Ultralisk.

Anomalies appeared in several streets.

Even Mark noticed the problem, Mark had a lot of detectors all over New York City.Also noticed two little guys who were moving very fast.

Although Mark had already explicitly prohibited them from going out during this period of time, the personalities of these two little guys would definitely not be so calm.

Mark thought it would not appear until the end of the battle, but he didn't expect the two of them to pop out now.There are battle armors that I gave them, and magic runes that Luo Ji attached to them.

As long as it is not hard steel, the Heavenly Father level powerhouse is basically not in any danger, and can even "handle with ease" in front of the Heavenly Father level powerhouse.

Of course, the ease here refers only to Wanda.

The dark magic of the dark king Dormammu is simply a younger brother in front of Chaos Magic.

Sometimes Mark even wants to give up white magic and learn chaos magic.

But that thing can be maddening, and eventually gave up.

The matter here has just ended, and another group of people appeared on the rapidly changing battlefield.They descended from the sky, as if walking out of the void.The black skin blends with the night, and the strange costumes are closely related to various African tribes.

The marines on the battlefield naturally don't know who these people are?But Mark recognized the identity of the other party.

The body is shining with blue light, all Wakanda's iconic technology, and the one at the front of the team is the black panther.

If you can't recognize this, Mark is really sorry for his so many movie tickets.

Join the Black Prince, Black Panther, and T'Challa!

(End of this chapter)

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