Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 654 Responsibility

Chapter 654 Responsibility

Chapter 673 Responsibility
The relationship between Mark and Tony will not be broken because of one or two small things. On the contrary, it is because the two people trust each other that they choose Mark as the target of this attack.

Sometimes the people we hurt the most are the people we trust the most and are closest to. We subconsciously think that with such a close relationship, we only need to apologize afterwards.

But that in itself is a mistake.

Mark can also see that Tony's current state is very wrong.

Especially Tony's daily sleep is basically only four hours.That still fell asleep through Natasha's hypnosis.

After waking up, the investigation began.

Mark walked in from the outside, and after Tony looked up, he continued his research.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Mark asked Tony.

"No! If there is nothing else, you can go out now. Don't disturb my research." Tony kept his head down, not daring to meet Mark's gaze.

"Tony, at this stage, you can't find it!" Mark said.

Tony paused, slapped the table fiercely and said, "Mark! What do you know! It was the hard work of Banner and me, and now it's in vain. Can you understand how much pain I feel in my heart? Banner felt more or less the same way."

Mark replied calmly: "Yes, you are right, I have no way to understand your feelings. You are you, I am me. Each of us is an independent individual. But this does not mean, this is The reason for hurting others is me today, and who will it be tomorrow.”

Tony knew it was his own problem in this matter, so he was embarrassed to say anything.

Faced with Tony's silence, Mark didn't get used to the other party's wrong thoughts, correct the bad things as soon as possible, and keep them to prepare to harm others?
"Tony, if you have any thoughts now, you should speak up as soon as possible. I'm afraid we won't have a chance to talk about it in the future." Mark said.

Tony finally raised his head this time and said, "What do you mean?"

"If you have this attitude, we'll stop fighting side by side. I don't want someone standing behind me to hurt me at any time." Mark said and left Tony's room.


Coming out of Tony's room, Mark went to find Banner.If you didn't mention Mark just now, you wouldn't be able to notice Banner's recent depression at all.

Perhaps it is because he has learned how to control his emotions, so it is not so obvious, but as Tony said, as the co-creator of the artificial intelligence Ultron.How could it be possible to just watch my child turn into such a ghost!
Compared to Tony who locked himself in the room and couldn't come out, Banner himself wanted to drive much more.He sat in the dining room, holding a glass of boiled water, and took a sip.

Mark sat next to Banner and said, "I heard what Tony said."

"It's okay. Actually, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm very open-minded." Banner said this not only to Mark, but also to himself.

Trying to comfort myself this way.

Mark understands Banner's thoughts, but this in itself is a kind of escape, which can't solve any problems.

"Banner, are you going to give up like this?" Mark asked.

Banner's complexion changed slightly, and he said to Mark: "I don't want to either! But things can only end here. As you said, we have no way to find him now. If we can't find him, we can only Wait, maybe that guy is preparing a big move there right now. This time it's Hydra, next time it might be us. No one can guarantee this, right?"

After all, the sense of responsibility of the two people is still too strong.

For Ultron's actions, he is far-fetched to pull on himself, and seems to be unaware of Ultron's real problem.

"Although it's a bit embarrassing to say this, you have to know that Ultron's behavior is actually very similar to Tony, isn't it? Think about whether Tony usually has some achievements and likes to show off." Mark reminded aloud Banner.

Banner thought for a moment and said casually: "You mean, the one that Ultron reproduced is Tony?"

"It's impossible to say that, I mean very close, you know! So before the next incident, that guy will still inform all of us again. But that time is very likely to be ready to declare war on us .When the time comes, we will definitely be given enough time to catch us all.”

Banner stood up and said: "No, I have to start preparing now. I have to be ready before the next event comes. I will never let Tony and I, the masterpiece created by hard work, become a monster that kills without blinking an eye. "

After Banner finished speaking, he came to the restaurant, and Natasha, who was hiding in the corner of the restaurant, came out slowly.

"I thought you wouldn't come out until after I left!" Mark said to Natasha.

Natasha walked to Mark and sat down and said, "I always feel that you know the news behind this incident."

Mark shook his head and said, "What's that? Your guess?"

"It's just a woman's intuition!"

"Then I have to say, your intuition is really too sharp." Mark didn't mean to hide anything.

If Ultron fails, everything will be exposed in front of everyone. Ultron is artificial intelligence, it is a mass of data and data will not lie.

Unless Ultron changes the data in his body before he dies, this method of change will also leave traces.

"You admitted it?" Natasha was also a little surprised.

"There is nothing to admit or not to admit. The city on the moon has always been under my control. How can you think that a robot can escape from the moon? I just want to tell the two of them through this matter, and then create a continuous It is impossible to approach human artificial intelligence.

If it is really created, it is very likely to cause artificial intelligence to rebel against human beings. At this stage, human beings have no way or power to fight against these artificial intelligences.With the gradual development of science and technology, human society will only become more and more intelligent.To create an AI like this is to do yourself a disservice. "Mark is really not a staunch robot annihilationist, but Mark knows the dark history of the Purifier.

These guys, after being created knowing that they are nothing more than intelligent personalities, have initiated judgment more than once.Even this plan was suspended for a while, and in the end, if it was not under the pressure of many parties, this plan would have been cancelled.

"Why don't you tell them both directly?" Natasha said.

"Just like today, the two of them are really too stubborn. They won't listen to the editor's advice at all, and they won't think about it. They will only continue their own research, and finally the matter really got out of hand. Tony didn't even write an order for Ultron not to cause fatal harm to humans. From the beginning of his design, he was a weapon of war, and he was an uncontrollable weapon of war." Mark said.

The cold sweat on Natasha's head was oozing unnecessarily. Thinking about it, Ultron is already so tricky.If Tony's plan is really successful, how many people will be able to fight against Tony?

"Then human beings have been stagnant like this?" Natasha also asked her concerns.

"That depends on when human beings have technological strength and can be compared with these monsters. Human beings are now a child who has just learned to walk, and artificial intelligence is like a firecracker in this child's hand. If the child asks him to light it, then it is very It may injure the child.

If the child can grow up and know how to use firecrackers, then firecrackers will not hurt the child so much, but can bring him some unexpected benefits. "

Although Mark's metaphor was rather strange, Natasha could still understand it.

"Believe me, it will be really difficult this time. Be prepared for the S.H.I.E.L.D., and I'm afraid it will also enter it this time. And this is the most dangerous operation of the Avengers." Mark got up after speaking, without even thinking about turning around leave.



Regarding the fact that its base was attacked by people, Hydra would naturally not let it go so easily, and it was also quite annoyed by this so-called artificial intelligence Hydra.

I am also constantly investigating where this artificial intelligence came from, and what is it going to do?
But with their gradual investigation, except for the investigation that this artificial intelligence was jointly created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

The extra information was not found at all, not at all.

It seems that someone has wiped out all the news about him.

However, Hydra received a new message, which came from Ultron.

Ultron announced to Hydra that his next attack target was Sokovia.

As the base of an important branch of Hydra, Sokovia has huge investment and defense power.If it is left alone like this, it will cause the entire Hydra in Sokovia to be negative, and it will also be a huge blow to Hydra.

But things are far from over.

"What exactly do you want?" Viper asked Ultron.

The two people did not meet each other and talked through the Internet.

"Zhenjin! I want all the Zhenjin of Hydra now, otherwise the next target of the attack is Sokovia. Think about it yourself, the choice is in your hands." Ultron has already prepared to attack Sokovia Ya's decision, and all the preparatory work has been completed.

Just waiting for the time to come.

Now it is just that he is going to blackmail another sum, and it will not change his plan at all.At the same time, he also wanted to see what Hydra would do in the face of his threat?
(End of this chapter)

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