Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 653 The Nine-Headed Snake Was Sacrificial

Chapter 653 The Hydra Sacrificial
Chapter 672 The Hydra Sacrificial

"Okay, then I'll end here!" When that punch hit him, he felt Zhenjin's protection.

After dealing with the captain for such a long time, and in contact with him for such a long time, he even changed his name to Qiao Qiao.Mark couldn't be more clear about the properties of metal like vibrating gold.

And there is still a lot of vibration gold waiting to be used.

Narud's preliminary work has also come to an end, and Vibration Gold can be produced through high-energy crystals and pure energy in the near future.

Mark sees a new path to riches.Even gold of the same weight can't be compared with vibrating gold.

This shows how cherished it is.

But Ao Chuang did not stop there, but continued to chase.

Mark was a little impatient, and waved an invisible wave of air with his big hand and rushed towards Ultron.Ao Chuang had no way to block the air wave, and was hit hard on the rock not far away.

"Vibration gold is indeed very useful in absorbing kinetic energy, but if it exceeds the upper limit of absorption, it will be harder than ordinary metals. In this universe, there are countless metals that can destroy vibrating gold. If you plan to If you wait for the attack through your own body, you should give up as soon as possible!" After finding out the opponent's general strength, Mark didn't continue to pursue it, turned and left.

Ultron looked at the back of Mark leaving, tightly clenched his hand, and the mechanical hand made a rattling load sound.


After Ultron clearly realized the gap between himself and Mark, he began to formulate his own plan again.He felt stupid and ridiculous about the plan he had made before.

If that kind of nonsense plan can really succeed.That just shows that the world is truly hopeless.But now it seems that the existence of Mark alone does not mean that he can defeat him through weakness.

He has to find other ways to solve the problem.

As for threatening people on earth with nuclear bombs.

According to Ultron's guess, he will be cleaned up by Mark as quickly as possible.From all the signs before Mark, Mark is protecting the planet and becoming the savior of the planet.

But Ultron doesn't know the truest joke in Mark's heart, you should go to those Avengers first!Don't stand still!
After giving up the original idea, Ultron was thinking about whether he could help Mark solve the problem, such as destroying all the hydra!
According to previous data records, the relationship between Mark and Hydra has not been very good. There have been several conflicts, large and small, and several of them even hurt Mark.

Although I don't know why Mark hasn't chosen to get rid of this organization until now, there must be a reason for it.

Now I have such a deadlock with Mark.

If it is possible to destroy a small branch of Hydra.

It can not only become a certificate of honor, relieve the embarrassment between himself and Mark, but also establish his own reputation through Hydra.

Ultron couldn't help but lament that he is simply a little genius, and that he can come up with such a perfect idea, which is simply amazing.

Sokovia in Eastern Europe became an unlucky experiment target.

Unlucky before that was the Hydra base in Siberia.In front of Ultron, he was ready to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces without leaving any clues.

The temperature of the core energy furnace rose sharply, causing everyone in the entire base to panic.For decades, the temperature of the core energy furnace has never risen to such a high temperature.

The base at this time is like a time bomb, which may explode at any time, but they dare not evacuate anyone at this time.

Let’s not talk about it, it’s a world of ice and snow outside, if a normal person wants to go out, he will be frozen to death within half an hour.

Just because of the shock wave caused by the explosion of this base, even if they want to leave now, they will not be able to make it in time.

"Is there really no way to repair it?" The person in charge of the base asked the maintenance technicians.

"Don't think about it, we have never encountered this kind of problem for so many years. As for escaping, don't even think about it. Even if there are still fighters in the base, they can't escape the shock wave and impact brought by the explosion. .” A mechanic who is familiar with energy furnaces was lying at the base of the wall, smoking continuously.

In front of him were dense cigarette butts. He didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked. He only knew that smoking now was the best way to relieve his emotions.

An hour later, Hydra's base in Siberia was blasted into the sky like this, without leaving any clues.Everything seems to be natural.

However, it is quite common for Russia to have problems once or twice.

Regarding the explosion of the Hydra base in Siberia, Mark watched the show carefully from beginning to end.

Not many people know about the base explosion.Ultron put all his attention on Sokovia.Of course, it's not just that, he gave the pictures taken during the explosion to the Avengers.

[Avengers!My name is Ultron, the artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.I am very grateful to both of you for creating it to me, and thank you very much to Mr. Tony for the Christmas artificial intelligence left there, which made me have what I am now. 】

When Tony saw the video, his mouth was almost crooked.All this time he's been hunting for the guy who's going to eat up Christmas.

This is without any clues, since escaping from the moon, it seems that the world has evaporated.

[I want to show you a grand fireworks, and the introduction of the fireworks is the base of Hydra.The base has been here for at least 80 years.It is still operating normally, and if there are a large number of them, they will be secret agents and scientific researchers.My next gift will be delivered to you soon, so stay tuned. 】

Indirectly, the picture began to change. This is a test drive of a drone, and he took pictures of the direction of the base.

Bang, Ultron, who was watching everything from a distance, was also a little uncomfortable by the gust of wind.

The faces of the Avengers who received the news were not much better.According to the calculation of the explosion shock wave, the scope of the explosion is not small at all.

At the same time, according to the burst of energy, Tony found the location of the base.

It's just that when they rushed to the scene, they didn't find any clues except for the ruined walls and the destroyed server.

In the Sokovia sewer, there is a perfect drainage system.

Remove all kinds of domestic sewage and stagnant water from the city.

The wide space just gave some sewer rats a space to live, and the arrival of Ultron is simply unique, which is very different from those beggars who can only squat on the ground.

Except for the hair, Ultron is exactly the same as a normal person without camouflage.

Under the siege of a kind of beggar, Ultron easily defeated these guys, and then occupied the key position of this energy source.

"I didn't expect Jinshan Yinshan to be in front of me... these guys!"

Originally planned to dig out an underground space to build a control room, but I didn't expect to dig an underground storage space of a bank.

And it was only a few steps away from the place where the beggars lived.Of course, separated by a wall in the back room.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

During these three days, Tony was almost going crazy, devoting all his energy to finding Ultron, as if he was announcing to everyone that if he couldn't find that guy, he wouldn't be a human being.

Mark also thought of his bullish temper, and planned to use white magic to solve some problems and conflicts, but after thinking about it, he gave up this choice.

I don't know when the next attack will happen, and I don't know which direction the world will develop next time.

The Avengers began to gather to discuss how to deal with the coming crisis.

But as the saying goes, there are specializations in the art industry, and there are too many special students among the Avengers.

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner look for each other's traces from the Internet as technicians.

Natasha and Barton are mainly in the dispatch team, and they will personally confirm the news found by the technical team.

Of course, Tony from the technical team would sometimes make a guest appearance on this mission, and go alone to settle the matter.

But even if the Avengers of the entire United States are fully active, it will not help.

Tony took off his heavy armor, slumped on the chair, and complained to everyone: "Damn, there is nothing. Are we just going to sit and wait for death?"

Mark sat in the corner and drank tea quietly, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Tony looked at Mark's appearance, and he vented his anger. He directed the flames of war on Mark and said, "Mark, please say a few words, don't patronize drinking tea."

Mark swallowed the last sip of tea, and said to everyone: "I have nothing to say. You have searched and searched, but you can't find it. What can you do? You can only wait and see. Looking at the time Hurry up and prepare to ensure that your combat effectiveness is above the level. It's time for rehabilitation training, rehabilitation training."

Mark stopped here, looked at Steve not far away, and finally continued: "It is time to upgrade your own technology to upgrade your own technology. All in all, to face the enemy with a brand new look, this time I am suggestion."

The entire hall was silent for a moment, but then there was crackling applause.

Although there are not many people, everyone is friends and very enthusiastic.

But everyone can see that Tony was in trouble before, and many people applauded just to hit Tony in the face.

With a dark face, Tony left the meeting room and continued to upgrade his armor.

(End of this chapter)

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