Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 631 Magnetic Explosion Infantry

Chapter 631 Magnetic Explosion Infantry
Chapter 630 Magnetic Explosion Infantry

The plan to transform people made both the Allies and the Soviets start to worry.

With resources shared and intelligence (partially) shared, they learn about the brutal experiments the Germans are conducting.

Although these things are all done by Hydra, they have nothing to do with the Germans, but the Allies and the Soviets can't figure out the difference, so they all think that the Germans are doing all this .

But you are such a person that they have fallen into a blind spot.

If you were still worried about whether the Germans were preparing for a large-scale siege, the Allied forces and the Soviets can no longer control so much.

Just from the found factories and the number of training you, you can make a preliminary estimate.According to preliminary calculations, even the cultivation cycle is more than one year.

The war so far, if calculated from the destroyed factories, at least tens of thousands of people have been cultivated, and the last time it appeared on the battlefield was the Normandy landing battle.

According to the preliminary statistics of the number of people who appeared at that time, there were only a thousand people.And the one-year cultivation cycle is still the best plan.According to the side evidence obtained from the destroyed factories and the research on the dead bodies, the approximate cultivation period should be two to three months.

In this case, the number must be at least 3~4 times, and the two sides can no longer imagine how many such monsters they will face at this pace.Everyone's strength is only a little stronger than ordinary soldiers, but when the number increases, it will be crushed for ordinary troops.

By that time, the crowd tactics will no longer play any key role.

The Allies and the Soviets do not have any advantages in terms of equipment technology.The Germans have been equipped with energy weapons, which can be operated by a single soldier, which is quite light, but the Allied forces need at least two people to operate at the same time.

The Soviets didn't even have weapons for that yet, instead they used electromagnetic coils.

Mark was also quite shocked when he heard the news, the real version of the magnetic storm infantry.But do you think this matter is over?The Soviets not only developed the magnetic storm infantry, but also developed the magnetic explosion tank and the magnetic explosion coil.

Mark even once wondered if there were traversers on the Soviet side.

But in the end, after a series of investigations, Mark got the result that this was all nonsense, and it was entirely his own thinking.

There were no traversers on the Soviet side at all.

These things were explored step by step by Soviet scientists themselves, with complete scientific and technological reports.

In fact, if you want to judge whether a traverser exists, you can simply judge through the faults in the technology tree.

Once a certain technology or a fault in a certain technology tree shows serious signs, either it means that there is an immortal genius appearing, or it is a traverser.

However, the Allied forces have obtained the reactor provided by Howard Stark.On the contrary, they have no interest in the magnetic storm of the Soviets, or they think it is a lower-level energy application, and it is not as good as the weapons in their hands, and the heavy armor worn by the infantry is simply like a turtle.

However, this kind of thinking was brutally slapped in the face decades later, and things that are despised now have become delicious after decades. Sure enough, history is always surprisingly similar.


Berlin, Germany.

When he came to this city again, everything was different, and all kinds of memories of the guerrillas came to mind, but Mark quickly recalled this memory again.

This should not be something that belongs to my own memories.

Memories can't bring any good influence, and it can't bring much besides being immersed in the sadness of the past.

People should always look at such things in a positive direction and try to recall as little as possible, so as to reduce the number of times of sadness.Living positively and optimistically is more relaxed and healthy than living in sorrow all day long.

This is the experience that Mark summed up by himself, because too many tragedies have appeared in front of him, and it may not apply to everyone, but it is enough for him.

This time Mark is coming to Berlin to find out exactly how many similar factory-made reformers there are.At the same time, it would be great if we could find out the specific number of reformers.

The main reason is that Mark's working ability is too strong, compared with Steve who can only chug.Mark is nothing short of an all-rounder.

It seems that this time he acted alone, and the team members under him were assigned to Steve, who suffered a heavy loss recently.Because of this timeline change, the Roaring Commando can be said to have suffered heavy losses, serious injuries, and deaths. The few veterans who really survived are basically those few.

Mark walks to a bakery for today's lunch.

Mark is well aware of the current internal situation in Germany. Everyone is a supply system, even the bakery is full of black bread mixed with stones or other things.

White bread doesn't exist, a piece of black bread is enough to fill your stomach, and you still count on things like white bread, which are specially provided for officers to eat.

The situation of ordinary soldiers at the bottom is not much better. Compared with the days when everyone could only get a piece of black bread, they can be regarded as a bit oily at best.

After all, they have to fight, and some troops have a very high fighting intensity. Without these things as energy supplements, they can't fight at all.

When I walked into the bakery Mark, I saw a few homeless men in tattered bras confronting the boss.

"Just give us a piece of black bread!" cried the tramp.

The boss raised his shotgun and said to the homeless man, "Get out now, I'm not here for charity."

Mark seemed to be fine, picked up a basket from the side, and picked a few pieces of good quality from the pile of black bread.

In fact, the money in Mark's hand can buy better ones. If Mark wants to, he can let the troops in his hands airlift lunch for himself.

But Mark didn't do that. The more difficult days before were two days and two nights without food and being buried by heavy snow.

If it weren't for the combat uniform on his body, and the nutrient solution inside the combat uniform to maintain basic body functions, he would probably have collapsed long ago.

It was such an operation, two people did not persevere, and were directly frozen to death, and one was seriously malnourished.

A few tramps looked at Mark, who was picky and tender, and thought Mark was a rich man.Now even if you have money, you can’t buy things. If you want to buy some unpalatable things, you have to buy them from military officers. If you don’t have this channel, you can only eat these black bread honestly.

The only thing that can be picky is the better quality black bread, which is not mixed with other sundries, but it is also sour and difficult to chew.

One of the homeless men gave his companion a look, and then the other two walked slowly towards Mark.

The boss did not stop them, but he never put down the shotgun in his hand.

There have been too many such situations recently, and even the gendarmerie may not take care of them. Just a few days ago, two people died in the alley next door, and their clothes were stripped off.

In fact, this kind of situation has often happened in various alleys in Berlin since the end of last year.

"Boss, do you mind if I kill people here?" Mark said to the boss in fluent German.

The boss said, "Better get out, otherwise, don't even think about buying a loaf of bread from me."

This kind of thing can go on for a long time, and it is impossible to put all your energy into it without a lot of background, let alone this kind of bakery.

The bakery is definitely not like this in normal times, but this is not ordinary, it is a special period.

Mark then sneered and said, "Just pack it for me first! Then I can go out and deal with them."

The tramps naturally didn't take it seriously, thinking that Mark was some kind of big talker.

After paying the money, Mark walked out of the shop with the bread in hand. Several homeless men followed after Mark gave birth. With a wave of his hand, the heads of the homeless men disappeared.Instead, several bloody corpses fell at the door of the bakery, and the blood stained the glass wall of the bakery.

The boss standing inside the glass wall is very angry, which greatly destroys his business.I don't know how long it would take just to wipe off the blood, let alone the blood on the slate outside.

It is estimated that few people will come to him to buy bread.

Of course, he didn't dare to trouble Mark with a shotgun. From the moment he went out just now, he didn't even see how these guys died.

He even felt that if he dared to go to Mark, he would be the next to die.

Logically speaking, Mark shouldn't be so ostentatious, but Mark did the opposite.

Now there are too many reformers in Germany, and it is normal for two experimental subjects to escape from the destroyed factory, and then they plan to disguise themselves as experimental subjects who escaped from a certain factory, Then go inside.

Anyway, except for the Red Skull, basically no one knows what they look like, and even if they know that they can change their appearance.

Things were just like what happened to Mark. After the German Gendarmerie received the news, they immediately began to look for Mark's clues, and finally found Mark in a dilapidated youth hotel.

However, these gendarmerie soldiers were not as arrogant as they imagined. Instead, they respected Mark. Mark followed them into the gendarmerie office, and they immediately served a luxurious lunch, at least relatively luxurious in this era.

(End of this chapter)

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