Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 630 Is It Breaking the Law to Open and Hack a Single Computer?

Chapter 630 Is It Breaking the Law to Open and Hack a Single Computer?

Chapter 629 Is it illegal to open a single machine?

We generally call it a rogue for Mark's behavior of turning on the console and hanging up if he can't play well.

Fortunately, this is Mark's own "single-player copy", even if it is cheated, it will not affect other people's game experience, so it will not become an orphan.

What?Dare to resist?

Let go and give him a fleet bombing!Make a fortune in a muffled voice.

Using energy weapons and transforming people?

Don't be afraid, the level is not high, you can't beat me.Phoenix fighter, reconnaissance aircraft, pirate ship, void glow ship, this combination is very powerful.If the reconnaissance plane can be replaced with an aircraft carrier, it will kill the opponent this time, but it cannot be replaced.

Take a Hydra fleet alone.Stupid, the whole army should be dispatched at this time.

Pour Red Skull a cup of tea, and Red Skull will pour you a cup of apa tea.

Pour a cup of tea for the Red Skull, please!Red Skull pours you a cup of apa tea.

Pour a cup of apa tea for the Red Skull, start your suicide show, yes, that's it, send the whole fleet.Perfect!
Golden Fleet, can you second me?Can you kill me in seconds?You can beat my mark with the golden fleet today, me!when!field!Just drink the black widow's bath water!
Just kidding, Mark is not Durant, and the widow is not Scarlett.How is that possible with bath water?But if you think about it now, Natasha is just a teenage girl.


Facing the offensive of Mark's shapeless golden fleet, although Hydra's fleet resisted very tenaciously, it even shot down two unlucky reconnaissance planes.

Although that thing is very powerful in the face of air targets, especially when facing heavy air targets, anti-matter missiles are simply killers, but another weapon, the dual photon blaster, is a bit weak.

Facing ground units can only play a role in harassment, and it is almost impossible to form combat power.

But this time the air-to-air mission was basically covered by Phoenix fighters and pirate ships.

The task of fighting against the ground is naturally taken over by the void glow ship.

In fact, the current reconnaissance aircraft is in a rather awkward position.

This thing is not as good as the void against the air, and the AOE is not as good as the pirate ship, let alone the ground, but it is strong in the hands of Amon, and it is often changed in cooperative missions.

The only thing worthy of praise is the price.

This is why Mark prepares these fighters, and he doesn't feel bad if he loses them.


Four hours later, two submarines found the "fleet" with only one destroyer left.

This destroyer also returned with a full load, and all of them were Hydras that survived by chance. Mark still wants to let people know the news of the destruction of the Hydra fleet.

Otherwise, it would be of no use to attack the Germans and Hydra.

The Germans were shocked that there was such a fleet. From the serious point of view of Mustache, this was Schmidt's betrayal of himself.

If there is such a fleet, the empire's problems in the Mediterranean can be resolved quickly, and it will definitely not be like it is today.

For other countries, they are completely unaware of the existence of such a fleet!
This is not a kitten or puppy, nor is it a team of hundreds of people. Even if thousands of people want to hide, it is not a problem, but this is a fleet!

If there is a warship, there must be a port, as well as supporting logistics and supplies, not to mention the sailors who maintain a fleet. These things cannot be hidden just because they are hidden.

But until now, all countries only know that one destroyer has returned, and no one knows how many other ships are there or how strong they are.

The Germans don't have a similarly hidden fleet or army?
This has slowed down the progress that was originally a good situation.


In short, these two words.

All countries are afraid. It seems that the situation is very good. Is it possible that the Germans lured the enemy into the depths and led the Allied forces and the Soviet Union into the encirclement circle established by the Germans.

And since the Germans blitzed Poland, everyone knows that the Germans are famous for their blitzkrieg, and no one dares to gamble on it.

The speed of action of the mechanized troops is much faster than that of the No. 11 bus.Now in the entire European battlefield, the stalls of the Allied forces and the Soviets are really too big. Except for the main force at the front, the other troops are not as concentrated as imagined, and the supply line is also stretched very long.

This is to collect food from the local area, which is almost impossible. The Germans perfectly implemented the Sanguang policy implemented by the Japanese on the Asian battlefield.

The Allies and the Soviet Union simply had no way of getting enough food locally to sustain their troops.

Food supplies can only be transported to the front from the distant rear.

He didn't even think of the attack he launched at sea.It actually caused such a big chain reaction, and at the same time, he began to face up to his next actions.

It was not without loss that Mark sent his templars to attack the cities where the Germans were garrisoned.

Although in most cases all the executions are mechanical warriors, and in very few cases real templars are dispatched, but these losses must be counted.Especially the attrition of mechanical soldiers, just take Paris as an example.

Of the 2000 legionnaires sent by Mark, more than 1000 were slightly injured.

A minor injury, as defined by Mark, is a broken arm, or damage to the armor on the body.

A more serious injury means losing the ability to move, or lose the ability to fight.

If it is directly connected to the server, it can be regarded as a real damage.

Hydra's energy weapons are not without any threat to them.It only takes three hits to easily break through the energy shields on these legionnaires.

Of course, it is mainly related to the low prices made by these legionnaires.

After all, he is a fan of mass-produced models, so it is understandable that mechanical warriors have such problems, and they are like this warrior.Even after death, his data personality can be transplanted into a new mechanical body, which is not considered death.

Instead of configuring a high energy shield, it is better to re-fit a body.

This is the result of strict calculations.

Even the soldiers of the Corps with their personalities accept this situation themselves.Not to mention those legionnaires who don't even have personality.

It's not that Mark didn't think about deploying other units to join the battle, but the cost of such a battle would increase several times or even dozens of times.

If Mark was in his own timeline, in the current situation where he really wanted to hang up, Mark would have already sent an aircraft carrier to clean up the ground.

According to Mark's estimation, one aircraft carrier can conquer the whole of Europe, and two aircraft carriers can ensure the stability of Europe.

However, this is calculated in Europe. There are no superheroes yet. If there are individual superheroes, there may be a little deviation.

After all, the most unreasonable people in this world are those superheroes!
Determined to change the current battle pattern, Mark made all the protoss warriors withdraw from the battlefield. Even if Mark could conquer Europe with his "golden warrior", what would the result be?

When European countries do not actually control their own land sovereignty, without this buffer zone, the United States and the Soviet Union will directly have a world war in Europe.

The battlefield battle will never end!

Don't think that the United Kingdom and the United States and some other countries have reached an alliance now, but this alliance may break at any time.

Mainly everyone now has a common enemy, and that is the Germans.

Not to mention the even weaker alliance between the Allies and the Soviet Union.


After half a month!

For half a month, Steve led the Roaring Commando to continuously search for Hydra's secret strongholds and factories in the occupied areas.

The hard work paid off, and Steve really found several secret strongholds of Hydra.

Some strongholds can be easily solved by Steve with his Roaring Commando, and some strongholds are quite tricky even with the Roaring Commando. Take the two strongholds in Paris as an example.

There are the two most heavily defended strongholds.

Steve's roaring commando had no way of breaking through the outer defenses of the two strongholds.

We can only find a way to attract the firepower of the Allied forces, and then create enough opportunities for them, then enter the interior, and then destroy this stronghold.

But just after they entered the factory, they discovered that what you are doing in this factory is very terrifying.

Transparent cultivation jars appeared in front of everyone, each of which contained a living life, and some of the cultivation jars had blood in them, indicating that the people in the cultivation jars had died.

One or two bubbles popped out of some culture jars from time to time, indicating that the people in the culture jars were still alive temporarily.

Many people have undergone brainwashing before entering, which is a backup method to prevent them from disobeying group control after transformation.

When the Allied forces released these people, these people who had been brainwashed by Hydra attacked them without hesitation.

The members of the Roaring Commando fought together against these guys who hadn't been transformed, or who had failed to transform.

The vast majority of Howling Commandos are mortal.No matter how good the equipment is, no matter how strong the fighting consciousness is, there is still no way to face these guys who have successfully transformed or failed to transform with ease.

The battle fell into a passive state for a while, and it was all relying on Steve to support the scene.

According to Steve himself, several times he felt that his life was hanging by a thread, and he was about to meet God.

But at every critical moment, he could always see the pocket watch on his chest. After seeing the pocket watch, his body seemed to be strengthened unparalleled, and the fighting spirit inspired made him persist until the last second.

Mark felt that this was a free arrangement in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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