Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 62 The Result After Compromise

Chapter 62 The Result After Compromise
Chapter 63 The Result After Compromise

"What's the matter with Tony?" Pepper, who had already walked out of the villa, asked Mark.

"Remember that thing in Monaco before? Tony assured everyone at the military committee that no one will be able to invent similar technology in the next 20 years, but just in the Monaco arena, someone beat him hard Everyone's face! This includes Tony. Originally, the reason why the military committee was able to make concessions was because only Tony had this technology, but now someone has come up with this technology.

That shows that this technology is not the only one. If someone uses this technology, it is likely to cause huge threats and disasters.At least that's what they think it is.So Tony had to make concessions, but it couldn't be too obvious.This is not a matter of face or loss of face at all.

If Tony handed over his technology to the military committee in a grand manner, most people would think that Tony was afraid of the pressure exerted by the military committee.And if they broke away and directly handed things over to the military committee, God knows who they would hand over to, so Tony planned to hand over his steel armor to Rhodes in a tactful way. "Looking at Colonel Rhodes who had already entered the venue, Mark told Pepper everything.

The main purpose of Mark coming here today is to protect Pepper.Prevent any accidents.

The not-so-soft sea breeze blew by, and Pepper fluttered her long hair that was blown away. Looking at the brightly lit villa, she didn't know what to say for a while.

If Tony can let go of Iron Man's identity, or not announce it in the first place.How nice that would be.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world. The fact is that Tony Stark is Iron Man.

Everyone has to make countless choices in his life, and Tony is only doing what he thinks is right.

As Colonel Rhodes entered the party, the conflict between the two gradually escalated.The core conflict is naturally the issue of the Iron Armor.

Rhodes believes that Tony now completely regards the Iron Armor as a pastime and entertainment consumption.I didn't realize how dangerous and important this thing was.

Not understanding why the Tony he knew became like this, he rushed down to the basement angrily and put on his armor, completely unaware that this was a loophole left by Tony.

Think about it, how could such an important thing be taken away so easily without any verification system.

In anger, Rhodes didn't think so much at all. He put on the steel armor and came to the first floor to confront Tony.

The words were not speculative, and the conflict between the two quickly broke out.

The energy of the palm cannon collision turned the entire party into a mess, and even many people standing outside were affected.

Mark took the initiative to block the impact of the palm cannon so that Pepper was not hurt.But Pepper's attention is now entirely on the villa.

She no longer worried about whether Tony was hurt by the shock wave just now.Mark really doesn't have much to say about the couple.Both care about each other very much, but the other party never expresses it clearly, and has always maintained this feeling of inseparability.I really don't know when it's a head.


After the battle ended, Rhodes immediately set off to return to the air force base.At this time, the sky was already cloudy, and after the sky was completely heavy, Rhodes had already landed at the air base.

At this time, Tony also closed the authorization of all other armors.It is enough to release a set of steel armor, it is impossible for him to hand over all his steel armor.

The military committee and the military who received the news were very happy.Because they also have their own Iron Man, they don't care who made this suit, they only care about the effect of this suit.

Apparently the response has been great, and a press conference is being prepared for what should be called the Iron Patriot, the armor set.

However, the military is also thinking about a problem, can it really solve the problem just by relying on a piece of steel armor?
Of course not!
So they need more Iron Armor, but Iron Armor is completely in the hands of Tony Stark, taking out this one is already a great concession.

Some things are good for everyone to know clearly, there is no need to tear your skin apart.

It's as if the owner of this armor must be Rhodes.This is a tacit compromise between the two parties.

Hammer Industries gave their own suggestions at this time, they can use their weapons to strengthen this steel armor and make it a qualified war machine.

At the same time, they will provide a new generation of steel armor, and it is already under development, and samples will be available soon.

With such a huge temptation, the top military officials couldn't help but feel excited.They all fell into the temptation of the big cake given by Justin Hammer.

Even if these armors of steel are not as powerful as Tony Stark's armor, as long as there are a large number of them, the combat power displayed is still very terrifying.

The military has completely abandoned Tony Stark as a playboy, and instead focused more on Hammer Industries.

However, in fact, Justin didn't even have a basic sample, and all the products he produced were prototypes.To put it simply, just having an empty frame can't exert any combat power at all.

Hammer Industries was still having a headache because of this matter, but in the previous Monaco arena, they successfully found the key to solving the problem.

Ivan Vanke!

genius!Peerless genius!A genius who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Tony Stark!At least Justin Hammer thinks so.

With such crude conditions, such a terrifying exoskeleton armor was produced.If enough armor and protection are added, can it become a new generation of steel armor?

He has given himself a reasonable answer!

In the prison at this time.

Ivan Vanke and Ace were imprisoned in the same prison.Ace never felt that he was a loser from the beginning to the end, he was just quietly waiting for things to ferment.

It's just that what he doesn't know is that the backhands he left behind have been destroyed by the artificial intelligence Jarvis.His waiting was in vain.

He took out the playing cards in the drawer to equip the new day's entertainment. At this moment, two prisoners came to their cell.

The sharp-eyed Ace immediately noticed the problems of the two prisoners.

(End of this chapter)

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