Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 61 This is an Exchange

Chapter 61 It's an Exchange

Chapter 62 It's an Exchange

Mark looked at the red gemstone on the ground, and didn't reach out to pick it up immediately, but wrapped the gemstone with his spiritual energy.

Mark, who has been active in the interstellar world for a long time, does not pick up things at the first time, but subconsciously likes to use his psionic power to control these things, and then touch them after confirming the safety of these things.

The spiritual energy slowly controlled the rising of this gemstone.Mark could clearly feel the powerful power contained in this gem.

The energy contained in this gem really made Mark feel incredible.So powerful that Mark suspected that it was an infinite gem!
But logically speaking, each of the current Infinity Gems has its own owner, or it may be said that it has a place where it should be.The sudden appearance of an infinite gemstone here is really unbelievable.

Regardless of whether this is an infinite gem or not, such a powerful energy will eventually bring Mark endless troubles.

Mark put down the gem and buried it under a stone not far away.Even if I need this gem in the future, I can find it when the time comes.

As for now, Mark has no intention of getting caught up in the fire.


Four days later, New York.

The big and small things that happened in Europa have already spread to New York.For Mark, who has successfully returned to his home in New York, he no longer wants to care about Europa's affairs.

But now I have also encountered a new trouble, that is, the problem between the little reporter and Sock.

Sock arrived in New York one step ahead of Mark.It didn't take much effort to find Mark's home, and happened to meet a young reporter outside Mark's joining.The first time two people meet is like the tip of a needle.

As Mark returned home, it was obvious that the two were in a state of opposition.

Mark is not a fool, and he can see the little reporter's feelings for him.As for Sok, at first Mark thought it was just a courtesy exchange between Europeans and Americans, but what he didn't expect was that Sok was going to play for real.

From time to time, I talked with Mark about things related to the church.This undoubtedly hurt the little reporter's heart.

Immediately afterwards, the little reporter also started to talk with Mark about some things about marriage.

Sparks fly is what Mark is doing at home right now.

As the conflict between the two people continued to deepen, Mark was quite embarrassing as a middleman.

But in comparison, the little reporter still looks a little tender.Whether it's housekeeping or the control of people's hearts, Mark doesn't like the feeling that he has a good control of human nature.

Because I feel that I am being peeped into my heart all the time.

To be fair, Mark is a real scumbag.Any woman with a sane mind should go straight to Mark.

But the main reason lies in the aura bonus of this layer of superheroes on Mach.Let Mark temporarily become a state that can be "forgiven".

Of course, a large part of the reason is because of Mark's super good looks.If Mark was ugly, no matter whether it was Sock or the little reporter, they would definitely not be stalking like they are now.

The two of them knew very well that now was the critical moment to compete for the position of Mark's real girlfriend!At the same time, the two are still wary of all the women around Mark, a multi-gold hero with an attractive halo.

They don't want to have a few more competitors.

The battle between the two is still going on.It's just that it's going from an open fight to a secret fight for Mark, and it's not as embarrassing as before.

During this time, Mark also distanced himself directly from the two of them.

Even though the two hinted from time to time that Mark didn't see it at the time.

This is why the two people have changed from an open fight to a secret fight, because they are also aware of their own fight, which makes Mark start to alienate them.

However, Tony seems to be talking and laughing these days, but in fact life is not easy.Because of the constant pressure from the Military Council, coupled with the Monaco incident.In fact, public opinion has already begun to rise, but it has been suppressed.

However, this is not a panacea after all, and it is not a cure for the symptoms.

Tony must find an opportunity to prove to the outside public that he has the ability to protect the people, the city and the country.

As he himself said in the military council.

He intends to present his new armor at the military council.

Tony is very clear about his current situation. He even boasted that absolutely no one can imitate it. It didn't take long for Monaco to have such a problem.

It can be said that this is a fundamental problem. With the first time, will the second time be far behind?
If he continued to control the steel battle armor, he would not be facing the angry Rhodes but the steel tank.

If this matter continues to remain silent like this, they are likely to do similar things.

Instead of forcing himself to hand over the steel suit when the time comes.Tony might as well look for an opportunity to hand over his battle suit to someone he trusts, such as Rhodes.

It's an exchange.This is especially clear for those who have separated from the military for many times.

So he intends to play a rich man who gives up on himself.

And Tony is actually dancing on the tip of the knife now. The palladium element has been eroding his body. During this time, he is frantically looking for energy that is harmless to his body, so as to replace the palladium that poses a huge threat to his body. element.

No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find an element that could replace it.

This also means that if he does not give up his identity as Iron Man, he will eventually be poisoned to death.Moreover, my body has already appeared obvious symptoms, and I have not been able to find a way to relieve them.


Tony's beach house, where he invites almost everyone he knows to a party.Beautiful women and wine, passionate music.

Plus the red steel armor!

The whole ball was pushed to a climax by the arrival of Tony, who opened his mask and showed off his steel armor to everyone.

Pepper is currently trying to get Tony to stop this stupid behavior, but Tony didn't listen at all, and he is still entertaining himself.

Pepper looked at Tony, who was now dissolute, and his heart ached.It was as if what he saw in front of him was no longer the genius he knew.

Mark stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Do you trust Tony?"

Pepper looked at Mark who suddenly appeared beside him in surprise, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Trust him, let him finish today's play. Let's get out of here first!" Mark didn't directly explain the reason, but took Pepper away after saying a few words.

And Tony didn't seem to care, of course his last gaze followed Pepper.

PS: Added updates will definitely be posted, please recommend and send them here, and come to the group to urge updates online!
(End of this chapter)

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