Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 614 Catch the Mouse

Chapter 614 Catch the Mouse
Chapter 613 Catching the Mouse
Mark made a mistake on this timeline and organized the Avengers Alliance in advance. He didn't know whether it was destiny or just a coincidence.

But these are harmless and cannot change what Mark is going to do now.

Which modified Hydra soldiers in London have not been completely eliminated.Especially the guy who took the lead and took the firefly. If Mark didn't kill him, he always felt that there was a lump in his heart that couldn't be solved.

To be honest, Mark is starting to regret it now. He shouldn't have taken the face of the guerrillas into consideration at the beginning, and killing him directly won't cause so many things.

There is no regret medicine in the world, not everything can be done again, so everyone must be responsible for what they do.

In the dilapidated tavern, Hans had a few remaining soldiers gathered at a table.They scraped together the last bit of money they had.This is the last remaining living expenses for them.

They could indeed rob houses, but that would leave clues.Now they are eager to erase all their clues. Whoever wants to rob at this time will be against everyone present.

The last time it was because a guy with no eyesight went to rob, so the whereabouts were exposed, and nearly half of the people were lost.

"Why is there so much money now? If we can't get estimates or complete tasks, we will have to be sewer rats." One of them put down his glass and murmured.

"Is there any difference between our current situation and the mouse? We are being chased all day long, afraid that we will be exposed at any time." Another person is also quite emotional.

Compared with the happy life in Germany where eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, life now is simply worse than pigs and dogs, and life is extremely difficult.

"Firefly, what are your thoughts now? After all, you are the captain of the operation this time. We may not die, but you should know the result." One of them directly threw the question to Hans, which was already obvious. up.

If Hans is pushed to the forefront, put him on the fire and roast him.

Hans was also restless during this time, especially after he came to London. At first he thought it was just a simple production task, but he faced Mark's siege.

Fleeing around like a bereaved dog, he felt that he was still not strong enough.

Even after experiencing that kind of torture, he is still as weak as an ant in front of these people.

What should I do to be able to control my own destiny, so that I can truly live in this world?
The question has been lingering in his heart for a long time, and the only thing he can do is to keep silent, but now someone has asked him to push it out.

This is his responsibility and his obligation. He can only answer. He looked at the crowd and said: "We have collected half of the specific anti-aircraft firepower. I think we can evacuate now. I will bear all the responsibilities. If you have any ideas, just speak up."

Now that Hans has taken all the responsibility on himself, if they are talking about something now, it is a bit too much.So everyone obediently closed their mouths and agreed.

Hans took the change from the table and prepared to pay the bill. After leaving, he asked them to choose soldiers, which would leave a city with bad memories.

But when he just got up, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside, which is not something normal humans can't hear at all.

Only his hearing beyond ordinary people can hear clearly.

Moreover, this kind of footsteps is not an ordinary footsteps, it is the sound that can only be made when military boots hit the ground.There are not many people who can wear military boots, and it is so dense now, it must be people from the army.

Few people in the team could hear the voices outside, so they watched Hans stop, thinking that he had something to say.

"Run!" Hans shouted to his companion.

Before the notice could react, the door had been broken open by a bomb, and the ordinary drinkers in the dilapidated tavern had already knelt down on the ground, but Hans and his group had already realized that a catastrophe was imminent.

Without even thinking about it, it exploded immediately, and the animal's characteristics grew on the transformed body.Relying on their enhanced animal characteristics, they forcibly opened a bloody path.

Although the elite soldiers who were sent here were also equipped with submachine guns, which were short-range killers, they were still a little insufficient in the face of these super soldiers who were strengthened and had bulletproof vests.

Mark stood in the distance, he and his team were waiting.But with these violent guys, he stepped forward to recover after exhausting his strength.

Tony, who was standing aside, looked at Mark's motionless appearance, and said in a low voice, "You are such a hard-hearted person, and you didn't feel the slightest bit moved when you saw so many soldiers die like this. How could I How about being friends with someone like you?"

Mark took a look and stood beside him. Tony, who came from another world, thought to himself: "Sure enough, there are problems with the thoughts and consciousness brought by different worlds."

In the end, Mark couldn't hold back the words in his heart and said: "Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, which is what they need to obey, and you are not a member of the military, so I hope you can understand .Their greatest use value is to consume the physical strength of those super soldiers. When the physical strength of those super soldiers drops, my team members and I can easily take them down.

Their training period and value far outweigh those soldiers, that's why I don't want to take mine on a risk.By the way, I also have selfishness in it, those people who have nothing to do with me.It's just that the side that died when we met for the first time died, but these people are all trained by myself.One is someone who has nothing to do with you, and the other is someone you have witnessed growing up, how would you choose? "

Mark's last words were a bit embarrassing. You must know that when Mark finished speaking, the eyes of Mark's team members all turned to Tony.

Tony finally swallowed without saying a word, but everyone knew what he was thinking.

After a few minutes passed, these super soldiers didn't have much physical strength left. Just when Mark was about to lead his team members forward to catch these super soldiers, the messengers on horseback rushed over from a distance.

He got off the horse anxiously, and handed the letter at his waist to Mark. The envelope was tightly sealed, and there was no sign of it being opened.

Mark opened the envelope, looked at the order inside, his face was ashen.Mark knew that someone was messing with him behind his back. Seeing that the prey he got was about to be let go now, Mark was also quite uncomfortable.

After a few breaths, Mark had already made a decision. He tempted and easily burned the envelope, and then ordered the team members around him: "Everyone, you can take down those guys and settle the battle within 5 minutes."

Facing the super soldier Mark, who was already weak and was about to exhaust his physical strength, these elite players trained under his hands.If there is no way to do it, it is really necessary to go back to the stove and reshape.

Although they have not undergone any experimental strengthening, the skills they have learned and the control over their bodies are the limits of human beings.There is also the excellent equipment on them, which cannot be more excellent, and each piece is independently customized.

In the words of those guys in the military, each of these soldiers exudes the fragrance of Franklin!
The matter did not meet his expectations, and the problem was solved in 5 minutes without wasting 3 minutes.

However, the problem was solved in such a short period of time, and it was not without any cost. The equipment on the two people was completely scrapped and needed to be re-customized, and one person was slightly injured.

You must know that this is still facing a group of Hydra super soldiers who are exhausted.

If it is in a normal state, Mark and the others will even sacrifice one or two people.

Mark didn't take action himself, but was checking these super soldiers to see if there was a traitor from the guerrillas inside, but after checking around, he still couldn't find it.

Then Mark asked a Hydra super soldier: "Which guerrilla traitor?"

Speaking of the traitors of the guerrillas, everyone knows who he is talking about?In this situation, everyone has been arrested, and he is the only one who has escaped. Everyone is jealous and unbalanced.

But for the benefit of the empire, they still kept their mouths shut, and their hearts began to waver.

Mark could see that they were still hesitating, and then said: "With your abilities, you can get a place no matter where you are. If anyone of you can tell me where he is, or where he should go, I will You can let him join my team without guilt, and now if you say that I am American and not British, these British guys can’t control me.”

Mark obviously lied, because the letter just now was sent from the UK. Mark doesn't have much time now, and if he wastes another 2 minutes at most, it will be the limit.

But after Mark made a line, no one said it.Mark didn't want to continue wasting time with these guys, so he said to this kind of soldier: "Chop off their hands and feet, leaving only their heads. Anyway, even if it's an experiment, they only need their blood and internal organs. By the way, Remember to seal the wound, don't let them bleed to death."

I have to say that Mark is also quite ruthless.One of them was about to speak when he heard what Mark was going to do to them, but Mark blocked his mouth with a stone.

"If you don't tell me, tell me now? It's too late, I will find the escaped mouse myself. Then I will kill him with my own hands."

(End of this chapter)

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