Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 613: The Second Battle of the Avengers

Chapter 613

Chapter 612

"Thank you very much for your cooperation. Recently, I simply stayed at home. If it is not necessary, please do not leave the house. After hearing the air-raid alarm, go to the air-raid shelter immediately. Thank you for your cooperation." left.

Tony begins to worry about the air strikes that will soon follow.

However, no one knew if it was some kind of fate, a group of mysterious people suddenly broke into Tony's apartment, and there were crackling and fighting sounds below the apartment.

Tony didn't choose to go out, but put on his steel armor. He knew very well that after losing the steel armor, he was just an ordinary person... At most, he knew a little fighting skills.Just understand a little!

The sound of fighting gradually became quieter, and many people stopped resisting, but the sound of messy footsteps did not stop.These people seemed to be heading upstairs, but the target was not him.

Tony remembered to stick to the base of the wall to prevent the other party from making a surprise attack.

But within a few minutes, the original fighting sounds sounded again.This time, the sound of fighting was still on the first floor, and a few shots could be heard from time to time.

Even so, Tony did not take off his battle armor. A panicked Hydra-reformed soldier rushed into Tony's room, preparing to temporarily avoid the limelight here.

But what he didn't expect was that it was not a safe haven for him to avoid risks, but a place that brought his life and death.

The energy cannon with the lowest power penetrated his head, and he fell to the ground with a plop, blood staining the wooden floor.

Mark led his subordinates and a group of London police officers to block off this area, and that area was completely blocked with cement, and there was no way to open it.

It was only after Mark walked into the room that he was on top of the bloodstains. The leather boots under his feet and the floor made squeaking sounds. Looking at the corpses on the ground and the spilled internal organs, Mark did not feel sick because of it, and even got used to it.

Mark reached for the pistol at his waist, aimed at the Hydra reformed soldier who was pretending to be dead on the ground in the distance, and killed him with one shot.

Mark walked up the stairs, watching the blood dripping from the water tower.

Just look to see if anything slipped through the top.

Things did not go beyond Mark's expectations. Two residents living upstairs were killed, and blood flowed out from the crack of the door. Mark could clearly hear only a heartbeat inside.

Mark kicked open the door, rushed in, grabbed the opponent's body with his bare hands, and hit the ground hard.

The wooden floor couldn't bear it at all, a heavy blow created a hole, and it fell abruptly from the second floor to the first floor.

When Mark was ready to deal with the next time, he was able to hear some unusual sounds.

Tony's armor does have a silent mode, but it cannot achieve complete silence, and some small sounds can still be captured slightly.

Mark put his hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly.The door was not locked, and Mark slowly opened the door.Mark could clearly feel that the other party was behind the door. After the door opened for a certain distance, Mark jumped over in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, the psionic energy imprisoned the stranger hiding in the room.

When he immediately imprisoned Tony, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Tony struggled constantly, trying to escape from the confinement of the void.

Mark put Tony down slowly and said, "Tony?"

Tony, who recovered, did not launch an attack immediately, but looked at the person in front of him suspiciously and asked, "Who are you?"

Mark realized immediately that this was not the Tony Stark he knew.

"It's a long story, and this is not the place to talk. Your father and mother were not killed by accident, but were killed by the captain's friend Bucky."

This news is not considered a secret among the circle of the Avengers, but for ordinary people, this news is unobtainable.

Tony believed it for a while, Mark ended his armor, and the nano armor turned into a suit of clothes again.Tony took off the coat on the hanger and hid his special suit.


The two of them didn't say a word along the way. When they arrived at the cafe, Mark ordered his subordinates to clear everyone out.

When Tony saw Bucky who was still in a normal state, he was a little emotional and couldn't control himself.

But he knew very well that the current Bucky was not the future Bucky.The person who was really wrong in that matter was not the controlled Bucky.

In fact, he had already figured it out later, the only thing he couldn't accept was the captain's betrayal of him.

They are all friends, and they are also partners who were born and died. Why should I be treated like that?
"My name is Mark Komnenos, and I am your friend on this timeline. I am from the future, and I use time to maintain power, and I come to this timeline to change something that does not belong to this timeline .Now it seems that you should be an existence that does not belong to this timeline." What Mark did not expect was that the task was so difficult.

If it is someone else or a hostile target, Mark can completely conquer by means of force, but facing Tony Stark's peers, Mark may not be able to kill him.

"You mean that I'm not in the cosmic time I'm in right now."

Although this sentence was a bit of a mouthful, Mark had already understood what the other party meant and replied: "You are right. The place you are in now is the timeline of the universe where I am, and it has not achieved your goal. Even if you are here If you change anything, the universe you are in will not change at all."

"Even so, I want to change the bad luck of my parents in this universe!" As he spoke, he couldn't help looking at Bucky outside the window.

"Have you considered how the captain feels?" Mark asked.

Among them, there is still a preference for Tony, otherwise it would not be possible to think of killing Bucky.After all, he was a victim anyway.Naturally, it will make people feel sympathetic, but then Mark gradually walked out of this vicious circle.

Some things are clear to the bystanders, and things look more clear.

"Then has he considered my feelings? Trusting him so much, what did he do to me? Baby, the enemy who killed my parents used the shield my father gave him?" Tony has actually walked out of that vicious circle , but I just feel uncomfortable.

"You and I know very well that you can travel to this timeline, which means that this incident has already happened on your side. You should understand that the controlled Bucky is not what he wants. To be honest, I I used to be angry and wanted to kill Bucky directly. Especially when I just entered New York, I wanted to solve this trouble of destroying the inside of the Avengers, but I finally gave up. Because I understand that killing He didn't solve the problem, as long as the video wasn't deleted, internal conflicts would eventually erupt." Mark hoped that through his own persuasion, Tony would get out of this dead end, which would be regarded as giving him a step down.

Tony felt the kindness released by Mark, and at the same time began to believe what Mark said, believing that he was really his friend at this time.

"So I'm going to kill the Red Skull! Completely disintegrate Hydra."

"I don't know what happened to your time, but the Red Skull died a long time ago, and internal conflicts broke out. Killing the Red Skull is not the solution to the problem. If you plan to fall in Bucky The Red Skull was dealt with before entering the cliff, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. Those guys just now are the weakest group of reformed fighters they cultivated. Some of the stronger ones escaped from our encirclement , I also just got the news.

One or two may not be able to deal with you, but there are many others with strength like them, and they can be cultivated in a short period of time.You can't beat the Red Skull with two fists. said Mark.

"I know what you think, and you plan to let me go back to the timeline where I am, but I have to tell you, I can't help it." Tony took out a time crystal from his nano armor.

"This thing is a special ore condensed after the time gem in our universe was broken. It is through this that I crossed to this world line. And now because of a little accident, the time point I crossed Greatly set up my expectations. If I want to go back to my original timeline, I have to wait another 15 years." Tony intends to use this excuse to perfunctory Mark, but he seems to have forgotten how Mark came. to this timeline.

Mark said that he created a phantom with psionic energy, which clearly showed Mark and Ancient One mage on the virtual.

Tony knew everything when he saw the bald head.

"Okay! But I'm also telling you that the universe on this timeline is different from what we know. The speed at which France fell was too fast, faster than we expected. You Don't deny it?"

Mark nodded in approval.

"So I'm not just a problem at this point in time, there may be other problems, so you can't solve the problem by sending me away just now. You can't go back to your timeline, why don't you Leave me here, and I'll help you." Tony is indeed a genius, and quickly found the loophole in the incident.

Mark didn't refuse his offer, saying, "Well, I know. But I have to tell you not to do anything out of the ordinary."

Tony nodded, agreeing.

People from two different time points gathered together, the Avengers of World War II assembled in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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