Chapter 559
Chapter 558

Mark once wondered if the military and the White House were teaming up to cheat him, but this idea was quickly thrown out of his mind.

If it is really ready to see yourself together, the White House will not just warn.

At this time, the military directly threatened to be held accountable, while the White House only warned and backed down.

The two gangs are not on the same front at all. To some extent, represented by the president, the Marine Corps on the White House side has completely given up its interests.

Mark couldn't believe that the guy who was born as a businessman would give up the benefits he was about to get so easily.

If it is simply not dare to say, then there will be no explosion of the Marine Corps power combat suit from the beginning.

And this explosion of the Power Operations Department is at the White House.

Things have never turned around here.

Two days passed by in a hurry.

Marine Corps base.

"Charlie, hurry up, those guys' patrols will be here soon." In the darkness, a mouse-headed guy looked around, and when he saw the lights in the distance, he quickly whispered behind him.

The guy named Charlie stopped what he was doing, took out a small shelter from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Bill, we have no way out now. Now we have lost more than a star and a half by giving up. Just this kind of cover-up position, we have lost three. If we can't crack these technologies, we will wait for bankruptcy Now! Oh, the boss will definitely kill us, you should know better than me the consequences of leaving the team without permission!"

It turned out that the guy who talked before was called Bill, and the one who was fiddling with things now was called Charlie.

"Hurry up! There have been several explosions, so the guy's place is getting higher and higher. Next time we sneak in, I don't know how much effort we will have to spend!"

The two are actually members of the Marauders who have just participated in the Earth's defense war.

It's just that the predators themselves are not a kind organization. Although the predators who make a living by robbery have done good things this time, it doesn't mean that they don't want anything.

Mark did provide Yondu with a boatload of supplies, but it was for their immediate boss, and the people below could at most drink some soup, and some people couldn't even make soup.

This is the case with the two predators at the bottom.

Bill is a fugitive from the Cree, and his blue skin is the best proof. He escaped from prison with Charlie, who is also a father, with great efforts.

Charlie used to be an expert in mechanics and networking.Because once I was so happy during the happy process, I forgot to modify my record and was caught by the Cree.

However, unlike Bill, he is not a Cree, but a Kasi from Delta.

On this planet where the mechanical civilization is extremely developed and eventually destroyed because of its own developed machinery, there are really countless fugitives like Charlie.

However, every fugitive is a pretty good mechanic for the major organizations, even the most basic person can be a qualified maintenance engineer.

Therefore, it is a good candidate for shelter for all major civilizations and planets.It's a pity that some of them don't put their wisdom on the right path.

After all, they are all desperadoes, how many of them are vegetarians!
During the earth defense war, two people were ordered to come to support. Unfortunately, when they were trembling with Chitauri's necromancer spaceship, the two made an emergency landing on the earth. At the same time, they also saw the clothes worn by humans on the earth Power suit.

Bill naturally couldn't see the particularity of the powered combat uniform, but Charlie, who was a Khasi, discovered the mystery.

He never thought that this group of humans would actually put a cold fusion reactor on a small set of action armor.

There are not no cold fusion reactors like this in the universe, but they are all very large.It is generally applied to large ships or large machinery, and even some buildings.

It's like the Ark reactor on Tony's chest.

Obadai Stein, as the owner of the company and a major shareholder, does indeed own the Ark Reactor.However, those Ark reactors are all large reactors located in factories, and only Tony can reduce such a large reactor to the size of a palm.

Without actual operation, I have no idea how difficult it is.

As they explored the powered suit, more and more things surprised him.They didn't expect that this set of powered combat suits would be so powerful.

If you can sell all these things, then prepare to live to death with your lower body!
Money is touching, which is why the two chose to leave the Marauder's fleet temporarily.This kind of leaving without saying goodbye is a defection among predators, but if they can successfully obtain these technologies and provide them to Yondu, I believe that vampire will be happy to forgive them for leaving without saying goodbye.

This is the only hope for both of them.

Bill breathed a sigh of relief as a pair of patrolling Marines walked past the two of them and faded away.Who knows how fast Bill's heart was beating just now at such a close distance?
Just when the last thread was removed by Charlie, the lights of the entire warehouse were turned on, and the surrounding searchlights locked their positions at the same time.

From the outside, you can't see any difference in that area at all, but under the strong light of the searchlight, the light is distorted and refracted towards the surrounding ground.

Only a fool can't see the tricks in it.

The two also knew that their whereabouts had been exposed, and they dragged the small reactor to flee the scene, but the gate was blocked tightly.

A group of marines wearing power combat suits stood at the only exit, blocking their way of escape.

Bill asked his companions in a trembling voice, "What should we do now?"

Charlie said to him with a cold face: "What else can I do? Run!"

It's a pity that the word "run" just shouted out two ropes shining with electric arcs, and tied their legs.

Before the two could even take a step, they were brought down to the ground.A strong electric current passed through their bodies, constantly stimulating their nerves, and the cold fusion reactor also fell to the ground.


In the military office.

The head of the White House, the military representatives, Mark, and Peter Quill representing the looters.

The four of them haven't spoken for 2 minutes since the beginning.

Peter Quill, the guy who couldn't hold back the present, kept moving his body, as if this could alleviate his ADHD.

"Mr. Peter Quill, aren't you going to explain something?" The head of the White House took the lead in breaking the embarrassment before him, and said to Peter Quill.

"Mr. you understand, no matter which organization or planet, there will be one or two scumbags more or less. Obviously, those two guys are the scumbags among our predators. Please believe us, after all, we were free of charge not long ago. Helped the earth and saved you. If we really want these things, we can ask you for them after the end, instead of sneaking around to get them, right? What's more, we won't send two such clumsy thieves." Peter Quill is notoriously eloquent, and immediately explained to the person in charge of the White House.

In fact, after Peter Quill's incident, Peter Quill was also in a cold sweat. He didn't expect these two guys to come up with such a big thing.

The most important thing is to implicate Mark.

Now he wants to break those two guys, and the stun gun happens to be on his body, ready to shoot at any time!
"You are right! But this still does not change the fact that they are going to steal the secrets of the earth. If there is no accident, they will receive 20 to 30 years in prison. We hope you predators can understand that this is The laws of the earth." The head of the military seemed to be out of temper, and said to Peter Quill in a nice way.

Those who didn't know thought that Peter Quill was like his second uncle, and he actually spoke with such a respectful attitude. Mark also felt that the military's current attitude towards Peter Quill was problematic.

However, I didn't delve into it, and it's none of my business anyway. Even if the military changes its attitude towards itself, it can't change any problems.

Only then did Mark speak slowly, "What did Yondu say?"

"These two guys are at your disposal and have been removed from the Predator's team." Peter Quill didn't feel any pressure.

They're just two trash scum, the looters can absorb more elites from other places, clean up the portal and so on, and enjoy it.

"What do you say about compensation, don't take some small things and fool them casually. This time, six marines died, and six sets of armor were damaged. If this set is added, that is the damage of seven sets of armor. No Counting those lives, the damage to these armors alone is a lot of energy coins."

As soon as Mark talked about money, Peter Quill started to have a headache.Now he can be said to be penniless, not to mention that the money and energy coins on the earth have already been used up, and he still owes a lot of foreign debts.It is almost impossible to expect to repay the debt by yourself.

"Just kill those two guys, it's not a big deal anyway, just treat it as compensation, what do you think?" Peter Quill was also able to let it go, and let go of the two idiots directly.

Mark frowned, and said to Peter Quill in a cold tone, "What do you think?"

Seeing Mark's tone, Peter Quill was immediately discouraged, and said to Mark with a bitter face, "How much do you plan to want?"

(End of this chapter)

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