Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 558 Accidents

Chapter 558 Accidents
Chapter 557 Accidents

In the Middle East, the modified Osprey helicopter slowly landed on the desert, and the wind and sand blowing up continuously invaded the Osprey helicopter. It seemed that the wind and sand might tear this fragile helicopter to pieces at any time.

In the helicopter, more than a dozen heavily armed marines are ready. They are different from ordinary marines. They wear well-equipped power combat suits.

They are also veterans who have fought in two wars wearing this power combat equipment.

Even compared with those marines who are equipped with new power combat uniforms, they are not at the same level at all, not only in terms of quality and experience, but the key is that they are already familiar with this power combat uniform, as if it is their own body. The extension is general.

This is one of the important reasons why those recruits can't compare with them at all.

But today they were ordered in danger, and they received a very dangerous mission, which may even threaten the safety of the entire Middle East.

To be precise, it is the safety of the interests of the United States in the Middle East.

But as the Marine Corps, it makes sense for them to do these things.

After all, this is their duty. As the personal guard of the President of the United States, no one else can do these dirty jobs except them.

In the past, such an important task would never be handed over to the Marine Corps alone. Under normal circumstances, the CIA would definitely send personnel to assist at the same time to ensure the completion of the task.

But now after several battles, the Marine Corps has begun to feel relieved.

In fact, in the military department, many people already want to change the elite troops under their hands with the current president's Marine Corps.

Even those who don't bring equipment to change are willing, not only their experience in operating powered combat suits is commendable.

But in the end, all of them were rejected by Mr. President.

The current Mr. President is not a mentally handicapped businessman, he was born knowing how to do business better than anyone else, but the people in the military department are not good at doing this kind of business, so they finally chose to give up.

It can't be blamed that Mr. President didn't give them a chance, it's just that they don't want to accept it.

The marines stepped on the soft sand, but they didn't feel anything strange, just like walking on the ground. The power combat uniforms on their bodies greatly improved the new power.

Not to mention on this kind of sand, even on the bottom of the sea, you can move forward easily.

When they arrived at the designated location and wiped out the terrorists, everyone felt that this matter was over.

Including these marines, however at this moment, the power engine behind one of the marines suddenly caught fire.

It exploded with a bang.

This time the shock wave released did not go outward, but inward.The Marine Corps soldier who was in charge of manipulating the power combat suit died on the spot, without even a chance of rescue, and a big hole was blasted in his chest.

The other marines in the powered battle suits even wanted to take it off immediately, but after much deliberation, they finally gave up on this idea.


Coincidentally, less than three days have passed since the last explosion of a powered battle suit in the desert.

During an operation by the Marines, another powered combat suit exploded.

The same explosion once again appeared in front of the Marine Corps soldiers, making many Marine Corps soldiers start to fear this power combat suit, as if wearing this power combat suit is like wearing a god of death.

Even the first batch of marines wearing power combat uniforms began to resist. After all, no one wanted to be a victim of the explosion.

Even if the probability is 1/10000, no one is willing to try it. There is only one life, so it is not for gambling.

Especially these soldiers who have narrowly escaped death on the battlefield know this best.

If you put it in the past, the Marine Corps would naturally not take such a "small problem" to heart.After all, the death rate will be higher if you don’t wear this power combat suit, but now that Mr. President has completely changed the Marine Corps, there are better choices, why should you wear this suit?
Maybe one day he didn't die under the gun of the enemy, but died in the malfunction of this power combat suit.

However, not only the Marine Corps had an explosion, but even the Army and the Navy had similar incidents. All the faults were concentrated on the Marine Corps armor, which is often called Ma Runjia.

In comparison, there were no problems with the Marauder power combat suit. Perhaps this power combat suit is expensive, or it may be that this power combat suit itself was made to deal with the impact of the explosion.

This matter was not hidden for long, and it was soon stabbed in front of Mark.

Mark's office.

Mark is processing a lot of documents. After the vacation, Mark returned to his daily work. Anyway, there is still more than a month before the next episode will happen.

Mark has plenty of time to finish his work on Earth and start again.But what I didn't expect was that I encountered this kind of problem just after cleaning up a large number of files.

"What?" Mark frowned as he looked at the document report sent by the secretary.

"Boss, this is our sixth explosion this month. The military department has already held us accountable. The attitude of the White House is quite good, but they simply asked for some compensation. At the same time, we hope that we will strictly control the power The quality of the combat uniform, don't let a similar situation happen again. How do you think about it?" The little secretary asked Mark tentatively.

Mark rubbed his eyebrows, he knew that the power combat suit he shot must be fine.Like that kind of high-end goods, built with Protoss technology, it is simply overkill.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for any problems to arise. If he doesn't even have this confidence, Mark should just go home and farm as soon as possible.

Then there is only one answer now!

Someone must be cheating himself behind his back, planning to use this matter as an excuse.

After all, the normal way is that there is absolutely no way to target yourself, so I have to start from this aspect. After corrupting the name of my product, the result is naturally needless to say.

And on the bright side, the Mark family is not the only one who can sell powered combat uniforms. Stark Industries can also make powered combat uniforms.

At that time, it is completely possible to abandon Mark on the grounds that the quality of the power combat uniform made by Mark is not up to standard, and then go to Stark Industries to order it.

For the benefit of these guys, everything can be seen.

Even now Stark Industries does not have a patent license.

But a new problem immediately appeared.Those guys are really going to take risks because of this matter, and risk offending themselves to do all this?
Is it just for revenge?

It's not playing house, and it's not a child anymore.There is no good or bad in the adult world, there is no right or wrong, only interests.

Maybe it's a bit absolute, but that's the fact. Before you have absolute strength, you are bound by your interests, and you can only follow your interests.

Some irrelevant interests may be chosen, but some interests cannot be given up.

"Let me check this matter carefully, and almost all the scrapped things will be taken back to me. If they don't reply, tell me in person, and trace back who is in the batch of orders for each set of armor. Handled? Has someone tampered with it? Check it all out for me."

Facing the powerful coercion emanating from his boss, the little secretary walked out of the office tremblingly. Seeing the little secretary limping, the surrounding staff did not dare to talk nonsense.

They knew that the boss of this house had two pretty beauties. Although the little secretary was not bad looking, she hadn't reached that level. Even if the boss was hungry, he wouldn't choose this level.

What's more, they also understand how terrifying this boss is. If they gossip behind their backs, they might be heard by their own boss, and it will be a trivial matter to be fired by then.

three days later.

The complete report was handed over to Mark.

All the problematic power combat uniforms were concentrated in the first batch of power combat uniforms handed over. This is definitely not a simple coincidence that can cover up the past.

From the source to the transfer, there is no human contact during the process.

This also means that there is no problem before sending it to the military from your own hands.Then the problem can only happen. After the military got it, according to the investigation, the military didn’t have any problems at the beginning after getting it. Even as the first batch of powered combat services, a large number of personnel were adaptively worn.

To put it simply, this batch of powered combat uniforms will not be installed for the time being, but will become training supplies for these soldiers' daily training.Then use batches to get familiar with these training supplies.

When it can be used proficiently and the production capacity has kept up, it will also be able to be installed on a large scale.

It was also a common thing in the past.

During this process, there were no problems, and there were not even a few overhauls. The overhauls here were carried out by the technicians sent by Mark.

Mark also read the inspection reports of those several times, and there was no problem with the reactor, that is, several parts were damaged and twisted due to mishandling.

Eliminate these impossibilities, and all that remains is the answer.

But why does the military and the White House have this kind of problem at the same time.

Although they are all equipment handed over at the same time, the military and the White House are two completely independent systems.

Especially the current power combat uniforms are precious and important items for the military and the White House, and they will never be loaned out casually.

Where is the problem?

(End of this chapter)

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