Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 555 I'm in a desperate situation

Chapter 555 I'm in a desperate situation

Chapter 554 I'm in a desperate situation

Are these soldiers pretending to be Tyr's Hand really fake?

Of course, it wasn't the last time when Mark invaded that base, he naturally captured a lot of prisoners.Those captives played a role at this time.

True and false, false and false, true and true, bring the truth into the lie, and no one will doubt that the lie is false.

The more false things a lie contains, the faster it will be exposed, and vice versa.

The identities of these soldiers can be easily traced even after death, each of which was once recorded in the database of Tyr's Hand.

These scapegoats will be firmly thrown to the World Security Council and S.H.I.E.L.D.

But more should be the World Security Council, this organization is held together by the World Security Council.As of now, S.H.I.E.L.D. has only been incorporated.

The black figure jumped and flipped flexibly in this small space, and every time he shot, he harvested the life of a soldier.

At this time, agents of SHIELD rushed into the scene, and even the gap was opened, and several armed helicopters had blocked it.

An electromagnetically accelerated spike rifle that fires immediately.Although the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. do not say that everyone is a sharpshooter, the hit rate is quite high.

The soldiers of the Hand of Tyr who judged were quickly suppressed, most of them died on the spot, and the few unlucky ones left put down their guns and raised their hands to surrender.

In this case, neither the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. nor T'Challa who put on the Black Panther suit had no way to continue killing.

But the matter is not over yet, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. aimed their guns at T'Challa. They didn't know who the person under the black tights was.

All they saw was this guy in a black tights who was here to kill.Although those who killed were some bad guys, it didn't mean that he could escape the punishment of the law.

The reason why they can justifiably kill people is because the enforcement power required by the law gives them power.And the guy in black tights in front of him, no matter who he is, the law certainly does not give him this right.

"Hands up!" Agent S.H.I.E.L.D. turned to T'Challa, who was wearing a panther bodysuit.

T'Challa knew exactly how terrible the damage from the weapons in their hands was.Although the defensive power of this battle suit on his body is indeed very good, the impact caused will not be completely absorbed.

Otherwise Captain America wouldn't have been knocked flying with his shield.

Those impacts that won't be absorbed will eventually be exerted on his body, unless it is a body made of iron, otherwise it will not be able to bear it at all.

T'Challa looked out the window, but the helicopter gunships were blocked outside the window at this time, no worse than those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents holding spike rifles.

T'Challa is once again caught in a dilemma. Taking off his mask means that his identity is exposed, and it also represents the exposure of his country.

If you don't take off your mask, it means you will accept the joint attack of armed helicopters and these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

In this dangerous situation, it is still unknown how long he can support himself. All in all, this is not optimistic.

"Mr. Bassinga, now is the time to make a choice. It is not easy to cultivate an heir, not to mention can you train another heir with your current body?" Mark said to Bassinga in the distance.

Basinga knew that the matter had come to this point, and there was no way to escape.

However, the representatives of the vast majority of countries have left the conference hall.

There are only three organizations left in the conference hall, the World Security Council, the superpowers represented by Mark, and SHIELD.

In the past, S.H.I.E.L.D. would definitely be tied to the World Security Council, but now everyone knows that the two organizations are separate.

He doesn't mind if he is only exposed to these three organizations, even if he pays some price, it is acceptable.

"Okay, I admit defeat, you guys won this time!" Bassinga slumped on the still intact chair as if all his strength had been exhausted after he finished speaking.

T'Challa watched his father have to expose the security of his country in order to save himself, and felt extremely sad, but nothing could be changed this time.

"We won? Your Majesty, don't talk nonsense, we didn't do anything. We just fulfilled our responsibilities, protecting the conference hall and getting rid of dangerous elements. You say yes, Director Fury." Mark said It is obvious that they are ready to drag people into the water.

But at this time, as long as Nick dares to say no, Mark can guarantee the harvest this time, and he won't even want to see a single word!
Now this is obvious, whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter how it all happened, what matters now is how to divide the spoils.


All Wakanda has to offer is the raw material, the scarce vibranium.

Mark didn't ask for technology, which relieved Bassinga and his son.

From the perspective of their father and son, the use of vibration metal by people in the outside world is quite primitive, and casting it into weapons is a complete waste of this rare metal.

But even so, there are still many people who enjoy it, including Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.If you can get this batch of vibration gold, you can equip your best agents with a set of vibration gold armor.

The World Security Council ended up just asking for a bunch of money.

But there is no way around this, even if they can get vibration gold, in the end they can only give it to S.H.I.E.L.D.

This thing itself is very dangerous, and it is tantamount to nonsense to sell it beyond S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time.

In the end, it will only fall into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. If that's the case, it's better to choose something more tangible, such as money.

Anyway, the actual Security Council is quite short of money now, and life will be easier if there is this money.

Before leaving, Bassanga and Mark had a private talk in private.

"Sir, I remember that we had no grievances with you before, why did we fight against us again and again?" Bassinga didn't know which point Wakanda offended Mark.

Because of their skin color?
According to rumors, Mark is not an extreme racist either!
"To be honest, Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country on earth. When the earth is facing danger, it should stand up and lead the world to fight against the attack of alien invaders, but what I see is a group of people who only know how to hide in The cowards in Xanadu possess the rarest resources and the most advanced technology in the world, but they only know a corner. This in itself makes me feel sick. But when I think about it, everyone wants to live, and there is no way for everyone to live. Wrong, from your point of view, you don't want to cause trouble. Indeed, people are selfish, so I won't blame you.

But after all this is over, you still want to jump out and want to take away those alien technologies, aren't you a little too greedy?Once they just paid for that bit of food and wanted to take these things away, what about the other major countries that have paid a lot of resources?What do you say?bas sanga. "

When the last fig leaf was ruthlessly lifted, Bassinga's old face could not hold on no matter how thick it was. He looked at Mark awkwardly and said, "You are right, Mr. Mark. This time it is true. We were wrong. At the same time, we also paid the price for what we did. Hopefully in the future we will not be enemies, but friends."

"Then let's talk about these things later! The earth will not be as peaceful as imagined. I only hope that if you really don't want to interfere in the future, then don't share the spoils." Mark gave the other party a warning.

Mark doesn't want to know what the other party thinks, but if possible in the future, Mark doesn't mind destroying this country.

In the face of alien invaders, human beings are a community of interests. People from other countries unite to resist alien invaders, but you don’t have to pay anything and enjoy the dividends of peace. This is a problem in itself!
Only when you pay can you gain, this is a virtuous circle!But now this virtuous circle is wanted to be broken.

Mark is not like the vast majority of Americans who pay attention to political correctness.Right is right, wrong is wrong, despise a person is my personal right.

If anyone wants to speak out about Mark's disenfranchisement, Mark doesn't mind letting them know what pain is!

At the airport, T'Challa learned of the conversation between his father and Mark.

"Father, why are you so afraid of that guy? Obviously through our technology..."

Basanga interrupted his speech: "Son, although I don't have any evidence, I can feel the danger in him."

The young black panther didn't know the horror of the world, let alone the dangerous aura emanating from Mark.

But the old black panther could clearly feel the dangerous aura emanating from Mark.

The sixth sense strengthened by medicinal herbs made him clearly realize that Mark was an existence that he could not provoke.Although he felt that his son would be stronger and better than himself in the future, and would also become a wiser monarch, but it was not the time yet.

"This kind of danger is difficult for humans to understand, but we can strengthen this awareness with the help of herbs. You may not be aware of it now, but sooner or later you will awaken this ability, which has been abandoned by humans for a long time ability."

Facing his father's teachings, the filial T'Challa did not refute, and at the same time was thinking about what his father said.

In his eyes, his father is always right and perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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