Chapter 554

Chapter 553

At this point, in fact, Mark's plan has been half completed!
No matter how T'Challa plans to change the trap of Wakanda, if he can't jump out, he is destined not to climb out.

From the beginning to the end, Mark is not only targeting Wakanda, but also the patron saint of Wakanda, a high-tech country, the Black Panther!
"Since His Royal Highness Prince T'Challa has said so, then we are more respectful than obedient. I will cover all travel expenses for any country that wants to go to Wakanda. You can sign up now!"

All the people here are representatives from various countries, and they are not short of that little money. Those who can enter this conference hall are not short of money.

Either it has a huge reputation in a certain area, or it has a long history and culture, all in all, it has a bit of background, not a general generation.

Everyone knows very well that if you want to enter the hidden country of Wakanda, you must know this secret Mark.

For so many years, it is not without reason that no one has been able to discover the secret of Wakanda. Mark holds the key to how to enter the secret place of Wakanda.

If you don't follow Mark, are you going to go in by yourself?

If all countries have this ability, they will not have discovered the secret of Wakanda until now.

T'Challa showed his big white teeth and smiled and said: "In this case, Wakanda welcomes the arrival of envoys from various countries. It's just that Wakanda is just an agricultural country, and it may not be well received."

Mark sneered at the side, he is a thousand-year-old fox, and he is still playing chat here.

Now everyone thought that when the matter was over, a missile quickly approached the parliament hall from a distance, and the missile was not even marked on the radar.

The alarm will not go off until the missile reaches the distance visible to the naked eye.

But at that time it was too late.

The missile hit the wall of the parliament hall, forcibly breaking a huge gap, and the few representatives near the wall of the parliament hall were typical unlucky ghosts.

Scattered stones and steel bars pierced through their bodies, and one by one fell into a pool of blood. Originally, the attack should have happened two years later, but Mark brought it forward.

A group of heavily armed soldiers of the Hand of Tyr appeared in the hall. When they saw the familiar logo on their bodies, those people in the World Security Council felt a little bit in their hearts.

However, these are not real soldiers of Tyre's Hand. The soldiers of Tyre's Hand have long been annexed by S.H.I.E.L.D., and now they have become agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Nick saw these people appear, he didn't believe it for the first time, but showed a skeptical look, and he looked in the direction of Mark.

Mark opened a shield at this time, and a large amount of rubble piled up in front of him, protecting T'Challa standing beside him.

After all, Mark still wants to maintain his superficial personality of "Mr. Nice Man", and it's not time to expose it yet

T'Challa's heart sank involuntarily. In the situation just now, once the gravel hit his head, even a genius doctor would be hard to save.

Although he is protected by a vibrating gold battle suit, his head is not. It is impossible to wear a vibrating gold battle suit all the time.

"Nick Fury is there!" shouted a Tyr's Hand soldier.

The shouting was especially obvious, as if they wanted to let everyone know that their goal was Nick Fury.

The other soldiers who heard the call immediately raised their guns and aimed at Nick's direction. It seemed that they were attacking Nick, but in fact the bullets always flew towards Bassinga not far from Nick.

T'Challa looked at his father who was in danger at this time, and naturally it was impossible to sit idly by. He was just about to leave, but noticed Mark beside him.

Mark's eyes were fixed on him, as if he had seen through everything.

That look seemed to say: "You have transformed now, as long as you make a move now, the secret of Wakanda will be exposed here."

One side is his father, and the other side is the secret of his own country.

In the dilemma, it is difficult for him to make a choice.

There was another explosion, the result of a grenade being fired.The other representatives had already fled the scene in a hurry, and only Nick and Bassinga were left hiding under the table in that area.

Even if their bodies are different from ordinary people without weapons, they have no way to fight back.

No matter how good the kung fu is, no matter how strong the muscles and bones are, even if ordinary swords can't hurt, there is no way to ignore those guns.

"Mr. Mark, if this matter ends here, you will become Wakanda's biggest benefactor." T'Challa has even begun to wonder if Mark induced everything to happen.

Mark said to T'Challa with an innocent face: "What are you talking about? Your Royal Highness, why did I become Wakanda's biggest benefactor? You have also seen the current situation. I barely maintained the shield and protected you. It's the limit. How can I protect others with my hands free?"

Although Mark said so, in fact, he was calm and easy.

If T'Challa doesn't understand now, he is really a fool.If it was just speculation before, now he can be sure of Mark, which is forcing himself to make a move.

Asking for help is better than asking for yourself. T'Challa himself is wearing a battle suit anyway, and the opponent should not be able to hit him on the head so accurately, so he rushed out of the shield built by Mark and headed towards Basinga. location.

As agile as a big cat, he jumped onto a conference table.Immediately afterwards, he rushed towards the next conference table, his movements were flowing like clouds and flowing water, generally without any delay.

When he came to his father, Bashengga looked at his child bitterly and said, "You shouldn't be here, T'Challa. Do you know how adventurous you were just now?"

"Father! It's all worth it, the country can't do without you." T'Challa still doesn't want to really inherit the identity of the Black Panther.

His father has not been deprived of the black panther's ability, and the powerful ability bestowed by the special herbal medicine is still on him.As long as he puts on the battle uniform, Bassanga is still a brave black panther.

"You are wrong! I am already the sun at dusk, and you are the morning sun that has just risen. The country can live without me, but it cannot live without your child! Those guys are obviously coming for me, get out of here quickly, don't get hit That person's plan." Ba Sangan is an old fox, so it is natural to see who is planning all this.

But suffering from no actual evidence, we can only speculate.

When his father said these words, T'Challa was in a state of shock.

He didn't think about it at all.In his view, although Mark was targeting him, his father and the country behind them, there was no need to do this to this extent.

Seeing the hesitation on his son's face, Basinga couldn't help but let out a long sigh.Sure enough, he is still too young, lacks experience, and has no way to see many things.

"Son, you will understand all this in the future. Get out of here now, as long as you are safe, that's enough." Bassinga said looking at the situation outside through the gun hole of the table.

The soldiers who gradually approached the Hand of Tyr were only a few steps away.

Seeing that his son hadn't left, Bassengah immediately grabbed the table and pushed it forward violently. The soldiers standing not far away did not expect that the other party would launch a counterattack.

The defense was not timely and was directly pushed to the ground.

T'Challa watched his father get up, and immediately made a move.

At this distance, even his own father.I'm afraid I can't escape, the matter has come to this point, and I can't continue to hide it.

He pressed the start button on his arm, and the black panther suit wrapped his body.

Nick, who was not far away, had a panoramic view of the scene. How could an ordinary agricultural country have such advanced equipment?
Although I don't know what kind of material it is, it is certainly not simple.

What happened next will surprise you even more.When the bullet from the sniper rifle hit the panther, there was no blood hole as expected, but the bullet stopped abruptly in his chest.

Nick's eyes widened in disbelief.

Mark's voice suddenly entered Nick's mind: "Now do you understand?"

Nick naturally understood how to communicate in this way: "Sure enough, Wakanda has been hiding it from us for so many years. Did you organize this attack?"

"How is it possible? I don't know these guys. It was a complete accident." Mark would not admit that he attacked the conference hall of the World Security Council.

And Nick Fury is not someone I can trust.This guy may throw himself out at any time for his own benefit.

These voices come from the human mind, and it is almost difficult to deceive them.At least that's how it seemed to Nick, because he thought about it and let it out, and he had no way of controlling it.

The main reason is that Nick is connected, not connected.If he can become a connector, then he can control the sending of information.

To put it bluntly, there is no effective means of controlling the mind.

Among the information passed by Mark, if there was any information about this operation, Nick also temporarily believed what Mark said.

The panther rushed to the soldiers of Hand of Tyr who fell on the ground first, and pierced the throats of those soldiers with its sharp claws, showing no mercy.

In his opinion, even if he threatens his own life, he can still spare his life, but if he threatens his father and this country, then he will be merciless.

Everyone has their own principles and bottom line, and this is Black Panther's!

(End of this chapter)

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