Chapter 477
Chapter 476

On the lawn in front of the White House, the huge Hercules hovered quietly here, and did not overwhelm the lawn of the White House.

The marines walked down slowly from above. They were wearing powered combat suits and holding interstellar spike rifles majesticly in their hands.

The army officers in the distance had already received the news and came in a hurry, wanting to get a share of the pie.

If they can crack these brand new powered battle suits, then the overall technological strength will be greatly improved.

However, as a Marine Corps whose father doesn't care, mother doesn't love, and grandpa doesn't care, how could he be willing to give away such benefits for nothing.

The Marine Corps serves as the Guard directly under the President.Naturally, they are waiting for the order from His Excellency the President.

However, Your Excellency the President will not hand over this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Having been suppressed by the bastards of the Congress before, life is so aggrieved that I can't be aggrieved anymore.He almost hanged himself and wiped his neck, and every time he asked for a little money from those bastard grandchildren to change some equipment for the Marine Corps in his hand, it was like begging grandpa to sue grandma.

Now, Your Excellency the President wants to make this kind of humble days go away forever, and to become the best and greatest president in the history of the United States, and to keep himself in the annals of human history.

So Your Excellency the President contacted Tony Stark immediately.

In this world, no one is more authoritative than Stark in the study of military equipment. It is not surprising that the President came to Stark Industries.

You must know that Stark Industries used to be the designated manufacturer of the US military.

Tony was surprised that His Excellency the President would take the initiative to call him!
Originally, I planned to collect the bill in two days, but I didn't expect that the other party had already taken the initiative to deliver it to my door.Since the other party's kindness is hard to turn down, I can't refuse it either.

But when he received the call, he realized that the President's call was not to discuss with him at all, it was about the price of the batch of materials.

It's talking about a batch of powered combat suits from another world.

Although Tony has always looked down on those counterfeit products, he is quite interested in the equipment made by independent innovation.

Tony, who had always thought highly of himself, also became extremely interested in this power combat suit from another world.

Learning from the strengths of others to strengthen oneself, Tony has been doing this all the time.

If you can't strengthen yourself, then look for the opponent's weaknesses.

Whether it's anti-Thor, anti-Hulk or anti-Phoenix.These steel battle armors that Tony studied all revolved around this concept.

It's actually pretty much the same thing as some playboy billionaire next door.

It's just that the one who is better at making a corresponding battle strategy around the target he wants to target.Instead of relying on the armor made by oneself.

Of course, if there are enemies that you cannot solve through strategies, you will also strengthen your equipment through some special means.


"Your Excellency, I have a very deep interest in those power combat uniforms you mentioned. If you can provide me with one or two sets for research, I can write off the munitions that the Marine Corps took from me before. .And Stark Industries can also provide complete logistics support services."

The president can completely ignore the previous conditions, but the cancellation of Tiandao and the logistical support services make His Excellency the president very excited.

"There is no problem at all, Mr. Stark. However, the situation in Washington is a bit special now. I have no way to send two sets of combat uniforms to you. If possible, I still hope that you will come here in person." Your Excellency the President will not send This kind of resolute task is placed on him, and it is the best choice to let Iron Man handle it by himself. Even if he loses it by then, it has nothing to do with him.

Tony also accepted this condition, and he is also very clear that the current situation in Washington is special.He's even prepared to make the request if the president doesn't say so.

Half an hour later, the helicopter of Stark Industries appeared at the parking lot of the White House.

Under the helicopter, a mobile laboratory Tony was dragged, and he simply brought the laboratory to the vicinity of the White House, preparing to conduct research directly here.

I have to say that this is simply the behavior of a big dog.

Tony wore an expensive suit and stepped off the helicopter. His expression was smug, which made people want to fight.

It seems to be saying, the master is rich, and the master is so willful.

People in the White House have long been used to Tony Stark's perverse style.For this superhero who is rich and self-willed and likes to make some big news, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe him as numb.

Two marines wearing CMC powered combat uniforms walked up to Tony Stark and gave him a military salute.

Facing these American soldiers defending their homes and the country, especially the soldiers of the Marine Corps who are still at the bottom of the army, Tony did not put on much airs, and said kindly: "Good afternoon."

"Mr. Stark, these are the two sets of powered combat uniforms we prepared for you. In order to prevent other accidents, we did not let the soldiers take them off on their own initiative. It is so convenient. You will study them carefully when the time comes. The two sergeants It will also accompany you to complete a series of research."

Tony is quite satisfied with the fact that the people in the White House can be so cautious.After all, there is no room for sloppy research.

If there is any damage, or irreversible damage, in taking off this set of power combat services, it will cause huge problems in research, and even difficult obstacles to overcome.

Reverse analysis requires logic and clues. If any clue is broken from it, it cannot be connected again.

Although this is nothing to a genius like Tony Stark, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

Two marines walked into the huge iron box, where Jarvis had been waiting for a long time.Glass didn't let his mechanical arm do anything, but stepped on the small stool by himself and carefully observed the two-meter-high combat uniform.

As an iron sheet that can be seen everywhere in the interstellar world, this combat uniform is not as rare as imagined, and the technological content is not so much. The main reason is that the technology is still gathered in the cold fusion reactor.

If you don't study, you don't know. Once you study, you will be shocked.

I didn't expect that world to shrink the technology of cold fusion reactors to this point.You must know that even if you are separated from yourself, you have only achieved this level in recent years.

If that incident hadn't happened, I'm afraid this time would have to continue for a few more years.

But these habitat change reactors are relatively speaking.According to Tony's estimates, the failure rate should be around 0.5%.

For ordinary people, 0.5% is a probability that cannot be lowered, but for researchers who have left such scientific research, 0.5% is simply an unforgivable value, at least it should be reduced to 0.1%.

And the armor on Tony's body has a failure rate of 0.01%!

As a luxury vIp exclusive collector's edition, it has such a function, in fact, it is also thanks to a lot of money spent on it.

"The high-efficiency liquid cooling system and the high-speed turbine discharge most of the heat from here. It's really a good choice. It's a pity that it is too shoddy. It can be considered for mass production." Tony continued Fiddling with the rear device of this power suit.

After researching the power source on the back, Tony gradually turned his research target to his legs. Such thick legs and thick shoes are definitely not just for looking good.

He ordered the marines to lift their legs slowly.Immediately afterwards, he saw gravity traction equipment appearing under the soles of his feet.

In some planets with special environments, if there is no such gravity traction equipment, it will easily lead to an imbalance of the body.

The most typical example is in the liquid star, if there is no such equipment, it will be carried away by the current and the buoyancy of the water.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this technology and equipment are not as important as imagined.It's just for assistance, but in Tony's eyes, this is a terrifying weapon that can be made in the future.

If several times the gravity is applied to the enemy, can the enemy still move?

Tony became more and more excited. He didn't expect that this combat uniform would surprise him so much.

Immediately afterwards, he spent half a day finding the access ports to connect to this combat uniform. Although these ports are a bit special, they didn't waste too much effort on him.With the help of artificial intelligence Jarvis, the internal system of the combat uniform was quickly connected.

Through the connection to the internal system, most of the things in the internal system were cracked.Without an online network to protect these firewalls, it's like a paper window that can be broken at a glance.

Now Tony can even directly order Jarvis to control this combat suit, but the soldiers inside can't make any resistance.

At this time, Tony is like a naughty boy who has not grown up, constantly trying various actions, as if using this method to satisfy his inner curiosity.

However, the Marine Corps who collaborated in the experiment might not be so comfortable. The small movements at the beginning might be better, but the large movements later made his life almost worse than death, and even one movement even messed up.

That feeling was even worse than killing him.

After a brief research, he finally found out how to disassemble this power combat suit, and he entered the disassembly method into the computer.After a set of careful calculations, Jarvis determined that this dismantling method would not damage the powered combat suit and would not injure the people inside before starting the actual dismantling.

(End of this chapter)

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