Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 476 Closing the Portal

Chapter 476 Closing the Portal
Chapter 475 Closing the Portal
The Marine Corps, who had just gotten acquainted with this set of full-body power armor and firearms that day, quickly returned to the base after receiving a new order, and took the airship to the next area.

These marines didn't ask anything, and boarded the airship honestly.Raynor ordered his lieutenant to leave Char through the portal without any control of Hercules.

The people on Mark's side also returned to their own universe, and Renault ordered the soldiers who had entered the earth to return as soon as possible.

Everything is like a ridiculous farce, it comes and goes quickly.


Among the corpses of the king worms that have been shot down on the earth, a few worker bees slowly crawled out of them. Without any hesitation, they dug into the ground without any hesitation, constantly digging the tunnel leading to the deepest part of the ground .

No one noticed that in the blink of an eye, a few bugs slipped away from under their noses.

What everyone is more concerned about is whether such a huge corpse will cause pollution or damage to the environment. Residents in New York City may have some understanding, but it is difficult for residents in Washington to say.

The worker bees actually dug a vein.

I'm afraid that even the Americans themselves don't know that there is such a rich crystal vein under Washington.

However, there is no way to do this. Technology has limited development, making it impossible for them to find such efficient and clean energy.

And only one of these worker bees is not working, as if directing them like their leader.

These efforts did not mean any resistance. According to the order of the worker bee, they continued to dig the underground mine.

It didn't take long for a mine large enough to accommodate the main nest to be dug out.

The energy crystals that cover the entire underground mine are the foundation of his existence in this world.This energy crystal allows him to create a huge group, a group that can threaten the entire world, the entire universe.

On the ground, Tony flew over the city with his steel armor.

Tony looked at the devastated city, and the post-disaster reconstruction company was still responsible for cleaning up the battlefield.This company is specially used by Tony to deal with superhero post-war related matters.

At the same time, it is also to prevent those technologies that transcend the current era and can affect the current human society from falling into the hands of people with ulterior motives.

However, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. are more efficient when they come up. In addition, their boss has just defrauded a large sum of money from the World Security Council.

It's really not even a little bit of efficiency now.

Less than 5 minutes after Nick issued the task, these guys had already reached the ground and successfully collected several samples.

Nick was angry and funny.

Sure enough, a penny can't beat a hero, even if you look a little less, it won't work.As glorious as Captain America without a penny, he can only be a homeless man aggrieved.

The person under Tony who is responsible for this aspect reported to Tony, someone made up for it in advance, and took away a lot of samples.

Although the corpses of those bugs were huge, the traces of man-made damage were too obvious.Especially the giant king worm, the number of samples taken from him is the largest.

Especially because the core brain was preserved, it was even directly pried open from the middle, and a lot of brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid were taken out of it.

In fact, the vast majority of superheroes like Tony and the others know that these things are done by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Only a very small number of superheroes do not know that these superheroes are mainly lone rangers and belong to the self-employed.The cases he was engaged in were nothing more than small things, or else it was completely outside the scope of a system like Doctor Strange.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Doctor Strange doesn't know it's S.H.I.E.L.D.In fact, Doctor Strange still knows about an organization like SHIELD, and even after he gained the ability, SHIELD investigated him.

After all, a person's hands are inexplicably restored to normal, which is really incredible, especially for someone as special as Stephen Scrange.

It feels like Tony Stark will not be able to invent anything one day, and then he goes around looking for a doctor to save his brain, and then disappears for a while, then suddenly appears and starts his own invention again.

After many investigations, S.H.I.E.L.D. had no results, and in the end it could only use Stephen Strange as a special observation target.

However, Stephen Strange brought S.H.I.E.L.D. into his sights.

But this was all later, and now Stephen Strange is still that arrogant and domineering doctor.

Geniuses think highly of themselves, and there is nothing wrong with that in itself. Geniuses are a bit arrogant but in line with their identities.

It's just that this arrogance clearly distinguishes the occasion.If you can't tell the occasion, then sometimes some people don't mind smashing this pride.


What Mark didn't expect was that it would end so quickly in such a form.It is only a matter of closing the portal in the sky and closing everything to draw a perfect ending.

Thor left early and returned to Asgard, and he wanted to report the news to his father.Although the earth is now out of the control of Asgard and is completely in a state of self-control, Odin, the ruler of the Nine Realms, will definitely know something about such an important matter.

Hulk is careless, chatted with Mark for a while, Mark still likes this personality, except sometimes it is a little violent, but usually belongs to the kind of real stupid big guy.

If you get along with him carefully, you can definitely become a good friend.

Mark sometimes really wants to settle down and make a close friend or two.Even a stupid big man like this is enough, but the reality doesn't give Falk so many opportunities.

Especially watching Bruce Banner regain control of the body, the big man's consciousness was once again pushed deep.

Mark couldn't help but sigh, but it's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to separate the two personalities independently, and the two personalities are originally divided into one body, which doesn't seem to be a good thing.

Bruce Banner regained control of his body.

After a brief conversation with Mark, he said goodbye in a hurry.

In this ship are all strange-looking alien creatures, and he doesn't want to stay here any longer.

The most important thing is that his own girlfriend is still in danger in Washington, and he must not let his girlfriend go.

Mark himself left alone after Banner disembarked, and the warping prism returned to the Spear of Adun as originally planned.

Those phoenix fighters and void glow ships in the sky did not leave.They float in the air, giving people the feeling that they are not important.

The reason why Mark told them not to leave was mainly because he was worried about unexpected situations. No one could tell what would happen at this time.

Whether the closing of the portal will cause any other problems is unknown.

Mark had just dealt with his own affairs on his side when news of Eamon came from the other side.

Amon is ready, the humans have temporarily stopped attacking, and the two sides are waiting to close until the portal can solve the problem of the two worlds.

In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, Mark put on a thick Archon armor.Unless someone can open the face guard of Mark's Archon armor, otherwise there is no attempt to identify Mark.

In the interstellar world, the Queen of Blades crossed her hands, red mixed with brown energy rays, and fired towards the location of the portal.

The human army can clearly see this energy ray, and they are amazed at the surging power of this energy ray.

This energy can easily destroy a battlecruiser.

It's really hard to imagine, if the Queen of Blades released this power on the human position, how long can the human position last?

And in the earth world, the pure black energy is also moving towards the location of the portal.

People on this side of the planet have no idea what's going on.Just stop and watch.Those soldiers didn't dare to step forward to inquire even after receiving the order, and the vigilant golden armor warriors around seemed to be telling them to die before them!

The two forces meet at the junction of the portal, and the resulting shock wave constantly affects the energy balance where the portal is located.

It only needs to continue to increase the energy impact, and this portal will be closed due to the imbalance of energy.

Just when the portal was about to reach the critical value, the portal actually started to counterattack. Not only did the two streams of energy not close the portal, but it made the portal expand even more.

This made Mark never expect, and the energy in Mark's body began to gradually run out.

Emon also has the Queen of Blades and a whole swarm of bugs as energy support, while Mark is just alone.

The energy of the Archon Mecha is also supplementing the energy that Mark's body lacks.

Narud, who was on the Spear of Adun, detected the abnormality of Mark's body, and immediately opened the energy transmission channel on the Spear of Adun, converging the energy on the Spear of Adun on Mark's body.

The ray ejected from Mark's hand also changed from pure black to gold and black.

It seems that the previous energy counterattack was like the last wave. The portal, destroyed by two powerful energies, finally failed to continue and began to shrink rapidly.

The ray in Mark's hand was shot empty, which meant the disappearance of the portal.

Only those cooled magma columns were left standing there alone, as if he was telling everyone that something terrible had happened here.

Mark didn't know what to do with this huge magma column.Mark guessed that it would be like some areas of New York City, as a post-war memorial, to attract more tourists.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to add to the city's culture.

(End of this chapter)

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