Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 44 The winner in life?

Chapter 44 The winner in life?

Chapter 45 Winner in life?
In Queens, Ace, who tore off the four-faced mask, slowly walked into the house.

These few footsteps made him raise his head and put a smile on his face.

The five-year-old daughter rushed towards Ace and hugged his thigh.That pure smile seems to be the most healing thing in the world.

He walked into the restaurant, where his wife was preparing dinner for him in an apron.Looking at the dinner that had been served on the table, the cold heart wrapped in the mask began to melt.


With a wife and daughter, and a proper job, no one knows that he has another personality, only himself.

Even the closest people around him don't know that he has a dual personality.

No normal person would take to the streets to fight a superhero anyway.

Hell, his two personalities work together really well.

It seems that they have negotiated in advance, who should appear on the stage, as if there is a kind of early warning.

This kind of madness has already appeared in school, but at that time it was still quite restrained, at most it was pushing classmates down the stairs, or stuffing some poisonous little things in the other's schoolbag or desk.

Because of the superb technique, no evidence about Ace was found at all.The school can only let it go.

After leaving the university, I also met the important other half of my life.

But he has been covering up his other personality, the crazy personality very well, and that crazy personality has also imposed this kind of evil on those criminals who often commit crimes.

It can be said that before the Brooklyn Bridge incident, Ace was not like a super criminal, but more like an anti-hero.

With the emergence of superheroes, this anti-hero has gradually fallen into the abyss of depravity.The distorted personality is jealous of those superheroes who can walk in front of others openly.

Why can they enjoy the spotlight and people's cheers, but they can only hide in the dark like stinky rats in the sewer.

Anger, jealousy, injustice, and other emotions filled his heart.

Human thinking is so complex that you simply cannot guess every thought of every person.

"Did you help mom with work today?" Ace said to his daughter as gently as possible.

"He's amazing, look, I made that!" said the daughter, pointing to a buttered bread on the table.

Ace smiled and said nothing, probably the little guy was talking about butter and bread!
The wife came out of the kitchen with a dish in her hand.She said to Ace: "It's not peaceful outside recently, so be careful when you go out. It is said that the Brooklyn Bridge has been bombed, and a bomb was placed in Times Square before. If Iron Man hadn't been there, Daisy and I would probably have Something is going to happen."

Ace didn't speak, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.While he was regretting himself, the madness of another personality, but at the same time he was jealous of Iron Man's appearance.

Because of the madness of his other personality, he almost lost his wife and daughter.

He began to gradually realize how terrifying his other personality was.


In the middle of the night, Esther fell into deep self-blame. He locked himself in the toilet alone, constantly questioning his other personality why he did such a dangerous thing.

But the other personality fell into silence like never before, without saying a word.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he pulled up the lipstick his wife put on the sink, and he slowly traced a big smiling face on the mirror with the lipstick.

The smiling face composed of three arcs was originally so ordinary, but after he drew it with lipstick and reflected it on his face, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't tell that it was a smile, and it looked more like crying.

A heart that is not satisfied with the status quo forms a personality, and as time goes by, it gradually expands to occupy reason.Constantly switching back and forth in this state, looking for the only truth.

Maybe even he himself can't tell who is his master personality and who is his split personality.

When confusion fills the heart, when desire pollutes the only piece of pure land in the heart, in the end all that remains is sin.

And now the only support for Ace, or that kind personality, is probably his wife and daughter.


But when that suit was worn on him again, he became that Ace again.

Ivan was also quite surprised that this guy who claimed to be Ace actually took out everything he wanted.He became more and more curious, what exactly is this guy's job?
After all, some of these things are contraband, and the price to get them is quite expensive.

Even in this so-called free country.

"Where did you get these things? I remember that this thing is only available in Stark Industries." Ivan said, taking out a special metal part.

"You don't need to know where I got it from. The only thing you need to know is that I am here to help you. Of course, I hope that my efforts will pay off. Before that, I think you should probably get it from Tony S. The people around Tucker will attack." Ace was guiding Ivan's direction intentionally or unintentionally.

"You're talking about Mark Komnenos?" Ivan wasn't an idiot either. This guy had already stated his goal when they met for the first time.

"That's right, it's him. I think if you can kill him first, you will definitely break one of Tony Stark's arms. You must know that if you directly attack Tony Stark by then, it will already be quite troublesome.

If that guy also intervenes, then I guess the remaining words will be greatly reduced.Maybe we should attack him first, and then completely disrupt the situation, maybe even Tony Stark's heart.When the time comes to fight, Tony Stark may be enraged, and he may not be dizzy!Wow, I'm quite a genius.How about it?This program is well worth a try! "At the end, Ace began to laugh sideways, and his mind was full of fantasies about Mark kneeling and begging for mercy.

At the same time, he was also imagining that he severely rejected Mark's begging for mercy, and then stepped on it.

kill?That was never his goal.


How could simple killing satisfy the twisted and morbid psychology in his heart?

What he wants is a result, the result of the angel's wings being broken.The result of the fall of heroes.

PS: Ace may look like Chou Ye, but he is definitely not Chou Ye. The character of Chou Ye was created by several writers. It is very special and attractive.
(End of this chapter)

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