Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 43 It's not over yet!

Chapter 43 It's not over yet!

Chapter 44 is not over yet!
The development of the military committee was not as dangerous as imagined, and Mark took the initiative to hand over the technology.Although it was handed over to Stark Industries, it also handed over its own technology in a disguised form.

Let a group of bigwigs from the military committee let Mark go temporarily.

But this did not completely curb the greedy desire in their hearts.

Especially the Hydra guys.

Maybe a civilian like Senator Stern couldn't see what was wrong with Mark's uniform, but there was no shortage of smart people in Hydra.

They knew very well that camouflage was definitely not Mark's own ability, but definitely derived from the effect of that combat uniform.

In fact, in the earliest period, Mark also stimulated the external combat uniform through the spiritual energy in his body, so as to achieve the effect of refracting light and entering the camouflage state.

But after Mark followed the Templars to learn the way of the Templars.Camouflage isn't as dependent on that battle suit as it used to be.

More often, Mark can rely on his own ability to directly enter the forward state.If you use void energy, when you enter the shadows, the mental impact on Mark can be said to be quite huge.

Mark's mental state is in an extremely unstable state.


Stark's private jet.

Tony joked to Mark with a glass of wine: "You are a little too excited today. I remember that you were very expensive for your combat uniform back then."

"Sometimes you have to bow your head and make compromises with some realities. I'm not like you. You have a huge Stark industry, with such a large industry as the foundation support. Just shaking your hands can make this country tremble three times. , but I didn't, and I'm just an ordinary person, and ordinary people have to make compromises." Mark said lightly, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window.

"Actually, if you don't want to, I can help you solve this problem." Tony understood the helplessness in Mark's words.

Mark shook his head and said: "Now they are looking for me, and then you. Their desire for steel armor far exceeds my armor, and my armor can only be used for covert combat. Frontal In combat, your steel armor has an advantage."

Tony understands that Mark is his own lesson from the past. With Mark as a shield, there may be a better solution for childhood now, to deal with the difficulties given by the military committee.

However, the military committee is not a good one. The first appearance of Colonel Rhodes today means that there will be a second appearance.

This made Tony start to worry, especially in terms of some special things, he had almost nothing to hide from Rhodes, a good friend.

He even told Rhodes that he would give him a set of armor in the future.

But now it seems that this matter has to be put aside for a while.

In fact, giving Rhodes a set of experts is responsible for the safety of his friends on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is actually a reassurance to the military, but what he didn't expect was that the military committee was so impatient.

If you can't snatch the steel armor from yourself first, you should snatch the combat uniform from Mark first, not to mention that the military committee's abacus is really loud.

If you really follow the rhythm of the military committee, Mark and Tony will not end up much better.


Mark is not only worried about the military committee, but also worried about Ace.

This clown-like figure made Mark quite worried.Mark kept recalling whether there was a clown-like existence in this world.

After careful consideration, there was no existence similar to the clown.The words of a lunatic do exist in this world, and there are more extreme styles, but there is no second example of a guy like a clown in the entire world.

This is what makes it unique.

Mark doesn't want his opponent to look like a clown, and of course he doesn't look like Bruce Wayne.Implement the principle of not killing, leave the deepest fear in the other party's heart, and other nonsense.

It is definitely impossible to use normal means to treat a madman. Fear is nothing more than a trigger in a madman.

If it were not for the implementation of this principle of not killing, it would be impossible for so many tragedies to occur.

Mark was never a hero, he wasn't, wasn't, isn't and won't be.

He just wants to save his own life.

Now I am a person, and maybe a family in the future.

If this Ace really becomes an obstacle in life in the future, Mark will kill him without hesitation.

Judgment should be left to God!
Human beings are simply incapable of true justice.Because such things as justice are all conjectures made by human beings themselves.

Mark got up and went to the kitchen. When he was about to open the door of the refrigerator, he found a transparent and difficult-to-observe silk thread connected to the door of the refrigerator.

As long as you open the refrigerator door yourself, this silk thread will be touched.

Mark carefully stayed away from the silk thread, and followed it to find the mechanism hidden under the dining table.

A trigger bomb.

The location where the bomb is installed is quite hidden, as is the trigger mechanism, but the person who placed it here seems to have underestimated Mark's vigilance.

Any other ordinary person would probably have been blown to pieces by this bomb.

When Mark squatted down to dismantle the bomb, there was nothing in the bomb, just an empty shell.

An ace of spades was left in the empty shell, along with a paragraph of words.

[The battle between us is not over yet, Mark Komnenos.If you are the ghost hiding in the night, then I am the exorcist hiding in the day, wait!Mortal who claims to be a god, I will tear off your mask—Ace]

When Mark saw this letter, he could at least be sure that the other party was not that kind of outright lunatic.If it's that lunatic, the bombs planted here are definitely real.

Even if it will be seen through, it still leaves a backup plan.

For example, the one that starts counting down after the bomb has successfully matured, and does not have a display.

"Declaration of war? I really want to know who you are? Ace!" Looking at the starry night sky outside, Mark said expressionlessly.

However, the hands holding the bomb gradually increased their strength, crushing the empty shell of the bomb into pieces.Those fragments fell on the reef where the waves beat,
(End of this chapter)

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