Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 34 Obadai's Death (Last Week's Debt)

Chapter 34 Obadai's Death (Last Week's Debt)
Chapter 35 Obadai's Death (Last Week's Debt)
The battlefield quickly shifted from Stark's industrial area to the viaduct not far away.Obaday is also very clear that there is no other cover in this small area.

With the now badly damaged Iron King, Tony and Mark, it is quite irrational for two people to fight.He must have enough bargaining chips to be able to escape successfully when he falls into a disadvantage.

The viaduct not far away and the ordinary citizens on it are his best bargaining chips.

I have to say that it is very mean to do so, but for Obaday, meanness is the passport of the mean.

As the giant iron bully appeared on the viaduct, the traffic flow on the viaduct was instantly disrupted.

A middle-aged woman was driving on the elevated road with her three children. Looking at the huge mecha that suddenly appeared in front of her, the middle-aged woman was also shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the huge mecha grabbed his car and threw it towards another Iron Man.

Although the woman recognized that this was the Iron Man who saved New York and the Brooklyn Bridge not long ago, the middle-aged woman who had been stepping on the accelerator finally ran over Tony's body.

Even though this woman regretted it very much at the time, there is no relationship between such a small person and Tony.


"Jarvis, start Plan B."

"Yes, master, but I want to remind you. Your current energy is only 30.00% left. If you continue to carry out that kind of high-intensity combat, you will have to replace your reactor in 15 minutes." Jarvis cared reminded.

"I know, you can just display these things directly in the panel, don't remind me." Tony is also in a very bad mood now.

Tony flew towards the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Obadai at the back was also not to be outdone, driving his own iron bully to catch up with Tony.

"Tony, you can't escape!" said Obaday, who was full of energy, hugging Tony who was still flying upwards.

When Obaday was about to hug and kill Tony, Tony's words reversed the whole situation.

"Then do you know about the problem of icing at high altitudes?" Tony said proudly.

"What..." Before Obaday could speak.

The energy cannon on Tony's chest is ready.

The white energy ray bombarded Obadai's Iron Overlord, and the impact generated by the huge armor falling to the ground at this height could absolutely shock the people inside to death.

What's more, Tony uses the cluster cannon to accelerate!
It is naturally impossible for Mark on the ground to do nothing.

The C-20 in his hand has already aimed at Obadai's four thrust engines.Four shots in a row, none of which fell.Even if Opadry recovered from the frozen state without the propeller, there was no way to counteract this impact.

A heavy impact sounded, and Obadai Stan, an ambitious man, died under the viaduct outside the Stark Industrial Area.

Wrapped in a huge iron coffin, he bid farewell to the world he longed for.


The rain fell, as if seeing off the ambitious man.

Tony walked up to the Iron Overlord and forcibly opened the Iron Overlord's mask.Tony already knew the result, but he was always a bit reconciled not to see it with his own eyes.

Seeing Obaday bleeding from seven orifices, Tony felt a little lost... This feeling is very strange, very strange.

Mark walked to Tony's side to confirm Obaday's death. Before Tony could react, Mark shot Obaday in the head.

Tony looked at the dead body that he couldn't recognize at all, and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

"Do what I have to do. You can let the public know that you are Iron Man, but you can't let the public know that you are a murderer. And the one who killed you was the uncle you always cared about. You know what I mean! Tony, this matter has been beyond our control from the very beginning!" Mark put away the C-20 and said.

Tony knew that what Mark said was right, maybe in this country with money, one could really do whatever he wanted, but some things couldn't be skipped after all.

The matter is over, but the aftermath of the matter is not over.

The battle that took place on the viaduct was seen by many people, and more people sent this battle to the Internet, allowing more and more people to see this robot war.

There is hardly any picture of Mark, except for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson had already turned on the video as soon as Mark and Opadry were fighting. The battle between the huge Mark and Opadry was recorded, but the picture was extremely blurry.

Originated from the powerful spiritual energy contained in Mark's body, the surrounding electronic products have been more or less affected.

Stark Industries press conference.

Tony was being helped by Pepper to arrange his hairstyle and clothes, and Agent Coulson was also standing not far away, holding a prepared statement in his hand.

Today's protagonist is still Tony Stark, but Coulson still handed over another speech to Mark.

Mark, as one of the parties involved, is also one of the participants today, so he naturally knows the specific content of the statement in your hand.

"A mysterious bodyguard? I think this identity is very suitable for you, Mark!" Tony said to Mark, holding up the words in his hand.

"Are you planning to let me take the blame?" Mark looked at Coulson in surprise and asked.

"In theory, yes, but it will be very beneficial to you, such as what you plan to do recently..."

Before Coulson finished speaking, Tony interrupted him.

"I don't think it's necessary. I was on a yacht at the time, and there were many people who proved it to me. It's too fake. And why is there no Stan in this?"

Tony is still brooding over Obaday's death, and has never let go of it.This kind of thing is really hard to forget.

"He was on a small plane at the time, and such small planes are often prone to accidents!"

"Damn, are you sure you're not joking with me, this is just like those dirty TV shows." Tony looked at Coulson angrily and said with a smile.

"Believe it or not is their business." After speaking, Coulson left the room.

It has to be said that Coulson is still a little bit capable to achieve the position he is today.

After whispering a few words in Peppertoni's ear, he left the room, leaving only Mark and Tony in the room.

And just a few minutes later, two people were about to take the stage.

"What are you going to do?" Tony said to Mark.

Without hesitation, Mark tore the statement in his hand into pieces, and then threw it into the trash can beside him.

PS: 25 tickets are added at a time, absolutely not.Two copies of this week will be given to you tomorrow.slipped away.There are also some authors in the comment area, if you think it is not good, don't read it!No one is forcing you to watch it!If you are so good, please write it!My protagonist must be stronger than Thanos, must ignore infinite gems, and must be able to crush oaa.You can find other authors for that kind of cool article, I’m just so devastated, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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