Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 33 Betrayal is always sad

Chapter 33 Betrayal is always sad

Chapter 34 Betrayal is always sad

Watching Tony Stark and Obaday Stan fighting in the distance.Mark himself was also reflecting on what he had done during this period, whether he was a little too impulsive.

After a disagreement, he transformed directly, and almost fell into a state of rage, and his negative emotions were a bit uncontrollable.

At the beginning, the archbishop and more than a dozen bright templars helped Mark to channel his mind, and finally let Mark master this negative emotional state.

But now this state has some signs of collapse.

It seems that the defense line established by the joint is about to be breached by this evil.

Perhaps this is the last time Mark uses this power in this world.Before he is sure, Mark is likely to completely dust off this power.

But it's a pity that the guy hidden in Mark's body doesn't seem to want Mark to seal this power.


In the battle between Tony and Obaday, Obaday clearly had the upper hand.

Even though Tony had prepared armor-piercing shells before coming, Tony was still a little caught off guard in the face of the crazy and desperate attack.

After all, he is a playboy.

Even if he had learned some close combat techniques, he had almost forgotten them.

What's more, this is a battle between mechas, and some advanced fighting skills will not be effective at all.For example, the use of some joint skills has no effect at all at this time. With brute force, Obadai can easily torture Tony.

"I have to say, Tony, you are really a genius, creating such a perfect weapon. It is simply the pinnacle of human weapons, even a nuclear bomb cannot be compared with it. From this point of view, you are more powerful than your father Even better, but you are as emotionally idiot as your father." Obaday punched Tony on the cheek and said sarcastically.

He would be very happy if someone compared him to his father in normal times, especially when he was more accomplished than his father.

He wants to surpass his father all the time. This kind of child's rebellious thinking is quite normal and understandable. , especially Tony, did not receive much attention from his father.

"You are not worthy to talk about my father! You are even less worthy to wear this armor. You are a shameful and despicable liar and thief."

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. I never thought that the person I thought was closest to me would suddenly betray me one day.

This feeling is unbearable for most people.

"Not worthy, why am I not worthy? Who is addicted to drinking and sex all day long? Doesn't manage the company? Who shuts himself in the house and starts his own research as a shopkeeper? Who ignores the market and forcibly demands the closure of the arms department? It's you, Tony Stark, not me, Obadie Stan. I have maintained the entire company, why am I unworthy? You are the one who is truly unworthy." Obaday hoarsely faced Tony Star K shouted.

"So you're going to kill me! Betray me, in Afghanistan! In my house! I trust you so much, and I prepared this armor for you." An armor-piercing bullet hit Obadie Stein's cheek.

Launching such an armor-piercing projectile at this close range may also cause damage and influence to Tony himself.

But even Tony himself didn't expect that the defense power of the armor he made was too high. The armor-piercing projectile did penetrate the shell armor smoothly, and it did cause a lot of damage after the explosion, but it didn't Not fully penetrated.

The shock caused by the explosion made Obady a little slow. Anyway, it was controlled by people after all.

Obaday gritted his teeth, raised his hand and the steel storm fell on Tony.

Tony, who was hit by countless bullets, could only raise his arms in front of the visor.Even though the body has been fixed by external auxiliary equipment, it is constantly repelled by the impact of the steel storm.

Two cracks were easily plowed into the asphalt.

"Mark, I'm fine here, can you help Tony quickly?" Pepper looked worried at Tony, who was suppressed by Obadai at this time.

Mark also recovered from his own thinking, looking at the scene of the battle in the distance.

In this kind of melee combat without too many skills, whoever has the thickest armor has the advantage.


Back then, no one regarded those Thunder Beasts that could only fight hand-to-hand as fatal dangers.

After all, in the eyes of the human empire, these gigantic monsters are completely live targets for siege tanks and heavy mechas. During the positional battle, they can't even get close to the position.

The Ultralisk, through its diamond-shaped chitinous shell, is resistant to damage from siege tank piercing stun cannons and heavy mecha Thor's hammer-type heavy artillery.

Even the artillery of some large positions.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these giant monsters don't do enough damage.In these technical forms, my single molecule can easily cut new steel alloy plates or even rarer alien substances into pieces.

And Obadai in front of him was just like the Thunder Beast.Not only does it have an excellent defensive shell, but it can also suppress Tony's small body with the modern weapons equipped on his body.

Tony can't even use his palm cannon and the cluster cannon on his chest now.It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't have a chance at all.

"Okay, but before that, I have to send you to a safe place first." Mark was looking for Coulson who survived not far from the safe place.

He ran over in a hurry, and there was a deep wound on his shoulder, which seemed to be the injury he had just suffered when facing the Iron Overlord.

Before Mark could speak, Pepper, who always cared about others, took the initiative to ask, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's just a small injury." Coulson couldn't help but focus on the position generator that was generating a shield on the ground.

Mark knew that if he wanted to send Pepper safely out of here now, he must take this thing away, so he said to Coulson: "This is a position generator, which can open a shield to protect you. Take it Take Miss Pepper and leave. The rest of the battle will be left to me and Tony!"

Not long ago, it suffered a loss in Mark's hands. Naturally, S.H.I.E.L.D. knows Mark's combat effectiveness.So Coulson took Xiaojiao and left without saying a word.

Although the C-20 has no way to completely penetrate Obadai's outer armor, it is enough to attract his attention and destroy some weapons and equipment.

With just a bang, the steel storm equipped in Iron Tyrant's hand has been destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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