Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 197 Take away the mutants

Chapter 197 Take away the mutants

Chapter 196 Take away the Mutants

When Mark's team entered it, Mark was a little surprised.A line of defense has been established inside the relief point, and it is not known where these people gained their strength.

All in all, there are all kinds of powers, some can directly eject ice cubes, and some can release flames.These guys wear robes and hold a staff in their hands. They are definitely magicians or wizards in Western legends.

But when it comes to these mysterious aspects, it always reminds Mark of the bald head that he doesn't like very much, and the legendary boss.

After all, in this world, even Loki, the god of fire and mischief, may be a girl.Mark had reason to believe that King Arthur at that time might also have been a girl with blond hair, long hair and flat chest.

Based on experience, Mark quickly found the infected worms and the biological tumors left in the relief point.This biological tumor the size of a small dog continuously shrinks and expands, repeating this movement, spreading more viruses into the air.

Mark stopped the other team members from getting any closer.After all, the chemical protective suits on them are not completely immune to this virus, and they are likely to be eroded by this virus.

Mark pressed the special bullet into the magazine, and exploded the biological tumor with one shot.

A large number of green viruses spread out, and the ghost agents around were glad that standing at a distance was the right choice.

"Find some combustibles to pile up here, and then burn them directly to suppress these viruses as much as possible and prevent them from spreading." Mark ordered to the team members behind him.

It has to be said that the execution of these professionally trained agents is extraordinary, and soon they found a lot of combustibles and combustibles among the ruins.

Leaving aside those woods, just those gasoline and alcohol blocks are one of the standing materials at the counseling point.

This little spark fell into the combustibles, and soon the fire broke out.However, this is just the beginning.

Although the source of the virus has been removed, the impact of the virus is still there, and those infected are hopeless.

Even the talented scientist Ariel Hansen, who spent three years in university and obtained a Ph.D. in bioengineering, could not concoct an antidote to save these infected people.

And later Mark also learned through Abathur that this infection is almost irreversible.

The reason why it is said almost is because there is still a little possibility of being rescued, that is to use a large amount of spiritual energy to increase the strength of the individual, and then withstand the impact of the Sarnah Keystone.

In a way, going through what the Queen of Blades went through.

But to be honest, the possibility of implementing such a plan is quite low.

First of all, this kind of rescue itself requires the individual to have powerful spiritual energy. Let alone how to provide it, whether the body can bear it is a problem.Secondly, Keystone's attack is not so easy to withstand.

The Queen of Blades, whose body had been strengthened to that extent, was instantly paralyzed in the face of the reverse impact.This shows how terrifying this kind of impact is.

The last and most important thing is whether the individual's spirit can support him to complete this process.If you let Mark go through this process, Mark can't guarantee that his spirit can survive such a round.

The roar of helicopters sounded in the sky, and a large number of armed vehicles were also rapidly approaching this area.

Mark knew that he had to act quickly, otherwise none of the new humans here would be able to get out alive.

When Mark, a member of the ghost team, appeared, all the people who had awakened their abilities looked at Mark vigilantly.

Mark took the initiative to take off his mask, and said with a smile: "If I were you, I wouldn't be in a stalemate here. I'm here to take you away. The military helicopters have arrived, and their armored forces are also coming soon." That's it, when the time comes, you won't have a chance to escape."

One of the brave ones shouted directly: "Why should we trust you?"

"Because you don't have my choice, you can only choose to trust me, or you will be caught by the military and sliced, or you will leave with me, you have no choice. Of course, you think that with your current ability, you can fight against the military. If you don’t have Fang’s planes and tanks, then I won’t stop you, just go. But I believe their large-caliber sniper rifles can easily smash your heads.”

Living in this era, although they are far away from wars, in this country, guns are still something they can touch. They know exactly how powerful those guns are.

They didn't think that after mastering this ability, they could face the encirclement and suppression of the army and the guns in their hands.

Not to mention things like planes and tanks.

Their abilities were exhausted, and at most they would wrestle with the policemen with small-caliber pistols on the street for a while.

The alliance, which was originally built temporarily, was soon broken under Mark's words, and a group of people directly chose to follow Mark to leave.

The other group of people still choose to stay, because they still have family members here, and they cannot give up their family members.

"Captain, this is not in our action plan!" Someone in the team said at this time.

"This is not within the scope of your management." Mark stared back, exuding powerful psychic oppression from his body.

If Mark uses a little more spiritual power, Mark can instantly blow up the guy in front of him.

"Captain, I mean we can't leave with so many people, the goal is too big." The talkative team members also realized their problems.

"That's my business," Mark warned.


In fact, Mark had known for a long time that there were people arranged by Nick or Hydra in his team, but he didn't expect that they were ready to intervene in his internal affairs now.

Mark has always regarded the ghost team as his own. Now that someone dares to touch this area, Mark does not recommend cleaning them up, and now is the best opportunity.

Anyway, in this war-torn situation, all kinds of things are prone to happen.For example, the corrosive acid of the cockroach that had been popping out all of a sudden just hit the poor ghost's head, and then the whole head was corroded.

As for why the bugs appeared here, of course it was a complete coincidence.After all, no one has any evidence to prove that Mark is related to those bugs. At most, he can only sigh for that poor ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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