Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 196 Brave boy

Chapter 196 Brave boy

Chapter 195 The Brave Boy
Although there is no powerful race called mutants in this world, there are still experimental products left by the Kree people in this world.

Their names are called the Inhumans.These aliens have powerful abilities, and the most powerful of them can destroy a small city with their voices.

However, each world has its particularity, just like the human beings in this world have infinite possibilities for evolution.

Even if it is a tiny group of people, this possibility is tens of thousands of times compared to other universes!After all, in other universes, even in the worst environment, it is impossible to purify a person's own special ability.

And right now, these people who are awakening their self-abilities in desperation are trying their best to survive.Some of them may be heroes with righteous hearts, while others are villains with ulterior motives.

But now, whether they are villains or heroes, they are all doing the same thing, which is to survive and clean up these infected people.

Little Peter put on the mask of Iron Man, and his small body protected Mei behind him.He has only one idea now, which is to use his ability to protect his only relative, and he will never allow his only relative to be in danger of life.

The anti-virus masks that have been distributed for a long time are now at the right time, but it is a pity that the virus spread by the infected insects is not directly transmitted through the respiratory tract.

These viruses just falling on the surface of a person's skin are enough to completely mutate a person.

I don't know if it was God's favor, but Peter and Mei passed through the virus spreading area smoothly and came to the outermost edge of the relief point.

A gap that had been forcibly opened was right in front of their eyes.It's just that outside the gap are soldiers who are constantly shooting.

These soldiers don't care whether the people rushing out of this gap are ordinary people or infected people.

They have only one task, to prevent the virus from spreading. Everyone would rather die inside than go out.

Mei looked at the fallen people outside, and began to panic in her heart, holding Peter tightly.

Although Peter was young, he was still thinking carefully. Even though he was shocked by the picture in front of him, he quickly found a way out.

A few storage boxes were their best shelters, and through these rock masses, they quietly came to the sewer with iron nets.

Even at the temporarily established diversion points, the sewers are made of cement, and the iron grid above is still connected to electricity.But this didn't bother little Peter at all. Little Peter turned his rubber gloves, reached out and grabbed the live iron net, and with a ruthless pull, the whole iron net was torn off.

Usually such a big movement would cause commotion very quickly, but the panic on the ground completely covered up the sound.

The two of them passed through the sewer smoothly and left the diversion point. When they were about to reach the exit, Peter turned his head and looked at the sewer pipe behind him.

On the one hand, he was worried that someone would chase him, and on the other hand, he thought that he had finally escaped that hell-like place.

Just when they walked out of the sewer pipe, they found that the ghosts outside the sewer pipe were ready.

One of the ghosts was about to shoot when Mark stopped him with his hand.

"It's a normal person!" Mark said as he pressed the gun in his team member's hand.

Seeing Peter wearing Iron Man's mask, Mark couldn't help but smiled and said, "Young man, take off your mask, I want to see your face now!"

"Sir, please let us go, we are not infected, we can follow you to check, please spare our lives." Mei knew that human life is more expensive than anything else at this time, the adult world is so cruel, there is no There is no room for any fantasy.

"Madam, please don't worry, if we want to do it, we have already done it. I'm just curious, how brave is such a young man to be able to bring you out, and I want to see what this little hero looks like. What Mark said was naturally a lie, and it was impossible for an ordinary boy to attract his attention casually.

Marco and the others came near the sewer, fully preparing to enter the interior through here, and then look for the source of infection.It's just that what I didn't expect was that the boy actually took a step first.

And relying on his own strength, he tore open the solid iron net of the sewer.

Hearing what Mark said, Mei felt a little relieved.After all, man is the knife and I am the fish. This situation is too obvious. If the person on the other side really wanted to do something, he would have already done so.

Peter doesn't have any scheming now, of course, he won't have any scheming in the future, just take off the mask

After all, in front of him is the ghost of one of his idols.

"Nice lad, isn't he? Seriously, I can't wait to have you on my squad. Seriously though, if I do take you, does that count as child labor? I don't I hope the lawyer's letter will be delivered to me the next day." Mark said with a smile talking to himself.

"Sir, can we leave here now?" Peter summoned up his courage and said with his face flushed.

"Ma'am, go east from here. Here are the car keys, which are enough for you to reach a safe place. There are still some things in the car that are enough for you. I hope you will be safe in the days to come." Mark didn't care about Peter, after all that Even if the child has power now, he is still just a child, so Mark still said to May.

The two people, one big and one small, quickly disappeared in front of Mark and the others. The action team member beside Mark asked in surprise: "Captain, I don't remember, I didn't prepare any evacuation vehicles."

"Don't worry, someone will drive the car there before they get there. The child's future is limitless. The next thing is our business, cheer me up one by one, don't die in it. If anyone is infected I would shoot without hesitation. Of course it would be the same if I was infected. Do you hear me?"


Mark never expected to stop the military, showing mercy to both the infected and the non-infected civilians.Those soldiers were just implementing the plan handed over from above, and they couldn't help themselves.

There are too many such things in the interstellar era. Large-scale infection puts an entire planet on the verge of collapse, and the fleet has to execute the plan to destroy the planet. This is also a common thing.

Can you say that all the people on the whole planet are infected and deserve to die?Of course, there are not many survivors and innocent people who should be saved, but for the sake of long-term interests, they finally chose to destroy.

(End of this chapter)

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